n.paradoxa online published 21 issues between 1996 and 2010 (with the ISSN 1462-0426). The content of the online version is different from that of the print editions (ISSN 1461-0434).
n.paradoxa online issue 21, Sept 2010
n.paradoxa online issue 20, April 2008
n.paradoxa online issue 19, May 2006
n.paradoxa online issue 18, Feb 2004
n.paradoxa online issue 17, June 2003
n.paradoxa online issue 16, July 2002
n.paradoxa online issue 15, July/Sept 2001
n.paradoxa online issue 14, Feb 2001
n.paradoxa online issue 13, Sept 2000
n.paradoxa online issue 12, March 2000
n.paradoxa online issue 11, Oct 1999
n.paradoxa online issue 10, June 1999
n.paradoxa online issue 9 March 1999
n.paradoxa online issue 8 Nov 1998
n.paradoxa online issue 7, July 1998
n.paradoxa online issue 6, March 1998
n.paradoxa online issue 5, Nov 1997
n.paradoxa online issue 4, Aug 1997
n.paradoxa online issue 3, May 1997
In January 2010, the online pages of n.paradoxa were archived as PDFs from the old n.paradoxa website. They represent over 1000 pages of articles, interviews, manifestos, features on feminist art, contemporary women artists, feminist art theory and art history internationally.
The articles from these 21 issues of n.paradoxa (ISSN 1462-0426) are free and available to researchers to read online or to print. You can also search for material in "search articles"
Click on to open individual PDFs of articles or click on the Issue number below to read the entire issue as one PDF.
Copyright of all material in n.paradoxa lies with the authors. Please respect their copyright. None of these articles may be reproduced without permission from the publisher and the author. This includes reproduction on any other website or in any other form of digital or electronic archive or in print.
Download a PDF of complete issue :n.paradoxa online issue 9 March 1999
Angelika Beckmann
n.paradoxa's feminist art salons
Katy Deepwell's feminist art seminars
n.paradoxa/ICA (2011)
Documentation of the Local/Global Conference 2017
and Feminist Art Activisms conference 2018
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