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international feminist art journal

You can search for articles published by n.paradoxa (ISSN: 1461-0434) in the following ways:

or go to Full Text Search of Print Journal Articles
Author's name:
To limit search to authors last names beginning with "A", type "A" in the search field or use only the first 3 letters of any author's last name.
Country search: Type country name (UK, USA are used) or use 'International', which is given only for projects or articles where artists from more than two countries are included. These countries represent where authors or artists are living and working in articles published by n.paradoxa.
Or use the cloud list below to look at material from different countries from the print editions.
Title search: The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. Titles in n.paradoxa frequently include the names of artists discussed.

This search facility includes articles published in n.paradoxa's online issues.(These 21 issues (not volumes) 1996-2010, had different material from the print journal and the ISSN: 1462-0426). Material from the 21 issues of n.paradoxa online remains free. They were only published online.

<<< Abstracts for articles are now available on the volume-detail pages. Click "Abstract".
n.paradoxa also has a full text search of the PDFs in the printed volumes.
Results of search by country, author, title, link directly to articles. Print is available to purchase.

Cloud List of countries
either where authors or artists published in n.paradoxa

live and work or where the artists discussed live and work.