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international feminist art journal

All books on feminist art and women artists

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Notes: Monographs and individual artists' exhibition catalogues are not included in this list, except where they are explicitly feminist and provide a key role model for feminist art practice. You can look at exhibitions and anthologies separately by moving to those pages.
For authors' last names use capital letter first. For those beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK. "International" (use Capital "I") is the category used for projects where artists from more than 3 countries are involved. Books and exhibitions under "International" are in addition to those listed as individual countries. New sections have been added for geographical regions/ continents: Asia, Africa, Pacific, Middle East, South America, Scandanavia. These categories are in addition to individual countries listed. So, for searches in Africa, look also in Nigeria and Egypt.
The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. This search is for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported. Artists' last names can also be searched in the title section, if they are in a book or exhibition title.

Below is a list of key books from the database, listed alphabetical by author's last name. (It's not comprehensive, and your search for names may reveal more!)


Art Works of Hong Kong Women Artists '91 (The Hong Kong Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Culture, 1991)

Sonia Abadzieva Deep Breathing (Skopje: Skenpoint, 2001) More

Andrea Abalia, Txaro Arrazola, Raquel Asensi et al Arte, Investigación y Feminismos (available as downloadable PDF, Spainish text) (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, 2018)

Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico City (USA: University of Nebraska Press, 2019)

Kathy Acker and Robin Kahn, Antal Ronell Time Capsule: A Concise Encyclopedia by Women Artists (Creative Time, 1995)

Parveen Adams The Emptiness of the Image: Psychoanalysis and Sexual Differences (Routledge, 1995) More

Tessa Adams and Andrea Duncan The feminine case : Jung, aesthetics and creative process (London ; New York : Karnac, 2003)

Lene Adler Petersen Kvindetegnet (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2010) More

Annika Aitken, Dr Isobel Crombie, Megan Patty, Dr Maria Quirk and Myles Russell-Cook eds She Persists: Perspectives on Women in Art and Design (Australia: National Gallery of Victoria, 2020)

Arna Alexander Bontemps Forever Free: Art by African-American Women (Alexandria, Va.: Stephenson, 1980)

Juan Vicente Aliaga Arte y cuestiones de género: una travesía del siglo XX (Editorial Nerea, 2004)

Edith Almhofer Performance Art: die Kunst zu Leben (Wien: Bohlau, 1986)

Caroline Ambrus The Unseen Art Scene: 32 Australian Women Artists (Woden: ACT: Irrepresssible Press, 1995)

Rhea Anastas, Michael Brenson eds Witness to Her Art: Art and Writings by Adrian Piper, Mona Hatoum, Cady Noland, Jenny Holzer, Kara Walker, Daniela Rossell and Eau de Cologne (Bard College, 2007)

Alice Andersen Konnets Aesthetiik : bidrag til en 'betydelse' af kvindeligheden (Denmark: Aarhus Universitets Forlag, 1989)

Christina Z. Anderson Tutti Nudi: Reflections on the Nude from the Greeks to the Twenty-First Century (New York: Midmarch, 2000) More

Gabor Andrasi ed Erotics and Sexuality in Hungarian Art (Budapest: League of non-profit art spaces, 1999)

Muriel Andrin (et al) eds Femmes et critique(s): lettres, arts, cinéma (Namur : Presses universitaires de Namur, 2009)

Suzanne Anker and Dorothy Nelkin The Molecular Gaze: Art in the Genetic Age (New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004) More

Ida Applebroog Benjamin Lignel ed Ida Applebroog Are You Bleeding Yet? (New York: la maison Red, 2002) More

Gil Appleton Women in the Arts: A Study by the Research Advisory Group of the Women & the Arts Project (Australia: Sydney, 1982)

Århus Universitet Køn & identitet (Institut for Æstetiske Fag, Afdeling for Kunsthistorie, Århus Universitet, 2003)

Marion Arnold Women and Art in South Africa (Cape Town: David Phillip, 1996)

Marion Arnold and Brenda Schmahmann eds Between Union and liberation : women artists in South Africa 1910-1994 (Aldershot : Ashgate, 2005)

Marion Arnold and Marsha Meskimmon eds Home/Land: Women, Citizenship, Photographies (Liverpool University Press, 2016)

Alejandro Arosetegui Mujeres (Nicaragua: CODICE: Galeria de Arte Contemporaneo, 1993)

Sara Arrhenius and Friedrich Meschede eds Works by Annika Eriksson (Leipzig: DAAD, IASPIS, Propexus, Revolver, 2005) More

Elisabeth Ashburn Lesbian Art: An Encounter with Power (Australia: Craftsman House, USA: Gordon and Breach, 1996)

Association Femmes et mathématiques, France Rencontres entre artistes et mathématiciennes: toutes un peu les autres (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2001)

Claudia Attimonelli and Caterina Tomeo eds L’ elettronica è donna. Media, corpi, pratiche transfemministe e queer (Italian text) (Caestellvechi, Rome, 2022)

Australia Council Women in the Arts: A Strategy for Action (North Sydney: Australia Council, 1984)

Axis : Deanna Herst, Jan Torpus, Alex Schaub Axis: Gender, Media, Art (Amsterdam: Axis, (a CD-Rom), 1999) More

Virginia Ayllon and Fernando Machicado Vola entre Sonidos,Colores y Palabras (mujer y actividad cultural en la prensa boliviana, 1991) (Bolivia: La Paz: CIDEM, 1992)

Matthew Baigell and Renee Baigell Peeling Potatoes, Painting Pictures: Women Artists in Post-Soviet Russia, Estonia & Latvia, The First Decade (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2001)

Sascia Bailer Caring Infrastructures: Transforming the Arts through Feminist Curating (Transcript Verlag, 2024)

E. Baker and T.Hess eds Art and Sexual Politics (New York,London, 1971)

Mieke Bal Louise Bourgeois' Spider: the Architecture of Art-Writing (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001)

Rakhee Balaram Counterpractice: Psychoanalysis, politics and the art of French feminism (Manchester University Press, 2022)

Anna Ball Forced migration in the feminist imagination : transcultural movements (Routledge, 2021)

Erika Balsom and Hila Peleg Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image (MIT press, 2022)

Grace Banks Play With Me: Dolls, Women and Art (Lawrence King, 2017)

Bettina Bannasch and Stephanie Waldow eds Lust? : Darstellungen von Sexualität in der Gegenwartskunst von Frauen (Paderborn : Fink , 2008)

Jennifer Banta ed Cultural Confluences: The Art of Lenore Chinn (San Francisco: APICC, 2011)

A. Banti Quando Anche le Donne si Misero a Dipingere (Italy: Milan, 1982)

Olga Barrios Herrero La Mujer en las artes visuales y escenicas: Transgresion, pluralidad y compromiso social (Fundamentos, 2010)

Roberta Barros elogio ao toque: ou como falar de arte feminista a brasilera (Rio de Janeiro: Relacionarte , 2016)

Orla Barry Portable Stones (Belgium: SMAK, exhibition catalogue, 2005) More

Eli Bartra Feminism and Folk Art: Case Studies in Mexico, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil (USA: Lexington, 2019)

Eli Bartra Crafting Gender: Women and Folk Art in Latin America and the Caribbean (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003) More

Eli Bartra, María Guadalupe Huacuz Elías eds. Mujeres, feminismo y arte popular ([México, D.F.] : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco : Obra Abierta Ediciones, 2015)

Kathy Battista Re-Negotiating the Body: Feminist Art in 1970s London (London: I B Tauris, 2011)

Kathy Battista New York, New Wave: The Legacy of Feminist Artists in Emerging Practices (IB Tauris, 2019)

Jean Baudrillard and Sophie Calle Suite Venetienne/Please Follow Me (Seattle: Bay Press, 1988)

Jennifer Baumgardner, Amy Richards eds Manifesta [10th Anniversary Edition]: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010)

S. Baumgart and and G. Birkle, M. Fend, B. Gotz, A. Klier, B. Uppenkamp eds Denkraume:Zwischen Kunst und Wissenchaft: 5.Kunsthistorikerinnin-Tagung in Hamburg (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1993)

Kyra Belan Earth, Spirit and Gender: Visual Language for the New Reality (American Heritage, 1997)

Katnira Bello y Julia Antivilo Monica Mayer: Intimidades… o no. Arte, vida y feminismo ( Editorial Diecisiete, 2021)

Jill Bennett Practical Aesthetics (London: IB Tauris, 2012)

Ruth Ben-Tovim and Trish O'Shea Encounters: The Shop Collections (UK: Sheffield, Site Gallery, 2006) More

Mirna Berberovic, Teja Reba eds City of Women/Reflecting/2018/2019 (Slovenia: Mesto Zensk (City of Women) Festival, 2019)

Renate Berger Malerinnen auf dem Weg ins. 20 Jahrhundert: Kunstgeschichte also sozialgeschichte (Cologne, DuMont, 1982)

Renate Berger 'Und ich sehe nichtes,nichts als die Malerei'. Autobiographische Texte von Kunstlerinnen des 18. bis 20 Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt am Main, 1987)

Karine Bergès, Florence Binard, Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec Féminismes du XXIe siècle : une troisième vague? (Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017)

Renate Bertlmann Amo Ergo Sum (3 Vols) (Germany: Klagenfurt, Ritter Verlag, 1989)

Susan Best Visualizing Feeling: Affect and the feminine avant-garde (London: IB Tauris, 2011)

Susan Best Visualizing Feeling, Affect and the Feminine Avant-garde (I.B. Tauris, London, 2011)

Rosemary Betterton Maternal bodies in the visual arts (Manchester: Manchester University Press (1st ed. 2014), 2018)

Rosemary Betterton An Intimate Distance: Women Artists and the Body (London: Routledge, 1996) More

Carla Bianpoen Into the Future: Indonesian Women Artists (Jakarta: Afterhours books, 2019)

Carla Bianpoen, Farah Wardani, Wulan Dirgantoro Indonesian Women Artists (Jakarta: Yayasan Semirupa Indonesia, 2007)

Elizabeth Biasio 'The Burden of Women - Women Artists in Ethiopia' New Trends in Ethiopian Studies: Papers of the 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (New Brunswick: The Red Sea Press & Michigan State University, 1994)

Ursula Biemann Been There and Back to Nowhere: Gender in Transnational Spaces (post-production documents, 1988-2000) (Berlin: b_books, 2000) More

Geraldine P. Biller ed Latin American Women Artists,1915-1995 (USA:Milwaukee Art Museum, 1995)

Susanne Binas-PreisendOrfer Zur Merkliste hinzufügen Erfolgreiche KUnstlerinnen : Arbeiten zwischen Eigensinn und Kulturbetrieb (Essen : Klartext-Verl, 2003)

Derek Birdsall and Bruce Bernard Evelyn Williams: Works and Words (London: Omnific, 1998) More

Jacqueline Bishop Patchwork: Essays & Interviews on Caribbean Visual Culture (Bristol: Intellect, 2023)

Michael Blackwood (Director) Reclaiming the body : feminist art in America (DVD recording, not book, of Bad Girls' exhibitions and artists) (Michael Blackwood Productions in association with Saarlandischer Rundfunk, 2005)

Debra J. Blake Chicana sexuality and gender: cultural refiguring in literature, oral history, and art (Durham : Duke University Press, 2008)

Lilianne Blanc Elle sera Poete, elle aussi; les femmes et la creation artistique (Paris: Diff. Inter-forum, 1991)

Rosana Blanco Cano Cuerpos disidentes del México imaginado: cultura, género, etnia y nación más allá del proyecto posrevolucionario (Madrid : Iberoamericana, 2010)

Joani Blank ed Femalia (Last Gasp, San Francisco, 2012)

Jane Blocker What the Body Cost: Desire, History, and Performance (University of Minnesota Press, 2004)

Jane Blocker Where is Ana Mendieta? Identity, Performance and Exile (USA: Duke University Press, 1998)

Jane Blocker Seeing Witness: Visuality and the Ethics of Testimony (University of Minnesota Press, 2009) More

Lisa Bloom ed With Other Eyes: Looking at Race and Gender in Visual Culture (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999) More

Lisa Bloom Jewish Identities in American Feminist Art: Ghosts of Ethnicity (London & New York: Routledge, 2006) More

Jacqueline Bobo Black Women Film & Video Artists (London: Routledge, 1998)

Jacqueline Bobo Black feminist cultural criticism (Malden, Mass. ; Oxford : Blackwell, 2001)

Stephen Bode ed Jananne Al-Ani (London: Film and Video Umbrella, 2005) More

Monica Bohm-Duchen ed. Rubies and Rebels: Jewish Female Identity in Contemporary British Art (Lund Humphries, 1996)

Barbara Bolt Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image (London IB Tauris, 2004) More

Marie-Jo Bonnet Les femmes dans l'art: qu'est-ce que les femmes ont apporté à l'art? (Paris : Éditions de la Martinière, 2004)

Frances Borzello Women Artists: A Graphic Guide (London: Camden, 1986)

Frances Borzello A World of Our Own: Women As Artists (London: Thames and Hudson, 2000) More

Chukwuemeka Bosah The Art of Nigerian Women (Ohio: Ben Bosah, 2017)

Carol Boulbès ed Femmes, attitudes performatives (Dijon : Les Presses du réel,, 2014)

Sylvia Bovenschen Die Imaginierte Weiblichkeit. Exemparische Untersuchungen zu Kulturgeschichtlichen und literarischen Praesentationsformen des Weiblichen (, 1979)

Lionel Bovier, Douglas Eklund, Fabrice Stroun Ericka Beckman, The Super-8 Trilogy (Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2013)

Johanna Braun Hysterical methodologies in the arts : rising in revolt (Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

Gisela Breitling Die Spuren des Schiffs in den Wellen - eine autobiographische Suche nach den Frauen in der Kunstgesichte (Berlin, 1980)

Gisela Breitling Der Verborgene Eros - Weiblichkeit und Mannlichkeit im Zerrspeigel der Kunste (Frankfurt, Aufsatze, 1990)

Deborah Bright Photography & Sexuality: The Passionate Camera (London: Routledge, 1997)

Susie Bright and Jill Posener Nothing But the Girl: the Blatant Lesbian Image (Cassell, 1996)

Martine Brinkhuis Koppeltekens: vier Kunstenaarsparen vier Dialogen (Amsterdam: In de Knipscheer, 1993)

Judith Brodsky and Ferris Olin ed. The fertile crescent : gender, art, and society (New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Institute for Women and Art ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2012)

Norma Broude and Mary Garrard Introducing Feminist Art History (ebook) (Amazon, 2014)

Julia R. Brown, Radmila Stefkova, Tamara R. Williams Women Photographers and Mexican Modernity Framing the Twentieth Century (Routledge, 2024)

Julia Bryan-Wilson Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era (University of California Press, 2011) More

Julia Bryan-Wilson Fray: Art and Textile Politics (University of Chicago Press, 2017)

Anna Brzyski ed Partisan Canons (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007)

Elke Linda Buchholz Künstlerinnen : von der Renaissance bis heute (Munich: Prestel, 2003)

Rachel Epp Buller ed Reconciling Art and Mothering (UK; Ashgate Publishing, 2012)

Noel Burch and Helene Marquie eds Emancipation sexuelle ou contrainte des corps ? (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2006)

Lene Burkard ed Julie Roberts - in retro (Odense: Kunsthallen Brandts, 2008) More

Janine Burke Field of Vision: A Decade of Change: Women's Art in the 1970's (Australia: Viking, Victoria, 1990)

Johanna Burton ed Cindy Sherman (October Files series Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2006)

Ilaria Bussoni and Raffaella Perna eds Il gesto femminista. La rivolta delle donne: nel corpo, nel lavoro, nell'arte (The feminist gesture. Women's revolt: body, work, art, 2014) (, 2014)

Maria Elena Buszek ed Extra/Ordinary: Craft and Contemporary Art (Duke University Press, 2011)

Cornelia Butler From Conceptualism to Feminism: Lucy Lippard's Numbers shows, 1969-1974 (London: Afterall Books, 2012)

Helen C. Chapman ed Memory in Perspective: Women Photographers Encounters with History (Nexus Volume 3, London: Scarlet Press, 1997)

Claudia Calirman Dissident Practices: Brazilian Women Artists, 1960s-2020s (Duke University Press, 2023)

Sophie Calle Exquisite Pain (London: Thames and Hudson, French edition: Arles: Actes Sud, 2003) More

Sophie Calle (Introduction: James Putnam) Appointment (London: Thames and Hudson with Violette Editions.exhibition catalogue from London: Freud Museum, 2005) More

Margaret Camus ed Création au féminin. Volume 2, Arts visuels (Vol. 1, Littérature),(Vol. 3, Creation, 2007) (Dijon : Éd. universitaires de Dijon, Kaleidoscope, 2006)

Marian L.F. Cao Creacion artistica y mujeres recuperar la memoria (Madrid: Narcea, 2000)

Susana Carro Fernandez Mujeres de Ojos Rojos: Del arte feminista al arte femenino (Trea, 2010)

Susana Carro Fernández Mujeres de ojos rojos : del arte feminista al arte femenino (Gijón : Trea, D.L., 2010)

Sue-Ellen Case Feminist and Queer Performance: Critical Strategies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

CEED (Central Eastern Europe) Feminisms Working Group CEED Feminisms Bibliography (London: Cell Project Space, 2024)

Whitney Chadwick Framed (London: Macmillan, 1998) More

Whitney Chadwick The Militant Muse: Love, War and the Women of Surrealism (Thames and Hudson, 2017)

Whitney Chadwick, Bia Markel, Alexandra Reiff eds Contemporary feminist studies and its relation to art history and visual studies (conference papers, 2007) (Goteborg: Goteborg Universitet, 2010)

Suzanne Chan Critical Diaspora: Women, Art and Migration (London: IB Tauris, 2013)

Nicholas Chare, Jeanette Hoorn, Audrey Yue eds Re-reading the Monstrous-Feminine: Art, Film, Feminism and Psychoanalysis (Routledge, 2019)

Myrel Chernick and Jennie Klein The M Word: Real Mothers in Contemporary Art (Ontario: Demeter Press, 2011)

Eva-Maria Chibici-Revneanu ed Frauen in der Kunst (Graz, Josef-Krainer-Haus, Bildungszentrum der ÖVP Steiermark, 1999)

Judy Chicago Through the Flower: My Struggle as a Woman Artist (NY:Garden City/Doubleday/ Anchor, 1986)

Judy Chicago The Dinner Party: From Creation to Preservation (London: Merrell, 2007)

Red Chidgey Feminist Afterlives: Assemblage Memory in Activist Times (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018)

Jane Chin Davidson Staging art and Chineseness: The politics of trans/nationalism and global expositions (Manchester University Press, 2019)

Kelly Clark Keefe Invoking Mnemosyne: art, memory and the uncertain emergence of a feminist embodied mythology (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2010)

Danielle Cliche and Ritva Mitchell, Andreas Joh. Weisand eds Pyramid or Pillars: Unveiling the Status of Women in Arts and Media Professions in Europe (Germany: ARCult Media/ERICarts/ZfKf, 2001)

Silvie Coellier Lygia Clark (L'enveloppe) La fin de la modernite et le desir du contact (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003) More

Colectivo Ma Colère Mi cuerpo es un campo de batalla : [análisis y testimonios] (València : Ediciones La Burbuja, 2007)

Judith Collard 'Spiral Women: Locating Lesbian Activism in New Zealand Feminist Art, 1975-1992' Journal of the History of Sexuality Vol. 15, No. 2 (May, 2006), pp. 292-320 (University of Texas, 2006)

Josephine Penelope Collet Women Contesting the Mainstream Discourses of the Art World (New York: Lewiston: E Mellen Press, 2004)

Georgia Collins and Renee Sandell Women, Art and Education ((USA) National Art Education Association , 1984)

Georgia Collins and Renee Sandell eds Gender issues in art education : content, contexts, and strategies (Reston, Va. : National Art Education Association, 1996)

Victoria Combalía Amazonas con pincel 2 (Spain: SD, 2022)

Joan Copjec Imagine There's No Woman: Ethics and Sublimation (Cambridge, Mass: MIT press, 2003) More

Vanessa Corby Eva Hesse: longing,belonging and displacement (London: IB Tauris, 2010) More

Karen Cordero Reiman and Ivan Acebo Choy Sin Centenario ni bicentenario: revoluciones alternas (Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2009)

John Corso Esquivel Feminist Subjectivities in Fiber Art and Craft: Shadows of Affect (Routledge, 2019)

COSAW Women's Collective Like a House on Fire: Contemporary Women's Writing, Art & Photography from South Africa (S.Africa: Fordsaw: COSAW Publishing, 1994)

Laura Cottingham Seeing Through the Seventies: Essays on Feminism and Art (Amsterdam: G+B Arts International, 2000)

Paul Couillard ed Ironic to Iconic: The Performance of Tanya Mars (Toronto: FADO performance, 2008) More

Margaret Courtney-Clarke Tableaux d'Afrique: l'art Mural des Femmes de l'Ouest (Paris: Arthand, 1980)

Elizabeth Cowie Representing the Woman (University of Minnesota Press, 1996)

Christine Craig The Changing Status of Women in the Arts: A Preliminary Reference (Kingston,Jamaica: Women's Bureau, 1975)

Abigail Crompton ed Truth Bomb: Inspirations from the mouths and minds of women artists (Thames and Hudson, 2021)

Laboria Cuboniks The Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation (London: Verso, 2018)

Tricia Cusack, Síghle Bhreathnach-Lynch eds Art, Nation and Gender: Ethnic Landscapes, Myths and Mother-Figures (1st ed. 2003) (Routledge, 2017)

Cutting Edge Research Group Digital Desires: Language, Identity and New Technologies (London: IB Tauris, 2000) More

Aline Dallier, Frank Popper Réflexions sur l'exil, l'art et l'Europe : entretiens avec Aline Dallier (Paris : Klincksieck, 1998, )

Aline Dallier-Popper, Claudine Romeo (interview) Art, féminisme, post-féminisme: un parcours de critique d'art (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009)

Pen Dalton The Gendering of Art Education: Modernism, Identity and Critical Feminism (Buckingham, Open University, 2001) More

Lisa Darms ed The Riot Grrrl Collection (Feminist Press, 2013)

Elif Darstarli and F. Melis Cin Feminist Art in Resistance: Aesthetics, Methods and Politics of Art in Turkey (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)

Flaudette May V. Datuin Home, Body, Memory: Filipina Artists in the Visual Arts,19th Century to the Present (Quezon City: University of Philippines Press, 2002) More

Karen Mary Davalos Exhibiting mestizaje : Mexican (American) museums in the diaspora (Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2001)

Cecily Davis Women Artists of Australia (Balwyn,Victoria: Five Milk Press, 1992)

Heather Davis DESIRE CHANGE: Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada (McGill-Queen's University: Mentoring Artists for Women's Art, Canada, 2017) More

Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Alma López eds. Our Lady of Controversy (Alma Lopez) (University of Texas, 2011)

Ellen de Bruijne ed L.A.Raeven: Analyse/Research (Hatje Cantz, 2010) More

Serrano de Haro Mujeres en el Arte (Barcelona: Plaza and Janes, 2000)

Rocío de la Villa Crítica de arte desde una perspectiva de género (Colección Textos Mínimos, Universidad de Málaga, 2021)

Catherine de Zegher and Griselda Pollock eds Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger: Art as Compassion (Belgium: ASA publishers and MER, Paper Kunsthalle, 2011)

Francoise d'Eaubonne Historie de l'art et lutte des sexes (Paris: Edition de la difference, 1977)

Katy Deepwell ed De-/Anti-/Post-colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Crafts (KT press, 2023)

Katy Deepwell Dialogues: Women Artists from Ireland (London: IB Tauris, 2005)

Katy Deepwell ed Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms (Netherlands: Valiz, 2020) More

Vidya Dehejia Representing the Body: Gender Issues in Indian Art (Delhi, Kali, 1997)

Tal Dekel Gendered: Art and Feminist Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013)

Tal Dekel Transnational Identities: Women, Art, and Migration in Contemporary Israel (USA: Wayne State University Press, 2016)

Johanna Demetrakas (Director) Womanhouse [videorecording about the Feminist Art Program of the California Institute of the Arts] (originally made in 1974) (New York: Women Make Movies, 2006)

Rosalyn Deutsche Not-Forgetting: Contemporary Art and the Interrogation of Mastry (University of Chicago Press, 2022)

Rosalyn Deutsche Not-Forgetting Contemporary Art and the Interrogation of Mastery (University of Chicago Press, 2022)

Angela Dimitrakaki Gender, artWork and the global imperative: A materialist feminist critique (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013)

Wulan Dirgantoro Feminisms and Contemporary Art in Indonesia: Defining Experiences (Amsterdam University Press, 2017)

Yvonne P. Doderer DOING BEYOND GENDER. Interviews zu Positionen und Praxen in Kunst, Kultur und Medien. (Münster: Monsenstein & Vannerdat, 2008)

Ronald Dotterer, S. Kraft and S. Bowers eds Politics, Gender and the Arts: Women, the Arts and Society (Selingrove, Philadelphia: Susquehanna University Press, 1988, 1992)

Gen Doy Seeing and Consciousness: Women, Class and Representation (Oxford: Berg, 1995)

Jennifer Doyle Sex objects : art and the dialectics of desire (Minneapolis, Minn. ; London : University of Minnesota Press, 2006)

Nicole Dubreuil-Blondin 'Feminism and Modernism Paradoxes' in B.Buchloh, S.Guilbaut, D.Solkin (eds) Modernism and Modernity: Vancouver Conference Papers (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Press, 1983)

Fabienne Dumont Des sorcières comme les autres: artistes et féministes dans la France des années 1970 (Rennes: Presse Universite de Rennes, 2014)

Fabienne Dumont Des sorcieres comme les autres - Artistes et feministes dans la France des annees 1970 (Rennes, PUR, 2014)

Carol Duncan The aesthetics of power : essays in the critical art history (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993)

Dinah Dysart and Hannah Fink Asian Women Artists (Australia: Craftsman House, 1996) More

Laura E. Perez Eros Ideologies: Writings on Art, Spirituality, and the Decolonial. (Duke University Press, 2019)

Elizabeth Eastmond and M. Penfold Women and the Arts in New Zealand (Auckland: Harmondsworth, UK; Penguin, 1986)

Lucinda Ebersole and Diane Apostolos-Cappadonna Women Creativity and the Arts: Critical & Autbiographical Perspectives (New York: Continuum, 1995)

Michi Ebner Genie, Kunst & Identität : Lebensentwürfe und Strategien bildender Künstlerinnen (Frankfurt, M. ; Berlin ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York, NY ; Oxford ; Wien : Lang , 2010)

Michi Ebner Genie, Kunst & Identitat : Lebensentwürfe und Strategien bildender Kunstlerinnen (Frankfurt-am-Main: Lang, 2010)

Mary Beth Edelson The Art of Mary Beth Edelson (New York: Seven Cycles, 2002) More

Sylvia Eiblmayr Die Frau als Bild: Der Weibliche Korper in der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1993)

Silvia Eiblmayr Zehn Jahre: Galerie im Taxispalais / Ten Years: Galerie im Taxispalais Dokumentation 1999-2008 (Austria: Galerie im Taxispalais, 2008) More

Silvia Eiblmayr and Dirk Snauwaert, Ulrich Wilmes, Matthias Winzen eds Die verletzte Diva: Hysterie, Korper, Technik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts/The Wounded Diva: Hysteria, Body and Technique in Twentieth Century Art (Koln: Oktagon, 2000) More

Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky, Zhang Er The Art of Women in Contemporary China: Both Sides Now. (Edinburgh: Scholars Press , 2020 )

Kate Eichhorn The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order (Riot Grrrls) (Temple University Press, 2013)

Daly Eileen and Melanie Keen eds Necessary Journeys (Arts Council of England: Decibel, Blackworld, 2005) More

Kathryn Elder ed The Films of Joyce Wieland (Toronto: Cinematheque Ontario, 1999)

ELIA Artemisia - Boosting Gender Equality in Higher Arts Education (ELIA, 2000 )

Jane Elizabeth Lavery, Sarah Bowskill, Thea Pitman eds The Multimedia Works of Contemporary Latin American Women Artists and Writers: 4 (Tamesis Studies in Popular and Digital Cultures) (Tamesis Books, 2023)

Lauren Elkin Art Monsters: Unruly Bodies in Feminist Art (Chatto and Windus, 2023)

Catherine Elwes Video Loupe: a collectin of essays by and about the videomaker and critic Catherine Elwes (London: KT Press, 2000) More

Perin Emel Yavuz Genre, féminisme et valeur de l'art (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009)

Brigitte Enzner-Probst Frauenliturgien als Performance : die Bedeutung von Corporealität in der liturgischen Praxis von Frauen (Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener , 2008)

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Laura Fantone Local Invisibility, Postcolonial Feminisms: Asian American Contemporary Artists in California (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)

Lisa E. Farrington Creating their Own Image: the history of African-Americam Women Artists (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005)

Phoebe Farris ed Women Artists of Colour: A bio-critical Sourcebook to 20th Century Artists in the Americas (Westport, Conneticut: Greenwood Press, 1990)

Fariba Farshad Masques of Shahrazad: Three Generations of Iranian Women Artists (London: Candlestar, 2009)

Catherine Fehily and Jane Fletcher, Kate Newton I Spy: Representations of Childhood (London: I. B. Tauris, 2000) More

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Nina Felshin But is It Art? : The Spirit of Art as Activism (Seattle,Bay Press, 1995)

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Jill Fields ed Entering the Picture: Judy Chicago, The Fresno Feminist Art Program and the Collective Visions of Women Artists. (New York: Routledge, 2012)

Karen Finley Shut Up and Love Me (Artspace Books, 1998)

Penny Florence Sexed Universals in Contemporary Art (New York: Allworth Press, 2004) More

Rebecca Fortnum British Women Artists (London: IB Tauris, 2007)

Alicia Foster Tate Women Artists (London: Tate Publishing, 2004) More

Lauren Fournier Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism (MIT, 2021)

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Frauen Museum, Bonn Dritte Kunstmarkt der Kunstlerinnen (Bonn: Frauen Museum, 1986)

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Annegret Friedrich ed Projektionen - Rassismus und Sexismus in der visuellen Kultur (Marburg : Jonas-Verl. , 1997)

Flavia Frigeri Women Artists: Art Essentials (Thames and Hudson, 2019)

Joanna Frueh Clairvoyance (for those in the desert) Performance Pieces, 1979-2004 (Durham and London: duke University Press, 2008) More

Joanna Frueh Erotic Faculties (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996)

Joanna Frueh Monster Beauty: Building the Body of Love (Berkeley:University of California Press, 2001) More

Judith Fryer Davidov Women's Camera Work : Self/Body/Other in American Visual Culture (Duke University Press, 1998)

Coco Fusco English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas (New York, 1995)

Coco Fusco et al The Latina Artist: The Response of the Creative Mind to Gender, Race, Class and Identity (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ Press, 1998)

Peggy Gale and Lisa Steele Video Re/View (Canada Toronto: Art Metropole & VTape, 1996)

Elizabeth Jessie Garber Feminist polyphony : a conceptual understanding of feminist art criticism in the 1980s (Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1989)

Rachel Garfield Experimental Filmmaking and Punk : Feminist Audio Visual Culture in the 1970s and 1980s (London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)

Cheri Gaulke and Laurel Klick eds Feminist Art Workers: A History (LA: Otis College of Art and Design, 2012)

Delia Gaze ed Dictionary of Women Artists 2 Vols. (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997)

GEDOK Gegenlicht - 60 Jahre Gedok (Berlin,GEDOK, 1986)

Rae George Women Artists Since 1900: Has their role changed? (Glasgow: Boom books, 2022)

Masha Gessen Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot (Riverhead:Granta , 2014)

Helga Geyer-Ryan Fables of desire : studies in the ethics of art and gender (Cambridge : Polity, 1994)

Jools Gilson, Nicola Moffat eds Textiles, Community and Controversy : The Knitting Map (Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019)

Wong Gina See-Yuen Global feminisms in feminist art and their new challenges (Hong Kong University, PhD, 2007)

Alison Gingeras ed Great Women Painters (Phaidon, 2022)

Ferren Gipson Women's Work: From Feminine Arts to Feminist Art (London: Frances Lincoln, 2022)

Guerrilla Girls The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art (UK,Harmondsworth,Penguin, 1988)

Guerrilla Girls The Banana Report: The Guerrilla Girls Review the Whitney (exhibition catalogue, The Clocktower, New York, 1987)

Andrea Giunta The Political Body: Stories on Art, Feminism, and Emancipation in Latin America (Oakland : University of California Press, 2023)

Andrea Giunta Avant-Garde, Internationalism, and Politics: Argentine Art in the Sixties (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007)

Andrea Giunta Feminismo y arte latinoamericano: Historias de artistas que emanciparon el cuerpo (Siglio XX: Arte y pensamiento, 2018)

Jorunn Svensen Gjerden, Kari Jegerstedt, Željka Švrljuga eds Exploring the Black Venus figure in aesthetic practices (Leiden ; Boston : Koninklijke Brill , 2019)

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Nan Goldin Nan Goldin : Ten Years After (Scalo Publishers, 2005)

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Karen Gonzalez Rice Long Suffering: American Endurance Art as Prophetic Witness (University of Michigan Press, 2016) More

Semíramis González, Marta Pérez Ibáñez y Carolina Rodovalho eds Desigualdad de género en el sistema del arte en España (Menades Editorial, 2020)

Emily Elizabeth Goodman Food, Feminism, and Women’s Art in 1970s Southern California (Routledge, 2022)

Helen Gorrill Women Can’t Paint: Gender, the Glass Ceiling and Values in Contemporary Art (Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020)

Uta Grab Muller and Monika Katz Zwischen Anpassung und Widerspruch Beitrage zur Frauenforschung am Osteuropa (Berlin: Harrassowitz Verlag/ Institut der Frein Universitat, 1993)

Grace Grace Grace GraceGraceGrace explore gen-age* (*gender and ageing) (London: Live Arts Development Agency, 2019)

Mayo Graham Some Canadian Women Artists (Canada: National Gallery of Canada, 1975)

Catherine Grant A Time of One's Own: Histories of Feminism in Contemporary Art (Duke University Press, 2022)

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Isabelle Graw Die Bessare Halfte: Kunstlerinnen des 20 und 21 Jahrhunderts (Cologne: du Mont Verlag, 2003)

Germaine Greer The Obstacle Race (London: IB Tauris, 2001) More

Sylvia Grevel ; Mieke Korenhof eds Theologische Ikonographien : Kunst und Religion im Dialog (Berlin ; Münster : Lit , 2007)

Uta Grosenick ed Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Germany and UK: Taschen Books. English and German editions, 2001) More

Nancy Grove Magical Mixtures - Marisol Portrait Sculpture (, 1991)

Eva Grubinger Group.Sex (Sternberg Press, 1998) More

Marina Grzinic and Adele Eisenstein The Spectralization of Technology: From Elsewhere to Cyberfeminism and Back : Institutional Modes of the Cyberworld (Slovenia: Maribor: MKC, YouthCultural Center: Festival of Computer Arts, 1999) More

Marina Grzinic and Tanja Ostojic eds Integration Impossible? The Politics of Migration in the Artwork of Tanja Ostojic (Germany: Argobooks, 2009 Exhibition Innsbruck: Kunstpavillion Tiroler Kunstlerschaft, 2009) More

Luise Guest Half the Sky: Conversations with women artists in China (Australia: Piper Press, 2016)

Greg Gurley ed Art and Gender: An Intersexual Reader (USA: Cognella Inc., 2017)

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Nguyen Haiyen (intro) Vietnamese Women Artists (Cultur-Information Publishing House, 2004)

Sophie Halart, Mara Polgovsky Ezcurra Sabotage Art: Politics and Iconoclasm in Contemporary Latin America (IB Tauris, 2016)

Robert L. Hall Gathered Visions: Selected Works by African American Women Artists (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992)

Harmony Hammond Lesbian Art in America: A Contemporary History (New York: Rizzoli International Publications Inc, 2000) More

Harmony Hammond Wrappings : essays on feminism, art, and the martial arts (New York, N.Y. : TSL Press, 1984)

JoAnn Hanley and Ann-Sargent Wooster The First Generation: Women and Video,1970-1975 (New York:Independent Curators Incorporated, 1993)

Heather Hanna Women Framing Hair: Serial Strategies in Contemporary Art (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015)

James Martin Harding Cutting performances: collage events, feminist artists, and the American avant-garde (Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2010)

Geraldine Harris Staging femininities: performance and performativity (Manchester University Press, 1999)

Natalie Harris Bluestone Double vision : perspectives on gender and the visual arts (Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press ; London ; Cranbury, NJ : Associated University Presses, 1995)

Deborah Hart and Elspeth Pitt Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now, (November 2020–January 2022) (National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 2020)

Lynda Hart and Peggy Phelan eds Acting out : feminist performances (Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1993)

Salima Hashmi Unveiling the Visible: Lives and Works of Women Artists of Pakistan (Islamabad: ActionAid, Pakistan, 2002)

Janice E. Hayes Bibliography on Canadian feminist art (Montreal : Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, McGill University, 1986)

Eleanor Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, Sue Scott The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium (Prestel, 2013)

Elaine Hedges and Ingrid Wendt In Her Own Image: Women Working in the Arts (New York:Feminist Press, 1980)

Laura Hein and Rebecca Jennison eds Imagination without Borders: Feminist Artist Tomiyama Taeko and Social Responsibility (Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 2010)

PL Henderson, Cheryl Robson ed Unravelling Women's Art: Creators, Rebels and Innovators in Textile Arts (Supernova Books, 2021)

Robert Henkes The Art of Black American Women: Works of 24 Artists of the Twentieth Century (Jefferson:McFarland & Co, 1993)

Minna Henriksson, Erik Krikortz, Airi Triisberg eds Art Workers – Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in Contemporary Art Practice (self-published, 2015)

Kari Herbert We are Artists: Women who made their Mark on the World (Thames and Hudson, 2019)

Vanja Hermele Konsten – så funkar det (inte) / Art – this is how it works (not) (PDF, Swedish text) (Sweden: KRO/KIF, 2017)

Jillian Hernandez Aesthetics of Excess: The Art and Politics of Black and Latina Embodiment (Duke University Press, 2020)

Lynn Hershman Leeson Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture (Seattle,Bay Press, 1996)

Lynn Hershman Leeson and Peter Weibel ed Lynn Hershman Leeson: Civic Radar (Hatje Cantz / ZKM, 2016)

Katy Hessel The Story of Art Without Men (Hutchinson Heinemann, 2022)

Cressida J. Heyes Anaesthetics of Existence: Essays on Experience at the Edge (Duke University Press, 2020)

Jennifer Higgie The Other Side: A Journey into Women, Art and the Spirit World (W & N, 2023)

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Susan Hiller (Alexandra Kokoli, editor) The Provisional Texture of Reality Selected Talks and Texts, 1977–2007 (JRP Ringier, 2008)

Natasha Hoare Sexual Warfare: Alexis Hunter (MIT press, 2019)

Janell Hobson When God lost her tongue : historical consciousness and the black feminist imagination (Routledge, 2021)

Beata Hock Nemtan es pablikart: Lehetseges ertelmezesi szempontok az utobbi masfel evtized ket muveszeti iranyzatahoz [Women's Art and Public Art: Interpretive Aspects for Art Practices Emerging in the Hungarian Scene in the Past 15 Years] (Budapest: Praesens, 2005)

Beata Hock Gendered artistic positions and social voices : politics, cinema, and the visual arts in state-socialist and post-socialist Hungary (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2013)

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Klaus Honnef ed Melanie Manchot: Love is a Stranger: Photographs 1998-2001 (Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2001) More

Bell Hooks Art on My Mind:Visual Politics (New York: New Press, 1996)

Jeanette Hoorn Strange Women : Essays in Art and Gender (Carlton,Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1994)

Gill Hopper Art, Education and Gender: The Shaping of Female Ambition (Palgrave MacMillan, 2015)

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Andrew D. Hottle The art of the Sister chapel : exemplary women, visionary creators, and feminist collaboration (Ashgate, 2014)

Kathy Huang Wonder Women: Art of the Asian Diaspora (Rizzoli, 2025) More

Francesca Hughes ed The Architect: Reconstructing Her Practice (Boston: MIT Press, 1996) More

Aída Hurtado Intersectional chicana feminisms : sitios y lenguas (Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2020)

Genevieve Hyacinthe Radical Virtuosity: Ana Mendieta and the Black Atlantic (MIT press, 2019)

Sarah Hyde Exhibiting Gender (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997)

Mako Idemitsu What a Woman Made (art media KY, DVD and booklet, 2005) More

Eligio Imarisio Donna poi artista : identità e presenza tra Otto e Novecento (Milano : FrancoAngeli, 1996)

Kornelia Imesch Inscriptions / transgressions : Kunstgeschichte und Gender Studies (Peter Lang, 2008)

Joanna Inglot The Figurative Sculpture of Magadalena Abakanowicz: Bodies, Environments, and Myths (University of California Press, 2004) More

Joanna Inglot WARM: A Feminist Art Collective in Minnesota (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Weisman Art Museum, 2007)

Luce Irigaray Luce Irigaray: Key Writings (London/New York: Continuum, 2004) More

Sharon Irish Suzanne Lacy: spaces between (University of Minnesota Press, 2010) More

Jo Anna Isaak Feminism and Contemporary Art: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Laughter (London: Routledge, 1996) More

Graciele Iturbide Eyes to Fly With: Portraits, Self- Portraits, and other photographs (USA: University of Texas Press, 2007)

Sanja Ivekovic Public Cuts (Slovenia: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2006) More

Mary Jane Jacob Shikego Kubota: Video Sculpture (University of Washington Press, 1991)

Mary Jacobus First things : the maternal imaginary in literature, art, and psychoanalysis (Routledge, 1995)

Annette Jael Lehmann, Verena Kittel Tacit Knowledge Feminism – California Institute of the Arts 1970-1977 (Leipziz : Spector Books, 2019)

Karina Jakubowicz An Analysis of Griselda Pollock's Vision and Difference: Feminism, Femininity and the Histories of Art (Routledge, Marcat Library, 2018)

Agata Jakubowska ed Alina Szapocznikow: Awkward Objects (Books N°5, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2011)

Elisabeth Jappe Performance,Ritual, Prozess: Handbuch der Aktionskunst in Europe (Munich: New York,Prestel, 1993)

Titia Jeanette Top Art and Gender: Creative Achievement in the Visual Arts (Amsterdam, 1993)

Alana Jelenik This is Not Art and Other "Not-Art" (London: IB Tauris, 2013)

Natalie Jeremijenko and Eugene Thacker Creative Biotechnology: A User's Manual (Newcastle: Locus +, 2004) More

Paul Jobling Bodies of Experience: Gender & Identity in Women's Photography since 1970 (Vol.2, Nexus: London, Scarlet Press, 1997)

Margarethe Jochimsen ed Dokumentation des Symposiums Feministische Erneuerung von Wissenschaft und Kunst : [vom 16. bis 18. Februar 1989 im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Das Verhaltnis der Geschlechter" im Bonner Kunstverein] / Arbeitsgemeinschaft Interdisziplinäre Frauenforschung und -studien] (Pfaffenweiler : Centaurus-Verl.-Ges. , 1990)

Clare Johnson Femininity, Time and Feminist Art (Palgrave, 2013)

Jill Johnston, Axel Wieder, Fiona McGovern, Megan Francis Sullivan The Disintegration of a Critic (Sternberg, 2019)

Amelia Jones The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader (2002, 2003, 2010 editions) (London: Routledge, 2003) More

Amelia Jones Self/Image: Technology, Representation and the Contemporary Subject (London: Routledge, 2006) More

Amelia Jones Body Art - Performing the Subject (University of Minnesota, 1998) More

Amelia Jones In Between Subjects: A Critical Genealogy of Queer Performance (Routledge, 2021)

Amelia Jones Seeing Differently: A History and Theory of Identification and the Visual Arts (Routledge, 2012)

Chino Kaori and Takaai Kumakura eds Onna? Nippon? Bi? (Women? Japan? Beauty?) (Fujisawa: Keio University Press, 1999)

Michiko Kasahara Gender Photography Theory 1991–2017 (English title of Japanese book) (Kawasaki: Satoyamasha, 2018)

Claudine Mandel Katz Estéticas de la disidencia. Mujeres artistas en Costa Rica (1930-2000)/ Aesthetics of dissidence. Women artists in Costa Rica (1930-2000) (Editorial UNED, Costa Rica, 2022)

Susan Kavaler-Adler The Compulsion to Create: A Psychoanalytic Study of Women Artists (London: Routledge, 1993)

Monika Keiser Neubesetzungen des Kunst-Raumes: Feministische Kunstausstellungen und ihre Raume, 1972-1987 (Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2013)

Lindsay Kelley Bioart Kitchen: Art, Feminism and Technoscience (IB Tauris, 2016)

Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document (London: Routledge, 1983)

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Christine Kelly and Andrew Sisson The social construction of feminist art : an exploratory study (Caulfield East, Vic : Caulfield Institute of Technology, 1979)

Brian P. Kennedy and Britta Konau, Margo W. Smith Dreaming Their Way: Australian Aboriginal Women Painters (Washington DC: Museum of Women in the Arts, 2006)

Jen Kennedy, Trista E. Mallory and Angelique Szymanek eds Transnational perspectives on feminism and art, 1960-1985 (Routledge, 2021)

Janice Kerbel 15 Lombard St (London: Bookworks, 2001) More

Helen Khal The Women Artist in Lebanon (prepared under grant in 1975-76 for the Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World, Beirut University College, Beirut, Lebanon). (The Institute, Beirut, 1987)

Hong-hee Kim Women and Art, Contemporary Art Discourse and the Field I (Korea: Noonbit, 2003)

Hong-hee Kim Korean Art World and Contemporary Art, Contemporary Art Discourse and the Field II (Korea: Noonbit, 2003)

Lucy Kimbell Audit (London: Bookworks, 2002) More

Sandy Kirby Sightlines: Women's Art and Feminist Perspectives in Australia (Australia,Craftsman House: East Rowville, 1992)

Anna Kirker New Zealand Women Artists: A Survey of 150 Years (Tortola,BVI: Craftsmans House, 1986)

Wendy Kirkup Echo (London: Locus +, 2001) More

Megumi Kitahara Depictions of the Asian Female Body: Visual Representation and War Memory (English title of Japanese book) (Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2013)

Katrin Kivimaa ed Working with Feminism: Curating and Exhibitions in Eastern Europe (Talin: ACTA Universitatis Tallinnensis, 2013)

Jennie Klein, Natalie Loveless eds Responding to site : the performance work of Marilyn Arsem (Bristol: Intellect Books, 2020)

Reiner E. Klemke and Sabine Gieschler eds Frau-Raum-Zeit : Karl-Hofer-Symposium, 4, 1982, West Berlin (Berlin: Colloquium-Verlag, 1983)

Na'ama Klorman-Eraqi The visual is political : feminist photography and countercultural activity in 1970s Britain (New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 2019)

Matthew Knagas Camille Patha: Geography of Desire (Oregon: Halie Ford Museum of Art, Williamette University, 2007)

Alexandra M. Kokoli ed Feminism Reframed: Reflections on art and Difference (Cambridge Scholars, Publishing, 2008)

Alexandra Kokoli The Feminist Uncanny in Theory and Art Practice (Bloomsbury, 2016)

Silvia Kolbowski inadequate...Like...Power (Cologne: Walter Konig, 2004) More

Carolyn Korsmeyer Gender and Aesthetics: An Introduction (Routledge, 2004)

Zoe Kosmidou The Power of Visual Logos: Greek Women Artists (Athens: ICAN, 2003)

Susan Kozel Closer: Performance, Technologies,Phenomenology (Boston: MIT, Leonardo series, 2007) More

Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating (Sternberg Press, 2022)

Chris Kraus Video Green: Los Angeles Art and The Triumph of Nothingness (Mass: Cambridge, MIT/Semiotext(e) Active Agents Series, 2004) More

Rosalind Krauss The Optical Unconscious (Boston: MIT Press, 1992) More

Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker The Hysterical Male: New Feminist Theory (Macmillan, 1991)

Edith Krull Kunst von Frauen deas Berufsbild der Bildenden Kunstlerinnen in vier Jahrhunderten (Leipzig: Edition Leipzig, 1984)

Anette Kubitza Die Kunst, das Loch, die Frau : feministische Kontroversen um Judy Chicagos "Dinner Party" (Pfaffenweiler : Centaurus, 1994)

Anette Kubitza Fluxus, Flirt, Feminismus? : Carolee Schneemanns Körperkunst und die Avantgarde (Berlin : Reimer, 2002)

Kunst Geschichter Forschungsgruppe Marburg Feministische Bibliografie zur Frauen Forschung in der Kunstgeschichte Frauen (Pfaffenweiler,Centaurus, 1993)

Barbara Kutis Artist-Parents in Contemporary Art: Gender, Identity, and Domesticity (Routledge, 2020)

Gerald L . Belcher and Margaret L. Belcher eds Collecting souls, gathering dust : the struggles of two American artists : Alice Neel and Rhoda Medary (New York : Paragon House, 1991)

Emily L. Newman Female Body Image in Contemporary Art: Dieting, Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, and Fatness (Routledge, 2020)

Betty La Duke Women Artists:Multi-cultural visions (USA: Red Sea Press, 1992)

Betty La Duke Companeras: Women,Art & social Change in Latin America (San Francisco, 1985)

Betty La Duke Africa: Women's Art, Women's Lives (Trenton NJ: Africa World Press, 1997)

Suzanne Lacy ed Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art (Seattle: Bay Press, 1995)

Suzanne Lacy Leaving Art: Writings on Performance, Politics and Publics, 1974-2007 (Duke University Press, 2010) More

Betty LaDuke Migrants, Border Lands, And Social Justice (Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 2020)

Betty LaDuke Africa through the eyes of women artists (Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1991)

Morna Laing and Jacki Willson ed Revisiting the Gaze: The Fashioned Body and the Politics of Looking (London: Bloomsbury, 2020)

Kimberley Lamm Addressing the Other Woman: Textual Correspondences in Feminist Art & Writing (Manchester University Press, 2018)

Lex Morgan Lancaster Dragging Away: Queer Abstraction in Contemporary Art (Duke University Press, 2022)

Lex Morgan Lancaster Dragging Away: Queer Abstraction in Contemporary Art (Duke University Press, 2022)

Anne Larue and Magali Nachtergael Histoire de l'art d'un nouveau genre (Paris : M. Milo, 2014)

Quinn Latimer Like a Woman: Essays, Readings, Poems (Sternberg Press, 2017)

Monika Laue Wahre Weibeskunste? : zur Problematik einer femininen asthetik in der zeitgenoissischen Kunst ; Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel und Rebecca Horn (Munchen : Scaneg, 1996)

Andrea M. Lauritsch ed Zions Töchter : jüdische Frauen in Literatur, Kunst und Politik (Wien ; Münster : Lit , 2006)

Julie Lavigne La traversée de la pornographie : politique et érotisme dans l'art féministe (Montréal, Québec : Éditions du Remue-ménage, 2014)

Michele Le Doeuff The Philosophical Imaginary (London: Continuum, 2002) More

Elisabeth Lebovici Ce que le sida m'a fait: Art et Activism a la fin du XX Siecle / What AIDS has done to me (JRP Ringier, 2017)

Candace Lee A Gathering Place: Art-Making by Asian/Pacific Women (Southern California, Pacific/Asia Museum, 1995)

Lorraine Leeson Art for change: Works from 1975-2005/Arbeiten von 1975 bis 2005 (Berlin: NGBK, 2005)

Zoe Leonard (Intro: Helen Molesworth) Analogue (MIT, Wexner Center for the Arts, 2007) More

O. Leroux and M Jackson Inuit Women Artists (San Francisco: Chronicle Books , 1996)

Margaret Lessing et al Women Artists in South Africa (Cape Town: South African National Gallery, 1985)

Susana Toruella Leval Growing Beyond: Women Artists from Puerto Rico (Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, 1988)

Luo Li Zhu Nü xing zhu yi yi shu pi ping (Beijing : Jiu zhou chu ban she, 2010)

Christian LiClair Sexually Explicit Art, Feminist Theory, and Gender in the 1970s (Routledge, 2024)

Lilith Billedet som Kampmiddel : Kvindebilleder Mellem 1968 og 1977 (Denmark: Informations Forlag,Lilith, 1977)

Lucy Lim Six Contemporary Chinese Women Artists (San Francisco: Chinese Culture Center, 1991)

Shi Ling and Zheng Xiaojuan Contemporary Chinese Painters (China, Beijing: Foriegn Languages Press (Text in Chinese and English), 1995)

Lucy Lippard On the Beaten Track (New Press/IB Tauris, 1999-2000) More

Lucy Lippard From the Center:Feminist Essays on Women's Art (New York: Dutton, 1976)

Lucy Lippard Get the Message? A Decade of Art for Social Change (New York: E.P.Dutton, 1984)

Lucy Lippard The Pink Glass Swan: Selected Feminist Essays on Art (New York: New Press , 1996)

Lucy Lippard Overlay: Contemporary Art and the Art of PreHistory (New York:Pantheon Press, 1983)

Lucy Lippard, commentary by Laura Cottingham Hot Potatoes: From Minimalism to Activism (New York Critical Voices Series from G+B Arts international, May, 1997)

Maria Manuel Lisboa Paula Rego's Map of Memory: National and Sexual Politics (Ashgate, 2003)

Andrea Liss Feminist Art and the Maternal (University of Minnesota Press, 2009) More

Fran Lloyd Contemporary Arab Women's Art: Dialogues of the Present (London: IB Tauris, 1999)

Valentina Locatelli Without Restraint: Werke Mexikanischer Kunstlerinnen aus de Daros LatinAmerica Collection (Zurich) (Hatje Cantz, 2016)

Amanda Lock Swarr and Richa Nagar eds Critical transnational feminist praxis (Albany : State University of New York Press, 2010)

Yve Lomax Writing the Image: An Adventure with Art and Theory (New York: I. B. Tauris, 2000) More

Yve Lomax Sounding the Event: Escapades in Dialogue and Matters of art, Nature and Time (London: IB Tauris, 2005) More

Carla Lonzi and Giovanna Zapperi Autoportrait (French edition) (JRP Ringier, 2012)

Carla Lonzi and Giovanna Zapperi Carla Lonzi: Autoportrait (French) (Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2012)

Victoria Lu Taiwan (dangdai) Nuxing yishushi (History of Contemporary Taiwan Women Artists) (Taipei: Yishujia Chubanshe (text in Chinese), 2002)

Lydia Lunch Paradoxia: A Predator's Diary (London: Creation Books, 1998)

Anne Lydiat Lost for Words... and Without (UK: Artists publications, 1999) More

Cindy Lyle and Silvia Moore, Cynthia Navaretta eds Women Artists of the World (New York: Midmarch Arts Press, 1984)

Margo Machida Unsettled Visions: Contemporary Asian American artists and the social imaginary (Durham : Duke University Press, 2008) More

Nazli Madkour Women and Art in Egypt (Egypt,Cairo: State Information Service Press, Arabic edition 1989, English edition c.1991, 1989-1991)

Salean Angelika Maiwald Der fehlende Akt in der Kunst von Frauen : psychoanalytische Betrachtungen eines Tabus (Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang, 1993)

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Eva Man The Free Tribe: 10 Women Visual Artists in Hong Kong. (Chinese text) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book,, 2000)

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Deborah Martin Painting, Literature and Film in Colombian Feminine Culture, 1940-2005: Of Border Guards, Nomads and Women (Boydell and Brewer, Tamesis an imprint of Boydell & Brewer, 2012)

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Christine Mason Sutherland and Beverly Mason Rasporich Woman as Artist : Papers in Honour of Marsha Hanen (University of Calgary Press, 1993)

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Monica Mayer Si Somos Muchas Y No Somos Machas: Una recopilacion de textos periodisticos sobre mujeres artistas de Monica Mayer (Mexico: Ediciones al Vapor, 2001)

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Catherine McCormack Women in the picture: What Culture does with Female Bodies (W W Norton and Co, 2022)

Catherine McCormack Women in the Picture: Women, Art and the Power of Looking (Icon Books, 2021)

Helen McDonald Erotic Ambiguities: The Female Nude in Art (London and New York: Routledge, 2001)

Uri McMillan Embodied Avatars: Genealogies of Black Feminist Art and Performance (New York University Press, 2015)

Patricia Mellencamp Indiscretions: Avantgarde Film,Video & Feminisms (USA, Indiana University Press, 1990)

David Mellor Lilianne Lijn (UK:Warwick Arts Centre: Mead Gallery, 2005) More

Lourdes Mendez Antropologia Feminista (Madrid: LETRAS Universitarias: Editorial Sintesis, 2007)

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Marsha Meskimmon Engendering the City: Women Artists and Urban Space (Vol.1 Nexus. London: Scarlet Press, 1997)

Marsha Meskimmon Women Making Art: History, Subjectivity, Aesthetics (London: Routledge, 2003) More

Marsha Meskimmon Contemporary art and the Cosmopolitan Imagination (Routledge, 2010)

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Terry R. Meyers Mary Heilmann: Save the Last Dance for Me (London: Afterall Books, 2007)

Rachel Middleman Radical Eroticism: Women, Art, and Sex in the 1960s (University of California Press, 2018)

Margot Mifflin Bodies of Subversion: A Secret History of Women and Tattoo (Random House, 1997, 2013)

Suzana Milevska Gender Difference in the Balkans: Archives of representations of gender difference and agency in visual culture and contemporary art in the Balkans (text in English) (Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft, 2010)

Lynn F. Miller and Sally S. Swenson Lives and Works: Talks with Women Artists (New York,Metuchen, London: Scarecrow Press, 1981)

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Leah Modigliani Engendering an avant-garde: The unsettled landscapes of Vancouver photo-conceptualism (Manchester University Press, 2018)

Helen Molesworth ed Twice Untitled and Other Pictures (looking back) Louise Lawler (London: MIT Press and Wexner Art Centre, Ohio, 2006) More

Helen Molesworth and Taylor Walsh Louise Lawler (MIT Press (October Files), 2013)

Kate Mondloch A Capsule Aesthetic: Feminist Materialisms in New Media Art (University of Minnesota Press, 2018)

Nadine Käthe Monem Riot grrrl: revolution girl style now! (London: Black Dog, 2007)

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Renate Morell Weibliche Aesthetik? Kunststuck (Pfaffenweiler : Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993)

Susan Morgan Joan Jonas: I Want to Live in the Country (And Other Romances) (London: Afterall Books, 2006)

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Catherine Morris and Vincent Bonin eds Materializing Six Years: Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art (Boston: MIT Press, 2012)

Ghaida Moussa, Ghadeer Malek eds Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space and Resistance (Inanna Publications and Education Inc., 2017)

Roswitha Mueller Valie Export: Fragments of the Imagination (Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1994)

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Jennifer C. Nash The Black Body in Ecstasy (Duke University Press, 2014)

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Charmaine A. Nelson Representing the Black Female Subject in Western Art (Routledge, 2015) More

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Abuy Nfubea Afrofeminismo.: 50 años de lucha y activismo de mujeres negras en España (1968-2018) (Ménades Editorial , 2021)

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Mignon Nixon Fantastic Reality: Louise Bourgeois and a Story of Modern Art (Cambridge: Mass, MIT press, an October book, 2005) More

Elina Norandi Cent Dues Artistes (Barcelona: Univers Llibres, 2022)

Vera Norwood Made From This Earth: American Women and Nature (USA Chapel Hill: University of North Caroline Press, 1993)

Soledad Novoa Donoso ed. Seminario historia del arte y feminismo : relatos, lecturas, escrituras, omisiones, 26 de septiembre 2012 (Santiago, Chile : Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2013)

Irene Noy Emergency Noises: Sound Art and Gender (Oxford University Press, 2017)

C. Jill O'Bryan Carnal Art: Orlan's Refacing (University of Minnesota Press, 2005) More

María Ochoa Foreword by Amalia Mesa-Bains Creative collectives : Chicana painters working in community (Albuquerque, N.M. : University of New Mexico Press ; Lancaster : Gazelle, 2003)

María Ochoa ; foreword by Amalia Mesa-Bains Creative collectives : Chicana painters working in community (Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2003)

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Eimear O'Connor ed Irish women artists, 1800-2009: familiar but unknown (Dublin: Four Courts (TRIARC research studies in Irish art, n°3), 2010)

Lorraine O'Grady and Amanda Gilvin Teaching and Learning with Lorraine O'Grady: Both/And (USA: Davis Museum at Wellesley College, 2023)

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Orlan, Bonnafous-Boucher, Maria (preface) Ceci est mon corps... Ceci est mon logiciel: entre cultures occidentale et non occidentale (Belgique : Al Dante éditions, 2011)

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Nena Ossa La Mujer Chilena en el Arte (Chile,Santiago: Editorial, Lord Cochrane, 1987)

Kenza Oumlil North American Muslim Women Artists Talk Back: Assertions of Unintelligibility (Routledge, 2022)

Craig Owens 'The Discourse of Others' in H.Foster Postmodern Culture (Pluto, also reprinted as The Anti-Aesthetic, 1985)

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Kirsten Pail Buick Child of the Fire: Mary Edmonia Lewis and the Problem of Art History's Black and Indian Subject (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010)

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Barbara Paul with Dt. from Pamela E. Selwyn FormatWechsel : Kunst, populäre Medien und Gender-Politiken = FormatChange: art, popular media and gender politics (Wien : Sonderzahl , 2008)

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Martina Peter-Bolaender Frauen Korper Kunst: Dokumentation der Tagungen Frauen Korper Kunst,1991-1994 (Kassel: Furore, 1994)

Diane Peters Women and the visual arts (Waterloo, Ont. : The Library, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1990)

Anne Ring Petersen Migration into art: Transcultural identities and art-making in a globalised world (Manchester: Manchester University Press , 2017)

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F. Pezoldo Pezoldo: Kunst fur das 21 Jahrhundert: Entwurf einer Gegenwelt / Art for the 21st Century: Design of a Counterworld (Edition: Cantz, 1995)

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Praba Pilar Cyberlabia: Gendered Thoughts and Conversations on Cyberspace (California: Tela Press, 2005) More

Robert Pinto, Nicolas Bourriaud and Maia Damianovic Lucy Orta (London: Phaidon, 2003) More

Adrian Piper Out of Order,Out of Sight (2 Vols) (Boston, Mass: MIT, 1996) More

Griselda Pollock Differencing the Canon: Feminist Desire and the Writing of Arts Histories (London: Routledge, 1999)

Griselda Pollock Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum: Time, Space and the Archive (Routledge, 2007)

Griselda Pollock Feminism: A Bad Memory? (Verso, 2019)

Griselda Pollock After-affects | Afterimages: Trauma and Aesthetic Transformation in a virtual feminist museum (Manchester University Press, 2013)

Griselda Pollock and Alison Rowley Now and Then: Feminism, art and history; a critical response to Documenta XI (Leeds: CentreCath, 2006)

Griselda Pollock and Victoria Turvey-Sauron The Sacred and the Feminine: Imagination and Sexual Difference (London: IB Tauris, 2008)

Bea Porqueres Den Segles de Creativitat femenina: una-altra historia de l'art (Barcelona: Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona: Instituto de Ciencas de la Educcaion, 1995)

B. Porqueres Reconstruir Una Tradicion : Las artistas en el Mundo Occidental (Madrid: Libreria Mujeres, 1994)

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Leila Pourtavaf ed Féminismes Électriques (Montreal: La Centrale and Les Éditions du rémue-ménage, 2012) More

Reine Prat Exploser le plafond : précis de féminisme à l’usage du monde de la culture (Paris : Rue de l'échiquier, 2021)

Nancy Princenthal Unspeakable Acts: Women, Art, and Sexual Violence in the 1970s (Thames and Hudson, 2019)

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Project Arts Centre Performance: The Project Papers (Dublin: Project Arts Centre/Dog and Bones Publishing, 1998) More

Cecilia Puerto Latin American Women Artists,Kahlo & Look Who Else. A Selective Annotated Bibliography (Westport, Connecticut & London, Art Reference Collection, No.21, 1996)

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Diana Quinby ed Des femmes dans l'art : hommage à Aline Dallier (1927-2020), historienne d'art, pionnière de la critique d'art féministe en France (Paris : Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, 2022)

Diana Quinby Le Collectif Femmes/ Art a Paris dans less annees 1970; une contribtuion a l'etude du movement (Paris: Universite Pantheon-Sorbonne (PhD), 2003)

Melinda Rackham and Elvis Richardson CoUNTess: Spoiling Illusions Since 2008 (Australia: Countess, 2023)

Yvonne Rainer Feeling are Facts: A Life (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006) More

Erica Rand The Ellis Island Snow Globe (Duke University Press, 2005) More

Arlene Raven JUNE WAYNE (USA: University of Washington Press, 1997, 1998)

Arlene Raven Crossing Over: Feminism and the Art of Social Concern (USA: Ann Arbor,Michegan: U.M.I., 1988)

Claire Raymond Women Photographers and Feminist Aesthetics (London: Routledge, 2017)

Tey Diana Rebolledo The Chronicles of Panchita Villa and other guerrilleras : essays on Chicana/Latina literature and criticism (Austin, Tex. : University of Texas Press, 2005)

Helena Reckitt. Survey: Peggy Phelan ed Art and Feminism (London: Phaidon, 2001) More

Claudia Reiche Digitaler Feminismus (Bremen : Thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor , 2006)

Marta Reichenberger ed Wer hat Angst vor Josephine Beuys (Cologne: Rahmenbedingungen zur Arbeit von Kunstlerinnen, 1995)

Melissa Rerat L'art vidéo au féminin: Emmanuelle Antille, Elodie Pong, Pipilotti Rist (Lausanne : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2014)

Susan R. Ressler ed Women Artists of the American West (Jefferson North Carolina & London, McFarland, 2003) More

Lucy Reynolds Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image: Contexts and Practices (Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019)

Shelley Rice Inverted Odysseys: Claude Cahun, Maya Deren, Cindy Sherman (MIT press, 1999)

B. Ruby Rich Chick Flicks: Theories and Memories of the Feminist Film Movement (Duke University Press, 1998)

Nelly Richard Masculine/Feminine: Practices of Difference (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press,trans. Silvia R. Tandeciarz and Alice A Neilson., 2004)

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Heidi Richter and Adelheid Sievert-Staudte ed Eine Tulpe ist eine Tulpe ist eine Tulpe : Frauen, Kunst und neue Medien (Königstein/Taunus : Helmer , 1998)

Liz Rideal and Kathleen Soriano Madam & Eve: Women Portraying Women (Lawrence King, 2018)

Faith Ringgold we flew over the bridge: the memoirs of Faith Ringgold (Durham: Duke University Press, 2005) More

Faith Ringgold We flew over the Bridge: The Memoirs of Faith Ringgold (USA: Little Brown, 1995)

Faith Ringgold, with essays by Eleanor Flomenhaft,Lowery S.Sims,Thalia Gouma-Peterson & Moira Roth Odyssey of Faith : Faith Ringgold: A 25 Year Survey (Fine Arts Museum of Long Island April-June, 1990)

Hilary Robinson ed Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014, 2nd Edition (Wiley, 2015)

Hilary Robinson Reading Art, Reading Irigaray: The Politics of Art by Women (New York/London: I.B. Tauris, 2006) More

Alex Martinis Roe To Become Two: Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice (Archive Books in partnership with ar/ge kunst; Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory; If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution; and The Showroom, 2018)

Brigitte Rollet and Delphine Naudier eds Genre et légitimité culturelle: quelle reconnaissance pour les femmes ? (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007)

Maria Laura Rosa Legados de libertad (Buenos Aires : Biblos, cop., 2014)

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Martha Rosler Martha Rosler: Positions in the Life World (Massachussetts/MIT press, Birmingham/Ikon Gallery, Vienna/Generali Foundation, 1998) More

Monica Ross Valentine (London: Milch, 2001) More

Eva Rossetti, Valentina Grande The Women who changed art forever: Feminist art - the Graphic novel (Lawrence King, 2021)

Moira Roth Difference Indifference : essays, interviews & performances (G & B Arts International, June, 1998)

Moira Roth The Amazing Decade:Women & Performance Art in America,1970-1980 (Los Angeles: Astro Artz, 1983)

Moira Roth Rachel Rosenthal (USA: John Hopkins University, 1998) More

Alison Rowley Helen Frankenthaler: Painting History, Writing Painting (London: IB Tauris, 2007)

S. Rubin Suleiman 'Feminism and Postmodernism: A Question of Politics' in C.Jencks A Postmodern Reader (London: Academy Editions, 1991)

Natalie Rudd Breaking the Mould: Sculpture by Women Since 1945 (Hayward Gallery publishing, 2020)

Judith Rugg and Michele Sedgwick eds Issues in Curating Contemporary Art and Performance (Bristol: Intellect Books, 2007) More

Teresa Sauret Historia de Arte y Mujeres (Universidad de Malaga, 1996)

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Daphne Scholinski The Last Time I Wore A Dress (UK:Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1998)

Naomi Schor Bad Objects (USA: Duke University Press, 1995)

Mira Schor Wet: On Painting, Feminism and Art Culture (USA: Duke University Press, 1997) More

Mira Schor A Decade of Negative Thinking: Essays on Art, Politics, and Daily Life (USA: Duke University Press, 2009)

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Jill Scott Coded Characters: Media Art by Jill Scott (Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2003) More

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Sid Sid Sachs and Kalliopi Minioudaki eds Seductive subversion : women pop artists, 1958-1968 (University of the Arts ; Abbeville Publishers, 2010)

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Erin Silver Taking place: Building histories of queer and feminist art in North America (Manchester University Press, 2023)

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Julia Skelly Radical Decadence: Excess in Contemporary Feminist Textiles and Craft (Bloomsbury, 2017)

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