These evening salons were an informal networking and exchange event for women
artists, writers, critics and curators who readily identify themselves
with feminist art practices and wanted to discuss feminist ideas,
recent and/or future opportunities and art projects.
Most artists brought their latest projects to show and then discussed issues and ideas arising from their practice or their situation.
During the seven months of the salon, over 140 women attended. Different people came to most events, including many contributors to the journal.
London-Berlin (a one-off salon, 15 March 2014)
A special London-Berlin salon took place on Saturday 15 March 2014
for women artists, writers and curators.
This two hour event was held simultaneously at:-
London: Beaconsfield, 22 Newport Street, London, SE11 6AY
and Berlin: Sophiensæle, Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin, Germany.
This feminist art salon involved a unique partnership between n.paradoxa's salon and ff group based in Berlin, with Beaconsfield. It was only possible because of the telematics setup created by Station House Opera for their performance Dissolved between Beaconsfield, London and Sophiensæle, Berlin, for three weeks in March. Station House Opera's event was organised by Arts Admin.
Around 35 women attended in London and Berlin.
Participants at the London-Berlin event were able to connect on a TV projection screen linking the two venues.
These two photos show the London site, and women in Berlin on the screen. The images of the women in London were combined with the images of women in Berlin on the projection system.
The editor of n.paradoxa, Katy Deepwell, as well as contributors to the journal were present in London and Berlin.
Mathilde ter Heijne and other members of ff group were present in London and Berlin.