Below see range of dates in the theses list. Roll over each date to see the number of references. Click to see the actual information for each date appear below.
1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Notes:For authors' last names beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK and gives the country of the University only, not nationality of author or subject of their research. Dates given are the date of award of the degree and can be searched for one year at a time.
The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. The searches are for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported.
Results of Search:
Cassandra Tytler (2021)
The Video Artist as Performer: A Parafeminist Politics of Resistance
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Yet Chor Sunshine Wong (2019)
Beside engagement : a queer and feminist reading of socially negotiated art through dialogue, love, and praxis
PhD, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Linda Jean Pittwood (2019)
Inscribing women onto bodies : an encounter with performance, photography and video art from Beijing and Shanghai, 1999-2016
PhD, University of Nottingham, Uk
Renata Gaspar (2019)
Spatial practices : a politics of place-making for performance studies
PhD, University of Roehampton, UK
Esther Windsor (2019)
Ugly Beast : a critical study of curating contemporary fine art
PhD, Kingston University, UK
Linda Aloysius (2019)
Developing productive mimesis in the age of screened oppression : rhetorics of flattening and fragmentation in the making of new model army
PhD, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Naomi Blacklock (2019)
Conjuring alterity: Refiguring the witch and the female scream in contemporary art
PhD by Creative Works, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Josina Octovina Wospakrik (2019)
Transculturation and Indigenous Amungme women of Papua, Indonesia
PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia
Su Yang (2019)
Reframing the representation of women in contemporary China with feminism
PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia
Helen Lorraine Grogan (2019)
SPACE IS OCCURRING: twelve public exhibitions, 2016-2019
MFA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Tamsin A Green (2019)
After, ends
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Claudia Pharès (2019)
Strategies: an artist mother's maintenance manifesto
MFA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Paloma Tomás (2019)
Existo porque resisto
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
Nikki Omes (2019)
The Ecofeminist Lens: Nature, Technology & the Female Body in Lens-based Art
MA, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Maryori Katherine Cabrita GARCIA (2019)
Amatória: práticas artísticas de uma feminista que reescreveu uma parte da memória líquida de seu corpo.
MA, Instituto de Ciências da Arte, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil
Aline NUNES (2019)
Performações Cassândricas: cultivando artista e obras por meio dos Feminismos como cuidado de si = Cassandric performances
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Lívia Bittencourt Auler (2019)
Histórias de resistência e (in)visibilidades : a artista lésbica como protagonista na construção de imagens de mulheres que amam mulheres
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Juliana Padilha SOUSA (2019)
Tramas invisíveis: bordado e a memória do feminino no processo criativo
MA, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil
Nathália de Freitas (2019)
Grafites feministas: espaço de luta e resistência na arte urbana (2000-2018)
PhD, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Isadora Fernandes Souza (2019)
O corpo como destino: desdobramentos da fotografia de Francesca Woodman
MA, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Sheila Cristina Silva CAMPOS (2019)
Arte, política e ideologia: uma mirada feminista sobre Medea
MA, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Alyssa Logie (2019)
Trauma, Creativity, And Bearing Witness Through Art: Marian Kołodziej's Labyrinth
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Ana Sol González Rueda (2019)
Inherent pedagogies : critical approaches to exhibition making in the 2000s
PhD, University of St Andrews, UK
Martinez Aleman (2019)
Violence Against Women: Entrapment, Repetition and Transformation.
D.Prof, University of East London, UK
Marisa Carnesky (2019)
Dr Carnesky's incredible bleeding woman : reinventing menstrual rituals through new performance practices
PhD, Middlesex University, UK
D Sozen (2019)
The Art of Un-Belonging
PhD, Westminster University, UK
J.A. McNab (2019)
The ghost artist: Tracing spectral embodiment as a figure of aesthetic resistance, in an unknown woman’s eighteenth century paintings, and works by Hilma af Klint and Louise Bourgeois
PhD, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Katherine McPhail (2019)
Feminist art histories and masculinity : reading the mainstream art museum
PhD, University of Leicester, UK
Laura O'Connor (2018)
Warped Mirrors: Contemporary Representation of Women on Screen
PhD, University of Ulster, UK
Elina Suoyrjo (2018)
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me: working with affect, emotion, and creation of transformative energies as a feminist curatorial practice
PhD, Middlesex University, UK
Sarah Meller (2018)
Painting, Geography, and the Body: Charting the First Two Decades of Mary Corse’s Art
PhD, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
Sarah Creagan (2018)
Dear Diary: Musings from an Invisible Mixie
MFA, Hunter College, City Unversity of New York, USA
Rachel Devorah Wood (2018)
Resonant Sonic Specificity
PhD, University of Virginia, USA
Hayley Jay Brandon (2018)
Shrill, Needy, Incomplete: Listening to melancholic feminist voices in contemporary sound practices
MFA, Monash University, Australia
Tracey Dawn Lamb (2018)
Constructing a Feminist Practice
MFA, Monash University, Australia
Diana Juanpere Dunyo (2018)
Narratives en femení a la dècada dels setanta a Catalunya. Anàlisi comparativa del pensament feminista català i les pràctiques artístiques d’Eugènia Balcells, Eulàlia Grau i Fina Miralles
MA, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Talita Trizoli (2018)
Atravessamentos feministas: um panorama de mulheres artistas no Brasil dos anos 60/70; Feminist crossings: a panorama of women artists in Brazil from the 60s/70s
PhD, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Rebecca Kimball Shanahan (2018)
Performing and Documenting Post-Internet: Feminist Needlecraft and a Poetics of Surveilling
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia
Nikolina Holjo (2018)
To step outside the frame : Nakedness, nudity, feminism and criticism of three performances in the 1960’s and 1970s
PhD, Uppsala University, Sweden
Nathalia Muswieck GRILL . Pelotas, 2018. (2018)
Anônimas: encontros com artistas mulheres como disparador da poética. Orientadora. Nádia Cruz Senna
MA, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil
Melina Garcia Gorjon (2018)
Os ventos do norte não movem moinhos: arte contemporânea e feminismos descoloniais/decoloniais
MA, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) , Brazil
Tomás Emilio Pontigo Marín (2018)
La Ley 21.045 a la luz de una visión contemporánea de los derechos fundamentales, el derecho a la cultura y el arte
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidade de Brasília , Brazil
Valentina Castillo Mora (2018)
Memorias (des)bordadas : el bordado como máquina de escritura para una expresión feminista
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidad de Chile , Chile
Flaviana Benjamin dos Santos (2018)
Poéticas de Si: Autobiografia como estratégia artística de subversão das mulheres
MA, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Diane Sbardelotto (2018)
Fotodobragens, moldes e repetições para um corpo continuar
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Larissa Rachel Gomes Silva (2018)
Da Porcelana aos trapos: bonecas e mémorias femininas no processo de poíesis
MA, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Isadora Maríllia de Moreira Almeida (2018)
Mulheres artistas: apontamentos sobre perspectivas e experimentações possíveis
MA, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF),
Arshi Irshad (2018)
Contribution of female painters in Indian contemporary art
PhD, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya , India
Gregory da Silva Balthazar (2018)
Corpos que ardem : ética e feminismos nas artes visuais
PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Amanda Roberts (2018)
Re: drawing : Reconfiguring a feminist response to life drawing practiice / Amanda Roberts.
PhD, University of Wales Trinity Saint David., UK
Gillian Turner Young (2018)
Telepresence: Joan Jonas and the Emergence of Performance and Video Art in the 1970s.
PhD, Columbia University, USA
Emily Watlington (2018)
Pretty gross : aestheticized abjection in feminist video art, 1996-2009 ; Pipilotti Rist, Marilyn Minter, and Mika Rottenberg
Suzanne van Rossenberg (2018)
Towards a transdisciplinary model for social change : feminist art research, practice and activism
PhD, Middlesex University, UK
Miranda Niittynen (2018)
Un/Dead Animal Art: Ethical Encounters Through Rogue Taxidermy Sculpture
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Nikolina Höljö (2018)
Att kliva utanför ramen : Nakenhet, feminism och kritik av tre performanceverk från 1960- och 70-talet
BA, Uppsala University, Sweden
Abigail Shapiro (2018)
Ree Morton and feminist installation art: 1968 - 1977
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Magalie Latry (2018)
Confrontations artistiques et féministes aux hiérarchies du genre
PhD, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, France
Althea Greenan (2018)
Feminist Net-work : digitization and performances of the Women's Art Library slide collection
PhD, University of Brighton, UK
Mair Wendelin Culbreth (2018)
Transactional Bodies: Politics, Pedagogies, and Performance Practices of the San Francisco Bay Area
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Jane Dunlop (2018)
How we are together : generosity and dissonance in internet-situated performance art.
PhD, University of Brighton, UK
Tamara Ondine Elisabeth De Szegheo Lang (2018)
Contagious History: Affect and Identification in Queer Public History Exhibitions
PhD, York University, Canada
Emily Johnson (2018)
BA, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia
Allegra Holmes (2018)
BA, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia
Pamela Joyce Lane (2018)
Eirene Mort: Artist, Artisan and New Woman
MPhil, Australian National University, Australia
Myfanwyn E. Ryan (2018)
Matrilineal performance-to-camera : exploring maternal aesthetics and the frame
PhD, Loughborough University, UK
Rose-Anne Sophia Gush (2018)
Figuring Austria's repressed violence : artistic labour of the body in the work of Elfriede Jelinek and VALIE EXPORT
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Mandakini Devi (2018)
Mirroring the self : developing representational strategies for lens based art
PhD, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Alexandra Antoniadou (2018)
Realisations of performance in contemporary Greek art.
PhD, Edinburgh University, UK
P. van Beek (2018)
Self-surveillance: performing the plurality of my feminine experience of self.
MA, RMIT University, USA
Ruth Amy Burgon (2017)
Pace, rhythm, repetition : walking in art since the 1960s (Janet Cardiff, Trisha Brown)
PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK
Sylvia Hollis (2017)
The assumed divide : Examining gender, feminism and relationships through visual art
PhD, Federation University, Australia
Melissa Susan Rogers (2017)
Soft Circuitry: Methods for Queer and Trans Feminist Maker Movements
PhD, University of Maryland, USA
Erinn Mary Nordeman (2017)
The Endless Chain [Quilts]
PhD, University of Arizona, USA
Delaida Adéle Adendorff (2017)
The princess in the veld : curating liminality in contemporary South African female art production
Dphil, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Edina Husanovic (2017)
Dis-Orient Express : belly dancing, hybrid identities and female oriental 'other'.
PhD, University of Reading, UK
Laura Edith Guy (2017)
Manifestos : aesthetics and politics in queer times
PhD, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
C Whelan (2017)
Exploring alternative geographies, politics and identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina through contemporary art practices
PhD, University College London, UK
Linda Renz (2017)
Re-inventing the Lolita complex
PhD, University of Newcastle, UK
Regina Danino (2017)
Experimental film : Catholic and feminist readings of my films (2010-2016).
PhD, University of Westminster, UK
Rebeckah Pryor (2017)
This is my body: re-imagining the mother and the sacred in art and ordinary life.
PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia
Frances Hatherley (2017)
Sublime dissension: A working-class Anti-Pygmalion aesthetics of the female grotesque
PhD, Middlesex University, UK
Emilie Blanc (2017)
Art Power : tactiques artistiques et politiques de l’identité en Californie (1966-1990)
PhD, Universite Rennes 2, France
Deborah Lawler-Dormer (2017)
In the Trouble. Tactics for technoscientific art practice and curation
PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia
Daniela Alvares Beskow (2017)
O discurso das mulheres na cena paulistana de 2015-2016: uma proposta feminista de análise de espetáculos
PhD, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Heidi Kellett (2017)
Skin Portraiture: Embodied Representations in Contemporary Art
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Manuela Granziol-Fornera (2017)
The fragmented body and the artwork of Berlinde De Bruyckere
PhD, University of Westminster, UK
Kim Dhillon (2017)
More than words : text art since conceptualism
PhD, Royal College of Art, UK
Helen Ingleton (2017)
Composing paradoxes : feminist process in sound arts and experimental musics
PhD, City University London, UK
Linda Stupart (2017)
Becoming Object: Positioning a Feminist Art Practice
PhD, Goldsmiths College, UK
Kylie Ching (2017)
Critiquing the Nude: Kusama, Kubota, and Kihara Appropriate Duchamp’s Nude
MA, University of California – Irvine, USA
Mariana Meneses Romero (2017)
Women cooking art: Hospitality and contemporary art practices
PhD, Goldsmith's College, University of London, UK
David Sperber (2017)
Jewish Feminist Art in the US and Israel, 1990-2017
PhD, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Caroline Phillips (2017)
Materialising feminism: object and interval
PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia
A. Joannides (2017)
Material bodies and the complications of desire
PhD, RMIT, Australia
Elisabeth Stecker (2017)
Materialisierte Körper: Friederike Pezolds Videoinstallationen als posthumanistische Agentin und feministische Techniken
MA, University of Vienna, Austria
Diana Baker Smith (2017)
Re-doing the Histories of Performance: Re-enactment and the Historiographies of Live Art
PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia
Irene Dimitrios Gerogianni (2017)
Η περφόρμανς στην Ελλάδα από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του '70/ Performance art in Greece from the beginning of the 1970s
PhD, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Danielle Taschereau Mamers (2017)
Settler Colonial Ways of Seeing: Documentary Governance of Indigenous Life in Canada and its Disruption [Nadia Myre, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Christi Belcourt]
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada
María del Carmen Díaz Ruiz (2017)
Art and food in contemporary creation from a gender perspective
PhD, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Taís Ritter Dias (2017)
Ensino de arte e feminismos : urdiduras entre relações de poder e resistências
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Laurel McKenzie (2017)
Venus rising, Furies raging: bodies redressed in contemporary visual art.
PhD, James Cook University, Australia
Juana Williams (2017)
The Beautiful Struggle Of Black Feminism: Changes In Representations Of Black Womanhood Examined Through The Artwork Of Elizabeth Catlett And Mickalene Thomas
MA, Wayne State University, USA
Emilie Bouvard (2017)
Violence de l'art des femmes, 1958-1978 : surréalisme, psychanalyse et féminisme : Violence in women's art, 1958-1978 : surrealism, psychoanalysis and feminism
PhD, Paris 1, France
Katharine Stein (2017)
Creative Metamorphoses: Early Experimentation with Digital Technology in the Works of Sarah Jackson and Elizabeth Vander Zaag
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Daniela Alvares Beskow (2017)
O discurso das mulheres na cena paulistana de 2015-2016: uma proposta feminista de análise de espetáculos
MA, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil
Glauco Batista Ferreira (2017)
Arte, ativismo e espaço urbano na Baía de São Francisco através das ações do Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project - QWOCMAP
PhD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Nicole Murillo Núñez (2017)
Tránsitos e intervenciones feministas. Performance en artistas/activistas argentinas: Mujeres Públicas y Valeria Flores
MA, Universidad de Chile , Chile
E.C. SARAIVA (2017)
Visualidades de Luiza Prado: poética da ex-centricidade
MA, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Raquel Cardoso Stanick (2017)
Flávio Tavares e a alegoria de uma cidade: Reflexões sobre gênero n’O Reinado do Sol
MA, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Melanie Popp (2017)
Maternal journeys and the power of storytelling
Äitiyden matka ja tarinankerronan voima
MA, Aalto University, Finland
Satu Sipili (2017)
"Girls" Just Wanna Have "Fun" - erään taiteellisen praktiikan tulkintaa feminismin ja radikaalin avantgarden näkökulmasta
MA, Aalto University, Finland
Sylvie Freytag (2017)
Art et politique en Autriche : l'impact des oeuvres d'Alfred Hrdlicka, de Friedenreich Hundertwasser, de Günter Brus et de Valie Export sur l'Autriche de la Seconde République
PhD, Université de Strasbourg, France
Scott Dow (2017)
Hippie Acid Freak Drag Queens:" Situating the Cockettes within an Art Historical Context
MA, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
Pang Z. Vang (2017)
Tipping Point
MA, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
Melissa Susan Rogers (2017)
Soft Circuitry: Methods for Queer and Trans Feminist Maker Movements
PhD, University of Maryland, USA
Manuela Castillejo Rivera (2017)
Los cuerpos dóciles
BA, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Anastasia Booth (2017)
Playing with me: Feminine perspectives in fetishism and contemporary art
PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Laura M. McMillian (2017)
Masquerade, Developing Artworks through Party Culture, and Disdain for the White Cube
MA, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
Katarina Duplančić (2017)
MA, University of Split, Croatia
Julie Hollenbach (2017)
The Social Practice of Crafting: Gender, Class, and Race in Western Craft
PhD, Queens University at Kingston, Canada
Inmaculada Alcalá García (2017)
La voz oculta de María Campo Alange. La escritora en la espera
PhD, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Elena Canido Muíño (2017)
Creative Muse: the young female artist and the role of arts in women's Künstlerromans
MA, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
NG Holmstrom (2017)
Beautiful, dead, dissected : the dismembered female body in artistic representation
PhD, University of Tasmania, Australia
Anais Chevillot (2017)
Genre et création : construction d'identités genrées chez les femmes artistes / Gender and Creation
PhD, Universite de Grenoble Alpes, France
Laura Diaz Ramos (2017)
Feminist curatorial interventions in museums and organizational change : transforming the museum from a feminist perspective
PhD, University of Leicester, UK
Jason Matthew Huber (2017)
Pathopolitics: Feminist Performance Art, Biopolitics, and Affect in 1970s America
PhD, University of California-Irvine, USA
Hyunji Kwon (2017)
Performing Witnessing: Art, Sexual Trauma and Feminist Pedagogy
PhD, Penn State University, USA
Laura Goodwin (2017)
Bad Girl: Feminism, Contradiction, and Transformation
MA, Boise State University, USA
Virginia Allison Harbin (2017)
Encounters in excess: transnational feminisms in contemporary installation art: Nalini Malani, Roshini Kempadoo, Shahzia Sikander
PhD, Rutgers University, USA
Hannah Kindler (2017)
The Blinded Cyclops or How to Engage With One Another: An exploration of feminist responsibility in artistic practice as means of ethical encounter
MA, Dutch Art Institute, The Netherlands
Savannah Theis (2017)
Practicing Relationality: How to put theory into practice through the encounter with process work, practice-led research and an enquiry into feminist epistemologies
MA, Dutch Art Institute, The Netherlands
DI Purecel (2016)
The Rise of the Feminist Art Museum in the Netherlands
MA, Lieden University, The Netherlands
Lu I-Ying (2016)
LA FEMINIDAD Y LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE LA SUBJETIVIDAD EN EL ARTE FEMENINO CONTEMPORÁNEO DE TAIWAN, A PARTIR DE LOS AÑOS 90/ The Femininity and the Construction of Subjectivity in the Contemporary Feminine Art of Taiwan Since the 1990s
PhD, Universitat Polytechnica de Valencia, Italy
Kirsty Baker (2016)
Inhabiting the threshold: the Women's Gallery as liminal space in New Zealand's feminist art history
MA, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Caroline Gausden (2016)
Social art practices as feminist manifestos : radical hospitality in the archive
PhD, Robert Gordon University, UK
Belinda Link (2016)
Breaking the silence : empowering adolescent girls through art
MA, University of Texas, USA
Catherine Long (2016)
A feminist dialogue with the camera : strategies of visibility in video art practices
PhD, University of the Arts, London, UK
Maria Fernanda Barriga (2016)
Deconstructing Feminist Art
Deconstructing Feminist Art and The Evolution of New Media
MA, Prescott college, USA
Carol Ann Dixon (2016)
The 'othering' of Africa and its diasporas in Western museum practices
PhD, University of Sheffield, UK
Elicia Clare Spencer-Mills (2016)
Dialectics of Belonging and Strategies of Space: Cultural Memory, B/black Women's Creativity, and the Folds of British Art History 1985-2011
PhD, Leeds University, UK
Vivian Kuang Sheng (2016)
PhD, University of York, UK
Jacqueline Donachie (2016)
Illuminating Loss: a study of the Capacity for Artistic Practice to Shape Research and Care in the Field of Inherited Genetic Illness
PhD, Northumbria University, UK
Amy Tobin (2016)
Working Together, Working Apart: Feminism, Art, and Collaboration in Britain and the United States, 1970–81
PhD, University of York, UK
Elizabeth Henderson (2016)
The scent of the Jabberwocky
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Sara Carolina Pesántez Urgilés (2016)
Protesta contra el femicidio y la violencia de género por medios artísticos en la red y espacios públicos
BA, Universidad de Cuenca , Ecuador
Rafaella Sudário RIBEIRO (2016)
As caixas de memórias de Marilda de Godoi: arquivo, visualidade dos corpos e poder (1889 – 1969)
PhD, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil
Verushka Lieutenant-Duval (2016)
Entre reconduction de la tradition et émancipation prétendument libératrice : la représentation des pratiques sexuelles véhiculée par le flot d’images diffusées en Occident durant la « Révolution sexuelle »
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Pila Mata Dupont (2016)
A Negative Genealogy: Invagination as Feminist Film Treatment
MA, Dutch Art Institute, The Netherlands
Leila Nicole Riszko (2016)
Breaching bodily boundaries: transgressive embodiment and gender queering in contemporary performance art.
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
Deborah Kelly (2016)
The social life of collage: A provisional glossary.
MA, University of New South Wales, Australia
Kirstie Frances Imber (2016)
Unveiling the voice : the politics and poetics of the voice in Iranian women's art.
PhD, Birkbeck College, UK
Ana Marchante Hueso (2016)
Transbutch. Luchas fronterizas de género entre el arte y la política
PhD, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Alisa Kronberger (2016)
Korper auflesen, Raum verschaffen.Video in der Performance-Kunst der feministischen Avantgardein den 1970er Jahren
MA, University of Marburg, Germany
Laura Josephine O'Brien (2016)
“Artful Vandals”: Urban Interventions, Street Art and Spatial Feminisms
MA, Concordia, Canada
Klara Hagberg (2016)
Men är det Konst? : En undersökning av möjligheterna att använda stiftelser för inköp av texila konstverk till Moderna Museets samling
BA, Uppsala University, Sweden
Iris Teres Korsnes (2016)
Love is What you Want. Analyser av Tracey Emins verk Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-1995, Hate and Power Can Be a Terrible Thing og Love is What You Want
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Karianne Helen Sand (2016)
Elisabeth Haarr. Kropp, kunst og liv; Elisabeth Haarr: Body, art and life
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Liv Brissach (2016)
From Above: The Vertical Perspective in Ursula Biemann’s “Remote Sensing” (2001)
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Harriet Maher (2016)
Looking back: contemporary feminist art in Australia and New Zealand
MA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Fivi Spyridonos (2016)
The illustrative bridge between Kitsch and Avant Garde Feminism
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Katrin Hassler (2016)
Das Paradox der Geschlechterdichotomie - Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Geschlecht feur die Einnahme von Spitzenpositionen im Kunstfeld
PhD, Leuphana University / Lueneburg, Germany
See also by same author, Kunst und Gender - Zur Bedeutung von Geschlecht fuer die Einnahme von Spitzenpositionen im Kunstfeld (Bielefeld transcript, 2017)
Margot K. Berrill (2016)
The Host and the Roast: Kitchen Humor in Feminist Video Art and Pop Culture
PhD, University of Illinois – Chicago, USA
Nancy Ma (2016)
Woman•Horse: Identifying Chinese Women Artists’ Attitudes Towards Feminism Through a Reclamation of Chinese Women’s History
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia
Deirdre Mason Scharffs (2016)
Refiguring the Wild West: Minerva Teichert and her Feminine Communities
MA, Brigham Young University, USA
Manoela dos Anjos Afonso (2016)
Language and place in the life of Brazilian women in London : writing life narratives through art practice
PhD, University of the Arts London, UK
Cara A. Smulevitz (2016)
“Girl, if you make the movie, I promise you somebody will see it” DIY, Grrrl Power, and Miranda July
MA, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
Jessica Merle Steytler (2016)
Concept-material-process : exegesis in the creative practice of Jessica Steytler
MA, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Natalia Cabanillas (2016)
Para além do político mulheres ativistas na Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Tomás Peters Núñez (2016)
Nelly Richard's crítica cultural : theoretical debates and politico-aesthetic explorations in Chile (1970-2015)
PhD, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Marie Traficante (2016)
Sensing the Image :Embodied Art Criticism
MFA, Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada
Eliza Tan (2016)
Yoshiko Shimada : art, feminism and memory in Japan after 1989
PhD, Kingston University, UK
Marcia Roberts-Deutsch (2016)
Up to and including her limits : body language and body politics in performance
PhD, University of Hawaii - Manoa, USA
Helen Gorrill (2016)
Gendered Economic and Symbolic Values in Contemporary British Painting
PhD, Coventry University, UK
Goodman Emily Elizabeth (2016)
Feeding Feminism: Food and Gender Ideology in American Women's Art, 1960-1979
PhD, University of California - San Diego, USA
Anxela Caremes Sales (2016)
Las prácticas curatoriales feministas en el Estado Español (1993-2013). La gestión cultural como productora del discurso de las identidades de género
PhD, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Rachel Warriner (2016)
Nancy Spero: Pain and Politics, 1966-1976
PhD, University College Cork, Ireland
Snædís Malmquist Einarsdóttir (2016)
From Shouting to Sublety : why feminist art needs a new direction
BA, Iceland Academy of Arts, Iceland
Rachel Warriner (2016)
Nancy Spero: Pain and Politics, 1966-1976
PhD, University College Cork, Ireland
Anneke Schulenberg (2015)
Beyond Borders. The Work of Ghada Amer, Mona Hatoum, Shirin Neshat and Shahzia Sikander
Phd, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Sharlene Khan (2015)
Postcolonial masquerading : a critical analysis of masquerading strategies in the artworks of contemporary South African visual artists Anton Kannemeyer, Tracey Rose, Mary Sibande, Senzeni Marasela and Nandipha Mntambo
PhD, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Elisabeth Ann Holt (2015)
User Experience with Archives and Feminist Teaching Conversations with The Judy Chicago Art Education Collection.
PhD, Penn State University, USA
Victoria Horne (2015)
A History of Feminist Art History: Remaking a Discipline and Its Institutions
PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK
See also by same author, Horne, Victoria and Amy Tobin. ‘An Unfinished Revolution in Art Historiography, or How to Write a Feminist Art Historiography’ vol. 107: 75-83 (Feminist Review, 2014)
Laura Joseph (2015)
Shadow Feminism: Disavowed Feminized Labor in Postwar American Art
PhD, University of Minnesota, USA
Carter Nicole April (2015)
Performing Radical Black Womanhood: Black Women Artists as Critical Public Pedagogues
PhD, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Niles Krista Joy (2015)
An Arranged Deconstruction: The Feminist Art Practice of Louise Lawler
MA, University of Arizona, USA
Emma Maria Larsson (2015)
En trojansk / My Little Pony (feminist comic books)
PhD, Stockholm University, Sweden
Courtney E. Coombs (2015)
It's complicated: Romancing the [male] modernist canon
PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Yu Xia (2015)
Yoko Ono and her contributions to feminist art
PhD, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Amy Wing-Hann Wong (2015)
Rhythm and the Monstrous: A Diary Manifesto for Oil Painters
PhD, York University, Canada
Rachel Giordano (2015)
Readymaintenance : systems, feminist economics, and the immaterial readymade in the work of Mierle Laderman Ukeles
MA, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Camilla Patricia Reuter (2015)
Pussy Riot: Art or Hooliganism? Changing Society through Means of Participation
BA, University of Iceland, Iceland
Anna Światłowska (2015)
Arte feminista en Polonia: artistas emergentes 2010-2015
PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Anna Światłowska (2015)
Arte feminista en Polonia: artistas emergentes 2010-2015
PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Martorana Christine (2015)
Looking Outside to Empower within: Feminist Activists, Feminist Agency, and the Composition Classroom
PhD, Florida State University, USA
Grace Acton Roberts (2015)
Curating the Personal: What problems arise in curating feminist maternal art practice?
MA, University of the Arts London, UK
Heather Kathleen Whittlesey (2015)
MFA, Iowa State University, USA
Jacquelyn Marie O'Brien (2015)
Open Up (on humor)
MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, UK
Qianqian Hu (2015)
An Elegant Awkwardness
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Amanda M Wada (2015)
Cindy Sherman: Fashion take-offs
MA, University of California, Long Beach, USA
M Balamani (2015)
Women rituals and cultural practices
PhD, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Faculty of Fine Arts, India
Kelly Grant (2015)
MA, Saint Mary's University, Canada
Anna Khimasia (2015)
At Play in the Archive: Reading Sophie Calle's Double Game as Autofictional Remains
Phd, Carleton University, Canada
Laken Bridges (2015)
Invisible Labor and the Preservation of Dignity.
MFA, Clemson University, USA
Meta Gary (2015)
Maintaining Hierarchies: The Perpetuation of Class and Labor Divisions in Mierle Laderman Ukeles' Transfer: Maintenance of the Art Object.
MA, Georgia State University, USA
Katelyn Ann Seprish (2015)
The Strange Hair and the Pretty Nipple
MFA, University of Notre Dame, USA
Sabrina Maiorano (2015)
Représentation du sadomasochisme lesbien en art contemporain : genres et sexualités féministes queer dans les oeuvres des artistes Del Lagrace Volcano, Catherine Opie et Tejal Shah / mémoire présenté comme exigence partielle de la maîtrise en histo
MA, University Quebec a Montreal, Canada
Leana Van der Merwe (2015)
Sacrificial and hunted bodies : ritualistic death and violence in the work of selected South African female artists
MA, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Marcia Peschke (2015)
The living dead girl : a performance art exploration of poor/working class women of colour as sites of violence in contemporary South Africa.
MA, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
S. D. Badoux (2015)
Translating Experience: Re(presenting) the life of Gisele d'Ailly
PhD, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Holly Laing Willis (2015)
Out of hand: experimental media practices by women
PhD, University of Southern California, USA
Laura Margaret Richard (2015)
In Situ and On Location: The Early Works of Maria Nordman
PhD, University of California – Berkeley, USA
Cigdem Aydemir (2015)
Image and Voice: Muslim women in Contemporary Art
MFA, University of Sydney, Australia
Emma Westecott (2015)
Performing play in digital games : mapping feminist futures
PhD, University of South Wales, UK
Laura Joseph (2015)
Shadow Feminism: Disavowed Feminized Labor in Postwar American Art
PhD, University of Minnesota, USA
Hannah Rebecca McBride (2015)
MFA, Western Carolina University, USA
Alejandro Javier del Valle Cordero (2015)
Primitivismo en el Arte de Ana Mendieta
PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain
Christine Reading (2015)
Representing melancholy : figurative art and feminism
PhD, University of Brighton, UK
Sofia Folkesson (2015)
Vem tillhör konsthistorien?: En studie om konst, kön och jämställdhet i bildundervisningen. Who belongs to the history of art?: a study of art, sex and gender in image instruction (Swedish text)
BA, Umea University, Sweden
Eleanor Roberts (2015)
hird Area : a feminist reading of performance at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts in the 1970s.
PhD, Queen Mary's University, UK
Jane Patricia Polkinghorne (2015)
Foam Rainbow: where humour, disgust and failure mingle in contemporary art
MA, University of Sydney, Australia
Hillary Sullivan (2015)
Iconoclastic fervor : Sally Hazelet Drummond, abstract expressionism and curatorial practice
MA, University of Louisville, USA
Laila Mendieta (2015)
“The Mythical Xeno-Droids”, Researching the materialization of a genderless feminism
MA, Dutch Art Institute, The Netherlands
Marie-Emilie Lorenzi (2015)
Activisme rose : cultures et arts féministes queer en France
PhD, Paris 1, France
Stephanie Lianne Rhyner (2015)
Satirical Warfare: Guerrilla Girls' Performance and Activism from 1985-1995.
MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Liisa Graham (2015)
The Spence Bay Project: Inuit representation, social engagement, and feminist pedagogy in the photographic work of Pamela Harris
MA, Ryerson University, Canada
Tamara Panteón Weishaupt (2015)
Rito de transición
BA, Universidad de Chile , Chile
Julia Antivilo-Peña (2015)
Arte Feminista Latinoamericano. Rupturas de un Arte Político en la Producción Visual
PhD, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Renata BITTENCOURT (2015)
Modos de negra e modos de branca: o retrato "Baiana" e a imagem da mulher negra na arte do seculo XIX
MA, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Julya Santana de VASCONCELOS (2015)
A memória do abismo: corpo, catástrofe e outras potências na obra de Regina José Galindo
MA, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Yennifer Alexandra Jaramillo Sánchez (2015)
Todas las mujeres, la mujer
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
Roberta STUBS (2015)
A/r/tografia de um corpo-experiência: arte contemporânea, feminismos e produção de subjetividade
PhD, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Brazil
Natalia del Pilar Ramírez Parra (2015)
La imagen que representó al género, una retrospectiva a las representaciones de la mujer en Colombia
PhD, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional , Columbia
Yvette M. Gresle (2015)
Precarious video: historical events, trauma and memory in South African video art (Jo Ractliffe, Penny Siopis, Berni Searle, Minnette Vári)
PhD, University College, London, UK
Vanessa Cristine Zaccharias de Souza (2015)
Chega de Fiu Fiu: o papel do ciberfeminismo na construção do feminismo na era da Web 2.0.
PhD, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil
Gabriela Barzaghi De Laurentiis (2015)
Louise Bourgeois e os modos feministas de criar
Louise Bourgeois and the feminist forms to create
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Joana Maria Pedro (2015)
Autorização de Nelly Richard
PhD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
John Giordano (2015)
Between Conviviality and Antagonism| Transactionalism in Contemporary Art Social Practice and Political Life.
PhD, Union Institute and University, USA
Isabel Bredenbroker (2015)
Individuelle Mythologie ; Objekt, Bild und Schrift in Werken von Tracey Emin
MA, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Andrea Ferber (2015)
Nancy Spero: printing, writing, collaging.
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Jennifer A. Schwartz (2015)
Childbirth as a profound experience: Exploring narrative and image of experiences during birth
PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA
Airi Triisberg (2015)
The Workers of Society – the Artist, the Housewife and the Nun : A Feminist Marxist Analysis on the Intersections of Art, Care Work and Social Struggles
MA, Linköping University, Sweden
Solveiga Vasiliauskaitė (2015)
Feministinių idėjų apraiškos šiuolaikiniame stiklo mene / Manifestation of feminist thought in contemporary glass art
MA, Vilniaus dailės akademija, Lithuania
Sarah Anne Dickerson (2015)
Borderlines of labor : Margarita Cabrera’s sculptures and the (un)American dream
MA, University of Texas – Austin, USA
P. Brailovsky Ruiz (2014)
Geographies of violence : site-oriented art and politics at the Mexico-U.S. border from the 1980s to the present
PhD, University College London (UCL), UK
Lawrence Buttigieg (2014)
Addressing the self through the subjectivity of the other : a practice-led investigation of a particular artist-model relationship
PhD, Loughborough University, UK
Barbara Elektra Droth (2014)
Live art, life art : a critical-visual study of three women performance artists and their documentation
PhD, University of Sussex, UK
Despoina Mantzari (2014)
Women directors in 'global' art cinema : negotiating feminism and representation
PhD, University of East Anglia, UK
Lisa Metherell (2014)
Glittering orientations : towards a non-figurative queer art practice
PhD, Birmingham City University, UK
Teresa Chen (2014)
Between selves and others : exploring strategic approaches within visual art
PhD, University of Plymouth, UK
Gitana Evseičikaitė (2014)
Tekstilės kompozicijos „Arti bedugnės“ / Compositions of textile „Close to the abyss“
MA, Šiaulių universitetas, Lithuania
Christy R. Kirk (2014)
Finding Cathartic Beauty in Trauma and Abjection
MFA, Washington University, USA
Priya Nadkarni (2014)
Heard or Dreamed About
MFA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Marisa White-Hartman (2014)
A Feminist Inheritance? Questions of Subjectivity and Ambivalence in Paul McCarthy, Mike Kelley and Robert Gober
PhD, City University of New York, USA
H. Dawn Hamilton (2014)
Myth and Archetype in the Studio: An Artist's Encounter with a Goddess
PhD, Prescott College, USA
Alexandra Devin Vicich (2014)
Therapeutic change for women in collective performance
PhD, New York University, USA
Sandra Burke (2014)
Thinking Bodies and Sensational Minds: Affect and Embodiment in Contemporary Art
PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Monica De Miranda (2014)
Geography of affections: tales of identity, diaspora and travel in the work of Monica de Miranda
Arts D., Middlesex University, UK
Danielle Brogan (2014)
Comparing the violence towards women in Pakistan and Afghanistan to feminist artists and their work
B.Des, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Monica Swedberg (2014)
Female aspects in contemporary Turkish art
MA, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Steven Reginald Hammer (2014)
Writing (Dirty) New Media: Technorhetorical Opacity, Chimeras and Dirty Ontology
PhD, North Dakota State University, USA
Yoonjung Kang (2014)
Art as a mirror and window on cultural diversity in South Korea: A critical analysis of artworks by three contemporary artists with implications for art education
PhD, Florida State University, USA
Joan Y Mace (2014)
Rupturing the 'reality' of reality TV: Contemporary video artists examining the discursive effects of the reality TV phenomenon
MA, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Rachel Lynn Livedalen (2014)
Hey! Hey! What ever happened to the garden?
MFA, University of Iowa, USA
Sara H Salazar (2014)
The curandera's daughters: Spirituality art and activism in the lives and works of Cherrie Moraga and Lila Downs
PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA
Kathren Martin (2014)
The Aesthetic Which is Not One: The Feminist (un)Aesthetic in the Works of Caryl Churchill and Suzan Lori-Parks
MA, University of South Carolina - Columbia, USA
Brittany Nicole Tullis (2014)
Constructions of femininity in Latin/o American comics : redefining womanhood via the male-authored comic
PhD, University of Iowa, USA
Akinyi Margareta Ocholla (2014)
Tensions and contradictions of being African, feminist and activist within LGBTI social movements: : An Autoethnographic Account
MA, Linköping University, Sweden
Lara Roseiro (2014)
Femmage e heranças do labor feminino / Femmage and heritages of female labor (Miriam Schapiro, Faith Ringgold, Ghada Amer)
MA, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Liliana Granja Pereira de Morais (2014)
Duas mulheres ceramistas entre o Japão e o Brasil: identidade, cultura e representação ; Two women ceramists between Japan and Brazil: identity, culture and representation
MA, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Danielle Leroux (2014)
Forgotten Relations: Revisiting Papergirl Vancouver’s Feminist and Social Practice Art Roots
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Louise Mayhew (2014)
A history of women-only art collectives and collaboration in Australia 1970-2010
PhD, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Elida Schogt (2014)
Beside Oneself: Towards a Participatory Feminist Art Practice
PhD, York University, Canada
Fernanda Pierangeli Fonseca (2014)
Associações e mulheres: possibilidades de (re)construção identitária e empoderamento ; Associations and women: opportunities of identity (re)construction and empowerment.
MA, Universidade Federal de Lavras (RIUFLA), Brazil
Heike Thienenkamp (2014)
Patricia Piccininis plastisches Werk im Kontext der Biowissenschaften
PhD, Bielefeld University, Germany
Solveiga Vasiliauskaite (2014)
Feministiniu ideju apraiškos šiuolaikiniame stiklo mene ; Manifestation of feminist thought in conpemporary glass art
MA, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Lithuania
Jacqueline Witkowski (2014)
Ever present, never presented : Suzanne Lacy, feminism, and quilting
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada
Shahed Wadi (2014)
Corpos na trouxa. Histórias-artísticas-de-vida de mulheres palestinianas no exílio
PhD, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Louise Elizabeth Crocker (2014)
Writing the feminine : from pain to projection in Nancy Spero's Torture of women
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Susan Mary O'Shea (2014)
The Art Worlds of Punk-Inspired Feminist Networks - A social network analysis of theLadyfest feminist music and cultural movement in the UK
PhD, University of Manchester, UK
Remedios Perni Llorente (2014)
Recordando a Ofelia : melancolía y cultura visual
PhD, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Sarah Pucill (2014)
Mourning, materiality and the feminine: Sarah Pucill’s films 2004-2010
PhD, University of Westminster, UK
Magdalena Raivio (2014)
Gudinnefeminister : Monica Sjöös och Starhawks berättande - subjektskonstruktion, idéinnehåll och feministiska affiniteter; Goddess Feminists : Monica Sjöö’s and Starhawk’s story-telling – subject construction, conceptual content and feminist affinities
PhD, Karlstads University / Karlstads Universitet, Sweden
Alexandra Mackel (2014)
Tatort und Schauplatz. Reprasentation und Rezeption sexueller Gewalt gegen uber Frauen in der zeitgenossischen Kunst
PhD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Elizabeth R. Canfield (2014)
PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Belen Maria Mendez Munoz (2014)
Australian aborigine art: an analysis of Sally Morgan's oeuvre
PhD, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Jordan S. Powers (2014)
Femininity, Pinterest, and the Appropriation of Jane Austen
MA, East Tennessee State University, USA
Ami Skanberg Dahlstedt (2014)
In search of Shiraboshi
MA, Gothenburg University / Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden
Alexandra Christine Fabrizio (2014)
Too Hot to Handle (?): Provocations and Their Redemptive Effect in the Works of Nao Bustamante
BA Senior project, Bard College, USA
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (2014)
Mujeres que se visualizan : (En)gendering archives and regimes of media and visuality in post-1968 Mexico
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
Sally Jean McKay (2014)
Repositioning Neuroaesthetics Through Contemporary Art
PhD, York University, Canada
Doris Pichler (2014)
Neue Bildungsstandards – alte Geschlechterwerte
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Laura MacArthur (2014)
Re-viewing Reception: Criticism of Feminist Theatre in Montreal and Toronto, 1976 to Present
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
April R Mandrona (2014)
What can we make with this? Creating relevant art education practices in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Kaelyn D. Rodriguez (2014)
Authorship and Memory in Judy Baca's Murals
MA, University of California, USA
Sylvie Simonds (2014)
A countercultural movement: examining Carolee Schneemann's kinetic theatre between 1963 and 1970
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Corinne Thiessen Hepher (2014)
Some nerve: invisible debilitations, explosive restraint and the in-valid
MA, Lethbridge, Canada
Olivier Vallerand (2014)
Making homes, building identities: queer subversions of domestic space, 1994-2014
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Catalina Urtubia Figueroa (2014)
Apuntes sobre la relación entre el activismo de género y
artes visuales
durante la Dictadura Militar
MA, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Henri Hugues (2014)
1914-2014, un siècle d’anthropophagie féminine dans l’art brésilien : pertinence et actualité ?
PhD, Universite des Antilles-Guyane, France
Maayan Glaser-Koren (2014)
Lynn Hershman Leeson's Roberta Breitmore and the Art of Becoming a Woman
MA, San Jose State University, USA
Phoebe Stewart Herland (2014)
The Artist In Context: Exploring the Curatorial Treatment of Agnes Martin
BA Senior project, Bard College, USA
Julia Moura Godinho (2014)
Mulheres Artistas em Revolução: museologia, feminismo e arte
BA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia , Columbia
Urtubia Figueroa, Catalina (2014)
La emergencia del arte de género en Chile : apuntes sobe la relación entre el activismo de género y las artes visuales durante la Dictadura Militar
PhD, Universidad de Chile , Chile
Vergara Loyola, Juanita Leonor (2014)
Cautivas y liberadas : modelos de mujer en revistas femeninas de comienzos del Siglo XX en Chile : La Silueta (1917/1918) y Acción Femenina (1922/1924)
BA, Universidad de Chile , Chile
Laura Lucinda Ayala Rojas (2014)
El imaginario artístico femenino en la plástica del estado de Nuevo León. Una mirada desde el arte como institución en las últimas dos décadas
MA, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Emily Louise Krause (2014)
Suzanne Lacy : three weeks in May
MA, California State University, USA
Abney Louis Henderson (2014)
Four Women: An Analysis of the Artistry of Black Women in the Black Arts Movement, 1960s-1980s
PhD, University of South Florida, USA
Marcia Regina Becker (2014)
A gestão dos processos no artesanato por meio da formação de mulheres artesãs
PhD, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos , Brazil
Elena Avilés (2014)
My/Mi lengua franca: "Language," Manipulation, and Cultural Heritage in Chicana Art and Literature
PhD, University of New Mexico, USA
Erin Elizabeth Hinz (2014)
Mermaid Pinch: Investigating Identity and Sexual Subjectivity within a Gendered System
MFA, University of Notre Dame, USA
Sanna Samuelsson (2014)
”How the fuck is this art?: Om receptionen av ett feministiskt performanceverk på Youtube. On the reception of feminist performance art on You Tube.
BA, Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
Thavamani Pillay (2014)
The artistic practices of contemporary South African Indian women artists : how race, class and gender affect the making of visual art
MA, University of South Africa, South Africa
Brooke Zeligman (2014)
Material murmurings
PhD, Edith Cowan University, Canada
Elise Lund (2014)
Forholdet mor/barn i serien “You can’t keep a good rabbit down” av Vanessa Baird; Mother/child relationship in the series...
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Darcie Kennedy (2014)
Women's Work as Painting Practice
MFA, University of Ottawa, Canada
Liga Legzdina Olsen (2014)
Når det personlige blir for personlig. Politikken av det personlige og installasjonen “My Bed” av Tracey Emin; When the personal become too personal. The politics of the personal and the installation
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Julie Dring (2014)
Who were the Hackney Flashers? The history and importance of a British Feminist Collective, 1974-1980
MA, Ryerson University, USA
Amanda A. Oppedisano (2014)
MFA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Erin Ashley McCarthy (2014)
MatriART: Feminist Genealogy and Life Teaching in Art Education
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Alexa Nutile (2014)
MFA, Southern Illinois University, USA
Bettina A Judd (2014)
Feelin Feminism: Black Women's Art as Feminist Thought .
PhD, University of Maryland, USA
Alana D Kidder (2014)
Women Artists in Pop: Connections to Feminism in Non-Feminist Art.
MA, Ohio University, USA
Natalie H McLaurin (2014)
You are a Weird Bird.
MFA, University of New Orleans, USA
Molly Valentine Dierks (2014)
MFA, University of Michigan, USA
Clare Dwyer Eberle (2014)
Place & public longing: Sharon Hayes's love addresses as critical spatial practice.
MA, University of Southern California, USA
Jessica Maria Michael Arana (2014)
Revealing borderland identities: diaspora, memory, home, and art.
MA, California State University, Northridge, USA
Stacy Bloom Rexrode (2014)
Studio craft and the production of the heirloom.
MFA, University of North Carolina, USA
Amy B Ritter (2014)
My Body In Visual Culture.
MA, Ohio State University, USA
Caroline Emily Prechter (2014)
Hildegard von Bingen: The Problems of Discovering a Feminist Role Model
MA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Katherine Rosenheim (2014)
Nude performances in the practice of Fiona Banner, 2006-2010
MA, University of Southern California, USA
Ashley Helen Seilhamer (2014)
Decentralization of materialism: the battle against materialism for equality and identity
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Frances Hannah Carter (2014)
Magic and toyshops : narrative and meaning in the women's sex shop
PhD, Kingston University, UK
Laura Castagnini (2014)
'Parafeminism' and parody in contemporary art
MA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Sybil Elizabeth Gohari (2014)
Through the Looking Glass: Race and Gender in the Reception of Paintings by Helen Frankenthaler, Norman Lewis, Alma Thomas, and Mark Tobey
PhD, University of Maryland, USA
Lori Ope (2014)
The oppositional gaze : contemporary image-making practice and the implications of skin colour ideals
PhD, University of the Arts London, UK
Alexandra de los Angeles Jones Torres (2014)
Agency and Pornography: Erika Lust’s Female Gaze
MA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Amanda Le Kline (2014)
Speculation on the Trajectory of Human Kin
MFA, Ohio State University, USA
Indra K. Lacis (2014)
Celebrity and Performance: Marina Abramovic – Contemporary Art Star
PhD, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Constance A Lutz (2014)
Visual Art Teachers’ Ranges of Understanding and Classroom Practices of Assessment for Student Learning In Visual Art Education
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Teresa Minarsich (2014)
Girl-becomings: Girls Theorizing Girlhood through Visual Art, Theatre and Digital Communication
PhD, Arizona State University, USA
Kendris T. Myers (2014)
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow is Enuf
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Elisabeth Erin Pankl (2014)
PhD, Kansas State University, USA
Laetitia Delousal (2014)
Le nouveau paradigme de l'art à l'épreuve de la création contemporaine féminine en Tunisie / The new paradigm in art for contemporary women's creativity in Tunisia
PhD, Perpignan and Université de Sfax, France, Tunisia
Norman Ferey (2014)
La déconstruction du corps et des sexualités dans les performances artistiques en France de 1970 à 2000 : vers une prise en compte de la notion de genre / Deconstruction of Sexuality and the Body in Performance Art in France 1970-2000
PhD, Paris 8, France
Nicole Lauren Urquidi (2014)
Cindy Sherman: Portraits in question
MA, University of California, Long Beach, USA
Victoria Shackelford (2014)
Mary's mandala story: Images of chaos in mandala psychology
PhD, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA
Kelly Voss (2014)
Valie Export, Gina Pane, and Orlan:Pain, Body Art, and the Question of the Feminine.
MA, University of Cincinnati, USA
Amanda Kathryn Stone (2014)
Negotiating feminine absence: menstruation and visual culture.
MA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Sarah Elizabeth Tancred (2014)
Just Leftovers.
MFA, University of Montana, USA
Victoria Elizabeth Thomas (2014)
Discourses of sexual assault: Project Unbreakable and The art of healing"."
MA, California State University, Sacramento, USA
Marie-Francine Mansour Desvaux (2014)
Le surréalisme à travers Joyce Mansour : peinture et poésie, le miroir du désir / Surrealism as seen through Joyce Mansour's work : painting, poetry and the mirror of desire
PhD, Paris 1, France
Andrea Urrutia Gómez (2014)
Lápiz labial : identidad, presentación y experiencias de la feminidad
PhD, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
Leal Damaris (2014)
Decolonizing Chicana art: The work of Santa C Barraza, Amalia Mesa-Bains, and Alma Lopez
MA, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Erin Elizabeth Hinz (2014)
Mermaid Pinch: Investigating Identity and Sexual Subjectivity within a Gendered System.
MFA, University of Notre Dame, USA
Anita Holtsclaw (2014)
To see and be seen : cinematic constructions of gender and spectatorship in contemporary screen-based art
PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Wulandani Dirgantoro (2014)
Defining experiences : feminisms and contemporary art in Indonesia.
PhD, University of Tasmania , Australia
Toshia C. Humphries (2014)
TLReflection: A life-inspired work of feminist art therapy
PhD, Texas Tech University, USA
Andrea Hannon (2014)
The House is Still Named After Him - Exploring the tensions of encounter through creative processes
PhD, Coventry School of Art and Design, Coventry University, UK
Melanie Anne Pauls (2014)
Piecing together creativity: feminist aesthetics and the crafting of quilts
MA, DePaul University, USA
Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska (2014)
Uwikłane w kulturę. O twórczości artystycznej Japonek / Culture Trouble: The Contemporary Art of Japanese and Chinese Women
PhD, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
See also by same author, Sztuka stroju, strój w sztuce / The art of dress, dress in fine art (Torun: Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Tako Publishing House, 2015)
Kate Just (2013)
The Texture of Her Skin: A Studio Project Excavating and Reweaving Visions of Female Subjectivity
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Helen Gorrill (2013)
Nebula: An Elegy to Helen Chadwick's Final Works
M Res, Northumbria University, UK
Oleksandra Gudkova (2013)
Media representations of Eastern European feminist activism
MA, University of Vienna, Austria
Thea A. Yabut (2013)
Lines of Necessity (Kara Walker)
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Emily Katherine Lieberts (2013)
Roles Recast: Eleanor Antin and the 1970s
PhD, Columbia University, USA
Sibyl Annice Fisher (2013)
Curare : to care, to curate : a relational ethic of care in curatorial practice
PhD, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Kiley Anna McCarthy (2013)
Ritual, nourishment, and caregiving: The performances of Barbara T Smith and Linda Montano
MA, University of Southern California, USA
Gina Cortopassi (2013)
Regard critique sur le techno-corps dans la série La réincarnation de Sainte-ORLAN
MA, UQAM, Canada
Victoria Lawson (2013)
Embodied artistic interventions into the tourist field
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia
Judith Lorena Méndez Barrios (2013)
Dilatando el efímero. Intervención performativa y pedagógica radical: El caso de Lleca en México
PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB Barcelona, Spain
Kara SwamI (2013)
Destabilizing the Sign:The Collage Work of Ellen Gallagher, Wangechi Mutu, and Mickalene Thomas.
MA, University of Cincinnati, USA
Anna Gallagher Warbelow (2013)
Camping the Canon: Yasumasa Morimura's Queer Performative Critique of Art History.
PhD, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Elizabeth Winnel (2013)
Lip Sync.
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Tais Ritter Dias (2013)
Enredamentos de gênero no ensino da arte : investigando os estereótipos na arte e na cultura visual
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Maria del Carmen Oleas Rueda (2013)
La construcción de noción de feminidad en la práctica fotográfica de Lucía Chiriboga, Sara Roitman y Wendy Ribadeneira
MA, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
Esmeralda Mancilla Valdez (2013)
Pour un art biocritique: sexualité et action politique
PhD, Paris 1, France
Summers Esther Morris (2013)
Deconstructing Books, Reconstructing Women
MA, University of South Carolina, USA
Monika Kaiser (2013)
Neubesetzungen des Kunst-Raumes : feministische Kunstausstellungen und ihre Raume, 1972-1987 : New Members of the Art-Room: feminist exhibitions and their room, 1972-1987
PhD, Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany
Rebecca Adeline Johnston (2013)
Culture in the crucible : Pussy Riot and the politics of art in contemporary Russia
MA, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Linda Sheridan Jones (2013)
A feminist critique of the concept of home in the work of selected contemporary white South African female artists.
MA, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Marta Fernandez Campa (2013)
Fragmented Memories: The Archival Turn in Contemporary Caribbean Literature and Visual Culture (Roshini Kempadoo)
MA, University of Miami, USA
Samantha Gaier (2013)
Interior Decoration as Fine Art: Rachel Feinstein and The Sorbet Room, 2001
MA, Bowling Green State University, USA
Rosa Nogues (2013)
The body of sexuation : feminist art practice in the 1990s
PhD, Kingston University, UK
Amy Gardner Harlee (2013)
Art and stories of social justice identity development from white, christian women offer Insights for a Social Justice Education for Young People
PhD, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA
Eve Peasnall (2013)
Painting backwards, or, How my fool encountered the melancholic
PhD, Royal College of Art, UK
Maria Photiou (2013)
Rethinking the history of Cypriot art : Greek Cypriot women artists in Cyprus
PhD, Loughborough University, UK
Alice Planel (2013)
Artists of Algerian origin exhibiting in France 1989-2012 : an analysis of selected artists' work and its reception : the urban, the home and the Arab woman, and the 'global' art world
PhD, Kingston University, UK
Jasmine Richards (2013)
Arachne's daughters : towards a feminist poetics of creative autonomy
PhD, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, UK
Joanna Sperryn-Jones (2013)
Breaking as making : in what ways can making sculpture contribute to understanding experiences and perceptions of breaking?
PhD, University of the Arts London and Norwich University of the Arts, UK
M.R. Gomez Olmedilla (2013)
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Sausan Saulat (2013)
This, That and the Other : Occidental Accidents
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Deborah Tjikalyi Kim Prior (2013)
The Anatomical Venus exquisite disgust & desire : crafting the body in contemporary art practice
PhD, University of South Australia, Australia
See also by same author, The Anatomical Venus exquisite disgust & desire (University of South Australia, 2013)
Caroline Phillips (2013)
Placing the body: towards a subjectivity of the feminine in sculpture
MA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jacqueline Claire Vischer (2013)
A Salute to Feminine Utopia: Part One Feminist Manifestos and Utopian Fiction and Part Two Cwenaland an Odyssey
MA, Université de Montréal, Canada
Katy Ballard (2013)
Queens of the South Plains: Collected oral histories of drag queens living in Lubbock, TX.
MA, Texas Tech University, USA
Debra Elizabeth Cardell (2013)
Mina Loy and the Electric Body
MA, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, USA
Tia Simone Gardner (2013)
The other collectives of the left: reading Black left feminisms in sites of transatlantic cultural praxis.
MA, University of Alabama, USA
T.M. Zinnen (2013)
Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer; Blasfemie, parrèsia en de strijd om vrijheid
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
April Louise Durham (2013)
Collaborative Aesthetics and the Politics of Trans-Subjectivity.
PhD, University of California, Riverside, USA
Martha Elisabeth Polk (2013)
What Is Wrong With Carol?: Narrative, Genre, Feminism, and Language in Todd Haynes' Safe.
MA, Emory University, USA
Brian Pridham (2013)
Lady bits.
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Emily Katherine Liebert (2013)
Roles Recast: Eleanor Antin and the 1970s
PhD, Columbia University, USA
Jeanette Ulrikke Lund (2013)
Inskripsjoner: En analyse av Jenny Holzers installasjon Installasjon for Agder (2002); Inscriptions: An Analysis of Jenny Holzer’s installation
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Heather Jo Burmeister (2013)
Rural Revolution: Documenting the Lesbian Land Communities of Southern Oregon
MA, Portland State University, USA
Elizabeth Melanson (2013)
The patronage of modern art by the high society women of Paris, 1871-1914
PhD, University of Delaware, USA
Lindsay Moynihan (2013)
Contemporary Motherhood; An Intimate Look at Mothers in the 21st Century
MAE, Ferris State University, USA
Ania Wroblewski (2013)
La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi
PhD, Université de Montréal, Canada
Maísól Sturludóttir Ragnheiður (2013)
Stundarkorn: (Hannah Wilke, Martha Rosler, Bas Jan Ader, Roman Signer)
MA, University of Iceland, Iceland
Catherine Siermacheski (2013)
Not so fragile: an ethnography of women glass blowers in western Canada
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
Erin Silver (2013)
Sites unseen and scenes unsighted: histories of feminist and queer alternative art spaces, ca. 1970-2012 (New York, Los Angeles, Montreal)
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Julie Hollenbach (2013)
Comfort/Discomfort: Allyson Mitchell's Queer Re-Crafting of the Home, the Museum, and the Nation
MA, Queens University, Canada
Lauren J. Johnson (2013)
Shifting Focus: a Videographic Inquiry of Hope and Unplanned Pregnancy
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada
Lisa Michelle Mortimore (2013)
Embodied ways of knowing: women’s eco-activism
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada
Jean Lee Yi (2013)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Research on Maternal Motives Reflected in Works by Contemporary Taiwanese Women Artists
MA, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taiwan
Hui-Hu Hseih (2013)
(Chinese/Eng. title) A Study on the Imagery of Female Bodies Created by a Younger Generation of Women Artists in Taiwan
MA, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
HUA-JU Hsu (2013)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Female Artist-Image Self Discovery on the of Life
MA, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Panmela Silva e Castro (2013)
A arte de Anarkia Boladona e outras questões sobre o graffiti/ Art of Anarkia Boladona and others issues about the graffiti.
MA, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt (2013)
Through the Body: Corporeality, Subjectivity, and Empathy in Contemporary American Art.
PhD, Washington University in St Louis, USA
Reeanna Bradley (2013)
ARTivism : gender and artistic expression at AWAC
MA, Northern British Columbia, Canada
Kim Rondeau (2013)
Où en sommes-nous avec l'art féministe? : analyse de la programmation de la Centrale Galerie Powerhouse (1973-1978 et 2007-2010).
MA, UQAM, Canada
Sara Savignac-Rousseau (2013)
La stratégie ironique comme militance féministe : le cas des Guerrilla Girls, des Fermières Obsédées et de Dana Wyse.
MA, UQAM, Canada
Lina Alves Arruda (2013)
Estratégias desconstrutivas: a crítica feminista da representação / Deconstructive strategies: the feminist representational critique.
MA, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Jonatas Xavier de Souza (2013)
Que bom viver a vida: memórias e histórias de mulheres que sobreviveram à violência da ditadura
MA, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Deborah Deborah Levine (2013)
Knitting as art
MA, University of Louisville, USA
Courtney Pedersen (2013)
THE INDEFINITIVE SELF: subject as process in visual art (Tracey Moffatt, Mona Hatoum, Pipilotti Rist)
PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Redi Koobak (2013)
Whirling Stories: Postsocialist Feminist Imaginaries and the Visual Arts
PhD, Linköping University, Sweden
Jiun Yuh Li (2013)
Artistas chinos y taiwaneses contemporáneos en España. reflexiones desde una perspectiva de género
PhD, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Chauvin Marilyn (2013)
Reflecture des multiples facettes du féminin sacré et profane. Review of the multifaceted feminine, both sacred and secular.
PhD, Bordeaux 3, France
Lorna Alice Moira Dillon (2013)
Violetta Parra's Visual Art (1917-1967)
PhD, King's College London, UK
Michelle Metivier (2013)
Of pinafores and penises : feminist art of the 1970s
MA, University of Oxford, UK
Julia Antivilo Peña (2013)
Arte feminista latinoamericano: rupturas de un arte político en la producción visual
PhD, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Arriagada Reyes Galia (2013)
Performance : intersticio e interdisciplina
Licenciatura, Universidad de Chile , Chile
Kowii Alta Nary Manai (2013)
Mujeres de colores, colores de mujeres: las mujeres y su contribución al Sumakruray (arte Kichwa) Propuestas estéticas a partir del bordado y la pintura
PhD, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador
Roya Amirsoleymani (2013)
Planning for Public Participation and Community Engagement in Contemporary Feminist Art
PhD, University of Oregon, USA
Elisabeth Hanzl (2013)
Die Performances der V-Girls (1986 - 1996)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Fatma D. Dogus (2013)
Voices of Female International Graduate Students: Feminist Arts-Based Study at University of Victoria Graduate Students' Society
MA, University of Victoria, Canada
Aleksandra Drozdowska (2013)
Studien zur polnischen Performancekunst: (Ewa Partum / Jerzy Beres / Zbigniew Warpechowski)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Susana Carro Fernández (2013)
Del arte feminista al arte femenino
PhD, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Janette Cervin (2013)
Flowers in a contemporary painting practice
MA, Unitec Institute of Technology, USA
Ronaldo Ferreira de Souza (2013)
Um estudo sobre o universo feminino nas obras de Nan Goldin e Cindy Sherman ; A study about the female universe in the works of Nan Goldin and Cindy Sherman
MA, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Márcia Cristina Almeida Oliveira (2013)
Arte e feminismo em Portugal no contexto pós-Revolução
PhD, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Cherryl Llamas (2013)
Self-representations of women artists : the "I" of the other (Yayoi Kusama, Hanh Thi Pham, and Laurel Nakadate)
MA, San Francisco State University, USA
Lisbeth Verena Bitto (2013)
From contest to celebration
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Petra Bohrn (2013)
Is heritage "gender-blind"
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Elisabeth Hotter (2013)
Die feministische und friedensaktivistische Kunst von Yoko Ono und der Geltungsbereich sozialer Prozesse am Beispiel der Performance "Cut Piece"
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Maria Regina Sagmeister (2013)
Dekonstruktion von Identität in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie (Catherine Opie / Zanele Muholi / Verena Jaekel)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Rhonda ReChelle Barbour (2013)
Perfomance of memory and ritual: selected works by Ana Mendieta and Tania Bruguera
MA, University of Southern California, USA
Marie Caitlin (2013)
Yasumasa Morimura: Appropriator of Images, Cultures, and Identities
MA, Bowling Green State University, USA
Kristy L. Ganoe (2013)
Mindful Movement as a Cure for Colonialism.
PhD, Bowling Green State University, USA
Hilkka Marja Booker (2013)
Our Ladies: Third Space Identities in Chicana Artistic Expressions, 1970-2000
PhD, University of Maryland, USA
Adrianne Woods (2013)
Female Character Development in Select Works by Lope de Vega, María de Zayas, and Calderón de la Barca
MA, University of South Carolina, USA
EunHee Kim (2013)
Theoretical relationship between expressive/art therapy and postmodern philosophy
MA, Hofstra University, USA
Beatriz Anguiano (2013)
The place of Chicana feminism and Chicano art in the history curriculum
MA, California State University, Sacramento, USA
Kristina Starr (2013)
Lady bits
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Tui Nicola Clery (2013)
The Art of Peace: Performative and Arts Based Peace Practices in Contemporary Fiji
PhD, University of Otago, New Zealand
Jayeon Kim (2013)
We Came! We Stripped! We Conquered! The Sextremist Feminists of FEMEN in Ukrainian Historical Context and Contemporary Controversy
Honors Thesis, Colby College, USA
Rebecca Ashley Van Kollenburg (2013)
Evolving Artist/Audience Agency in the Trajectory of Feminist Performance Art: Carolee Schneemann’s Interior Scroll, Annie Sprinkle’s Post-Porn Modernist, and Narcissister’s Narcissister is You
BA Senior project, Bard College, USA
Jessica Volmer (2013)
She’s Forever Present, Marina Abramovic: An Artist, An Innovator, And The Grandmother of Performance Art
BA, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA
Rebecca Elaine Schuiling (2013)
A Thematic Analysis of the Material Culture of Artwork Using Knit as an Artistic Medium
PhD, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Kristen M Fallica (2013)
Sustaining feminist film cultures: An institutional history of Women Make Movies
PhD, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Denise Tupper (2013)
My Family of Women: Celebrating Blackness and Exploring Themes of Black Feminism
BA, Scripps College, USA
Maria von Schantz Tylestam (2013)
Eva Klasson : En analys av verk, karriär och reception
MA, Södertörn Univ. College, Sweden
Luana Saturnino Tvardovskas (2013)
Dramatização dos corpos : arte contemporânea de mulheres no Brasil e na Argentina / Dramatizing the bodies : contemporary women artistis in Brazil and Argentine.
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Amy Charlesworth (2013)
The 'video-essay' in contemporary art : documenting capital and gender for the 21st century
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Catriona MacLeod (2013)
Invisible presence : the representation of women in the Francophone bande dessinÈe
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
Elaine Igoe (2013)
In textasis : matrixial narratives of textile design
PhD, Royal College of Art, UK
Maud C. Jacquin (2013)
Narrative unrest : the politics of narrative in women artists' film and video
PhD, University College London (UCL), UK
Gwyneth Siobhan Jones (2013)
Expose yourself to art : towards a critical epistemology of embarrassment
PhD, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, UK
Katherine Hunt Guinness (2013)
Rosemarie Trockel : the problem of becoming
PhD, University of Manchester, UK
Nina R. Kane (2013)
F- f- felt it' : breathing feminist, queer and clown thinking into the practice and study of Sarah Kane's 'Cleansed' and 'Blasted'
PhD, University of Huddersfield, UK
Ana Luisa Cruz (2013)
The photograph of a loved one : a practice-led investigation through writing
PhD, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Dalia Mikonytė (2013)
XXI a. kūrėjos tapatybės problema: tarp ženklų ir tikrovės / Identity problem of XXI century artist: between signs and reality
MA, Vilniaus dailės akademija, Lithuania
Rebecca Breen (2012)
Sin titulo : contemporary women artists from Latin American & testimonio (Ana Mendieta, Doris Salcedo, Teresa Margolles)
PhD, University of Cambridge, UK
Megan Breen Dwyre (2012)
To Be "High" and "Fine": Quilts, Art, and Power, 1971-1991
MA, University of Maryland, USA
Tetriana Ahmed Fauzi (2012)
Botany and metaphor
PhD, University of East London, UK
C. E. C. Kinsey (2012)
Skins\screens\circuits : how technology remade the body
PhD, University College London (UCL), UK
Talya Leodari (2012)
Between two worlds : performance, politics & the role of art in social change
PhD, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Catherine Maffioletti (2012)
Beyond the mirror : towards a feminised (cartographic) process of spatiality in moving-image & installation based art (self and Martha Rosler, Louise Bourgeois, Mona Hatoum and Pipilotti Rist)
PhD, University of the Arts London, UK
Jenny Keane (2012)
Between fear and fascination : the horrific in women's contemporary video installation
PhD, University of Ulster, UK
Clare Amelia Mulvey (2012)
Art and the Divine
PhD, Loughborough University, UK
Sharkey Willow (2012)
Love Meetings: Impersonality and Intimacy in the Art of Sharon Hayes
MA, California State University, Chico, USA
Rebecca Mary Baillie (2012)
A nest of empty boxes : women and melancholy made visible
PhD, University of Essex, UK
Tamar Reva Einstein (2012)
Sew it seams: Wearing the symbols of distant neighbors
PhD, Lesley University, USA
Elizabeth Allison Ferrell (2012)
The Ring around 'The Rose': Jay DeFeo and her Circle
PhD, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Melissa Rachel Schwartz (2012)
Embodied Ethics : Transformation, Care, and Activism Through Artistic Engagement
MA, University of North Florida, USA
Jamie L. Ratliff (2012)
Visualizing female agency : space and gender in contemporary women's art in Mexico.
PhD, University of Louisville, USA
Wendy Davis Beccue-Barnes (2012)
War brides: a practice-based examination of translating women's voices into textile art
PhD, Kansas State University, USA
Usa Beer (2012)
Zwischen Avantgarde und Auftrag : bildende KunstlerInnen und ihre Kompetenzen als gesellschaftliches Potenzial
PhD, Hildesheim Universität , Germany
A. Fournier (2012)
The urban veil: image politics in media culture and contemporary art
PhD, FGw: Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), The Netherlands
Barbara Anne Christina Garrie (2012)
(Dis)Orientation: Identity, Landscape and Embodiment in the work of Roni Horn
PhD, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Genevieve Yue (2012)
Medusan optics: film, feminism, and the forbidden image.
PhD, University of Southern California, USA
Amelia McCauley Kraehe (2012)
Creating art: creating selves: Negotiating professional and social identities in preservice teacher education
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Jamie Libby Boyle (2012)
Acting Alone: Solo Female Performers, Their American Audiences, and Embodiment
PhD, University of South Carolina, USA
Karin "Kakan" Hermansson (2012)
Girls Club : en uppsats om kvinnoseparatistiska utrymmen, konsthantverk och lite om rnb-estetik
MA, University College of Arts / Konstfack, Sweden
T K. Widmer (2012)
Performing Transition: Depictions of the Transgender Experience
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Paula Cameron (2012)
Seamfulness: Nova Scotian Women Witness Depression through Zines
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
Elizabeth Speight (2012)
Concepts of the father in the art of women (Mary Kelly)
MA, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Maria Laura Rosa (2012)
Fuera de discurso: el arte feminista de la segunda ola en Buenos Aires
PhD, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Lucia Täubler (2012)
Studien zu Audrey Flacks skulpturalem Werk
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Felicia Hayden (2012)
Grenzgänge (Wiener Gruppe, Wiener Aktionismus und VALIE EXPORT, Expanded Cinema)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Andrea Imler (2012)
Über das transgressive Moment in der weiblichen Performance
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Jennifer Moreland (2012)
Quilting: An Examination of Harriet Powers and Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley (Faith Ringgold)
MA, University of New Mexico, USA
Kathrin Klöckl (2012)
Fragmentieren, Animalisieren und Verdinglichen (Elfriede Jelinek, Maria Lassnig)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Sara Ablinger (2012)
TRANS*NORM (Claude Cahun / Catherine Opie / Del LaGrace)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Megan Ampe (2012)
Martha Rosler's Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful, 1967-1972: An Interrogation of the American Dream
MA, University of Oregon, USA
G.L. Falconer (2012)
Future clan: The dynamics of adolescence and mothers
MA, University of Tasmania, Australia
S.J. Pinkerton (2012)
The Feminine Touch: Female Street Artists Redefine Dominant Conceptualizations of Art and the City
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Liao Suchen (2012)
A Study of Feminist Creative Trends of Female Artists in 20th Century – From Chen Jin, Pan Yi Lang to Georgia O’Keeffe
MA, Chinese Cultural University, Taiwan
Amanda Evassy Tumusiime (2012)
Art and gender : imag[in]ing the new woman in contemporary Ugandan art
MA, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
Dina El-Najjar (2012)
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Simone Vacaro Fogazzi (2012)
Da sensação : fragmentos e cromocrônicas de uma professorartista
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
Emma Louise Benson (2012)
Feminist art practice: the photograph and its role in contemporary art
MA, University of Portsmouth, UK
Karin Julia Haas (2012)
Katerina Šedá und die Veränderung von Menschen und Orten
Hochschulschrift, University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Maria Luísa de Sousa Coelho (2012)
The feminine in contemporary art: representation and contamination in the work of Helen Chadwick, Michèle Roberts and Helena Almeida
PhD, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Julie Crenn (2012)
Arts textiles contemporains : quêtes de pertinences culturelles
PhD, Bordeaux 3, France
Estay Cofré Tamara (2012)
Tejer y destejer : aproximación a la producción artística textil desde ua perspectiva de género
Thesis, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Tessa Huging (2012)
Traversing borders : the gendered geographies of Ursula Biemann's early video works
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Meredith A. Brown (2012)
A history of A.I.R. Gallery : feminism and the American art institution
PhD, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
V.C. Fonseca (2012)
Paula Rego, a prospective retrospective: Bodies, Visuality, Becoming
PhD, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Loie Hollowell (2012)
Reflections on Sexuality, Sensuality, and Painting
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Katrine Couvrette (2012)
Le graffiti à Montréal: pratique machiste et stratégies féminines
MA, UQAM, Canada
Vinicios Kabral Ribeiro (2012)
Engordurando o Mundo: o corpo de Fernanda Magalhães e as poéticas da transgressão / Fattening the world: Fernanda Magalhãesbodies and the Poetics of Transgression
PhD, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Valerie Pineau (2012)
Au-delà de la controverse, la série Immediate family de Sally Mann: l’«image pensive»comme outil d’analyse de la photographie contemporaine
MA, UQAM, Canada
Noni Brynjolson (2012)
Community, Conflict, Difference: New Genre Public Art in Winnipeg.
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Alisdair MacRae (2012)
Joane Cardinal-Schubert: aboriginal Woman Artist
MA, Carleton University, Canada
Ana Flora Schlindwein (2012)
Dos periódicos oitocentistas ao ciberfeminismo : a circulação das reivindicações feministas no Brasil/ From the nineteenth-century periodicals to cyberfeminism : the dissemination of feminist demands in Brazil.
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Tessa Elizabeth Jordan (2012)
Branching Out, 1973--1980: Canadian Second-Wave Feminism, Periodical Publishing and Cultural Politics
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada
Susanne Sæther (2012)
Play Me, I'm Yours : en undersøkelse av byen og Internett som arenaer for publikumdeltagelse
MA, University of Oslo, Norway
Sonya I Ocampo-Gooding (2012)
The Sheela-na-gig: An Inspirational Figure for Contemporary Irish Art
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Catherine Margaret Mastin (2012)
Beyond "the Artist's Wife": Women, Artist-Couple Marriage and the Exhibition Experience in Postwar Canada
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada
Dorothy Woodman (2012)
Bodies and texts, spaces and borders: women re-envision breast cancer
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada
Laura Wyper (2012)
R.A.G.E. Reflections on Acts of Gendered violence and our Educational lives
MA, University of Toronto, Canada
Zulis Yalte (2012)
The Song of the Soul: transforming Disabling Illness Through Art
M.N., University of Victoria, Canada
Graciela Arguelles (2012)
Dignidad Rebelde : the (re)writing of a modern day Chicana and Chicano codex
MA, San Francisco State University, USA
Dossa Shama (2012)
Re(art)iculating Empowerment: Cooperative Explorations with Community Development Workers in Pakistan
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
Ruby Christine Bogaard (2012)
Ambivalent aspects of the Goddess in selected examples of contemporary South African women’s art
MA, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Natalia Jara Parra (2012)
Los proyectos críticos de Marta Traba y Nelly Richard:
Trayectos de la escritura sobre arte en Latino
MA, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Hilde Berteig Rustan (2012)
Cell (Arch of Hysteria): Representasjon av hysteri i utvalgte verk av Louise Bourgeois sett i lys av kunstneriske og fotografiske fremstillinger
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
María Alejandra Almonacid Galvis (2012)
Diálogos entre arte y feminismo, la crítica de arte feminista como herramienta didáctica
MA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Columbia
Valerie Garlick (2012)
Cutting Edge: Re-reading Iconography in Body Worlds.
MA, University of Connecticut, USA
Brittany Lockard (2012)
Size Matters: Imagery of the Fat Female Body in the Art of Lucian Freud, Jenny Saville, Joel-Peter Witkin, Laurie Toby Edison, Leonard Nimoy, and Laura Aguilar.
PhD, University of Kansas, USA
Stephanie Lynne Finkelstein (2012)
Ana Mendieta- a search for identity .
MA, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
Carrie Elizabeth Johnson (2012)
Visual Anatomy of a Transient Self.
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Heather Leigh Barfield (2012)
Artaud's Daughters" : "Plague and Cruelty" as feminist performance practices of transformation
PhD, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Adrienne M. White (2012)
Performed absence and a pre-formed audience: Martha Rosler's postcard novels and their implications for feminist art practice from the seventies to today
MA, Public Art Studies, University of Southern California, USA
Hanna Yoo (2012)
In and out of character : Eleanor Antin's role-playing project, 1972-87
MA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
Janise G Roselle (2012)
Bodies Under Empire: The Territory of American Feminism.
PhD, University of California, Riverside, USA
Filipa Lowndes Vicente (2012)
A arte sem historia : mulheres e cultura artistica (seculos XVI-XX)
PhD, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Durga de Silva (2012)
Along the pricked line
MFA, University of Manitoba, Canada
Frances Hatherley (2012)
Bodies of Abject Abundance: Figuring Feminine Ageing and Corpulence in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture
MA, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Nina Hoechtl (2012)
If only for the length of a lucha : queer/ing, mask/ing, gender/ing and gesture in lucha libre
PhD, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, UK
M.A Glosowitz (2012)
Bio-cartography: Towards a New Theory of Portraying
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Dinah Holtzman (2012)
Portrait of the postmodern artist as hysteric: Cindy Sherman, Matthew Barney, and Kara Walker
PhD, University of Rochester, USA
D.G.S. Kerckhoffs (2012)
Resisting the Colonization of 'Life': Technoscience, Feminist Critique and Contemporary Art
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Elizabeth Gillette Offensend (2012)
Crafting a Space: A Feminist Analysis of the Relationship Between Women, Craft, Business and Technology on
MA, Portland State University, USA
Kathryn Marie Maddux (2012)
QWERTY : WOMAN :: ABCDEF : MAN or clear syntax is offline in foxholes or how i learned to live my life as a conjunction (Painting)
MFA, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Elizabeth Nicole Marterre (2012)
Chicana political visionaries : a review of political art, cultural resistance and Chicana aesthetics
MA, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Catriona Fay McAra (2012)
'Some parallels in words and pictures': Dorothea Tanning and visual intertextuality.
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
María Jesús Abad Tejerina (2012)
La representación del cuerpo femenino en la fotografía española: artistas fotógrafas de la colección de arte contemporáneo del Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (1990-2010): aplicaciones didácticas en el ámbito universitario
PhD, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
María Ángeles Alonso Garrido (2012)
Mujeres y arteterapia (Diane Arbus, Louise Bourgeois, Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta)
PhD, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Marta Pol Rigau (2012)
Anàlisi de l’obra plàsticovisual i poèticotextual de Fina Miralles: L’arbre com a reflex de la seva cosmologia
PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB Barcelona, Spain
Jamie L Ratliff (2012)
Visualizing female agency: Space and gender in contemporary women's art in Mexico
PhD, University of Louisville, USA
Maria Alejandra Almonacid Galvis (2012)
Dialogos entre arte y feminismo, la critica de arte feminista como herramienta didactica
MA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Lysanne Duguay-Patenaude (2012)
La mise en relief du caractère construit et normatif de la figure féminine dans les images de mode de Cindy Sherman par l'utilisation de stratégies du grotesque
MA, UQAM, Canada
Marcela Zamenova Etavard (2012)
Le tabou féminin dans l'art contemporain : contexte social et artistique de la féminité dans l'oeuvre des femmes artistes contemporaines
PhD, Paris 1 and Université Masaryk, France, Czech Republic
Marilyn Reneric-Chauvin Reneric (2012)
Relecture des multiples facettes du féminin sacré et profane / Review of the multifaceted feminine, both sacred and secular.
PhD, Toulouse 3, France
Sara Sadeghinia (2012)
Défis de quelques pratiques artistiques contemporaines de la jeune scène iranienne
PhD, Montpelier 3, France
Stephanie Schwarbe (2012)
Identité et mémoire : art contemporain en RDA et dans les nouveaux Länder à partir de 1971 : Lutz Dammbeck, Karla Sachse
PhD, Rennes 2 University - Université Rennes 2, France
Tabitha A Morgan (2012)
A 'living art': Working-class, transcultural, and feminist aesthetics in the United States, Mexico, and Algeria, 1930s
PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Jennifer L Motter (2012)
Feminist art curriculum: Politicizing the personal via cyberpost activism
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Dora C May (2012)
Personal archaeology: An autoethnographic illumination of a late-blooming feminist artist
MA, Western Carolina University, USA
M. Yokoigawa (2012)
Biografía y autobiografía de la mujer en tránsito en la expresión audiovisual contemporánea
PhD, Universidad Politécnica de València, Spain
Alexandra Kathleen Litaker (2012)
Interrelationship of identity and ecology : mapping the journey as a means of knowing
MA, Iceland Academy of Arts, Iceland
Shir Aloni Yaari (2012)
Brushstrokes: Hair in the Work of Women Artists 1970-2010
PhD, Courtauld Institute of Art, UK
Guðbjörg Hjartardóttir Leaman (2012)
Selshamurinn (a photo project about art, immigration, women, The Seal Pelt)
MA, Iceland Academy of Arts, Iceland
Carol Hunt (2012)
Re-tracing the archive - materialising memory
PhD, Leeds University, UK
Ylva Sommerland (2012)
Tecknad tomboy : kalejdoskopiskt kön i manga för tonåringar / Cartoon tomboy: kaleidoskopic sex in manga for teenagers
PhD, Gothenburg University / Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden
Kate Antosik-Parsons (2012)
Remembering and Forgetting: Memory and Gender in Contemporary Irish Time-Based Arts
PhD, University College Dublin , Ireland
Gilda Williams (2012)
Towards a definition of the Gothic in contemporary art : haunted time and dark vision in the work of Andy Warhol, Louise Bourgeois, and Tacita Dean
PhD, Open University, UK
April Cheetham (2012)
A veiling of identity : anamorphosis as double vision in contemporary art practice (Eva Hesse, Hannah Wilke, Richard Hamilton, Rachel Whiteread, Christine Borland and Shirazeh Houshiary)
PhD, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Pamela Akinyi Wadende (2011)
Chwuech manimba: Indigenous creative education among women of the Luo community of western Kenya
PhD, Texas State University, San Marcos, USA
Dorothee Richter (2011)
Fluxus. Kunst – gleich Leben? Mythen um Autorschaft, Produktion, Geschlecht und Gemeinschaft (Fluxus: Art – Synonymous with Life? Myths about Authorship, Production, Gender and Community)
PhD, Bremen Universität , Germany
August Jordan Davis (2011)
Bringing the war back home: Martha Rosler's anti-war photomontages(1967-2008)
PhD, University of Liverpool, UK
Jenny Scheen Kinge (2011)
i en flamme, i et speil: en analyse av Louise Bourgeois’ skulptur i Vardø: The Damned, The Possessed and the Beloved, en del av monumentet til minne om heksebrenningen
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Alexis McCraw Armstrong (2011)
Representing the mother: Feminist art and the maternal
MA, Texas Christian University, USA
Felicia Desimini-Menard (2011)
The Intersection of Arts-Based Research and Art Criticism: The Art of Deshevski
PhD, Union Institute and University, USA
Penelope Jane Trotter (2011)
Fantasy fulfilment and pressing politics: ethical communication as performance.
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Martine Monteau (2011)
L'insaisie, Jacqueline Lamba (1910-1993) : éléments de recherche biographique dans le contexte historique / The elusive, Jacqueline Lamba (1910-1993) : biographical research's elements in historical context
PhD, Paris 1, France
Alexandra Sundqvist (2011)
Moderskap / Motherhood: Mary Kelly's Post-Partum Document
PhD, Uppsala Universitet - Campus Gotland , Sweden
Margaretta Swigert (2011)
Globalizing Kenyan culture: Jua kali and the transformation of contemporary Kenyan art: 1960--2010
PhD, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Manon Labry (2011)
Le cas de la sous-culture punk féministe américaine : vers une redéfinition de la relation dialectique "mainstream -underground" ? / Rethinking the 'mainstream/underground' dialectic : a case study of American feminist punk subculture
PhD, Toulouse 2, France
Sophie Bertrand (2011)
"De fil en aiguille", les femmes sculpteurs à l'œuvre depuis 1950 : confrontations, explorations et quêtes, un dévoilement d'identités, «Following a thread», female sculptors working since 1950 : confrontations, explorations and revealed identities
PhD, Toulouse 2, France
Helene Fleckinger (2011)
Cinéma et vidéo saisis par par le féminisme (France, 1968-1981) / Cinema and Video Captured by Feminism (France, 1968-1981)
PhD, Paris 3, France
Laura Allred Hurtado (2011)
Motherhood and representation at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol
MA, University of Utah, USA
Melinda Guillen (2011)
Now. Not now. And now: Toward a feminist critical envisioning of social practice
MA, Public Art Studies, University of Southern California, USA
Sarah Hellmann (2011)
Growing Up Hard: Understanding Through Creative Expression the Resilience, Resistance, and Images of Relationships in the Lives of Three African American Adolescent Girls
PhD, University of Cincinnati, USA
Robin Stoate (2011)
Reading cyberspace : fictions, figures and (dis)embodiment
PhD, Newcastle University, UK
Sumana Ray (2011)
The rise of the 'liminal Briton' : literary and artistic productions of black and Asian women in the Midlands
PhD, University of Warwick, UK
Dafna Rehavia-Hanauer (2011)
Disciplinary understandings of anorexia nervosa : art therapy and psychiatric research from a feminist perspective
PhD, University of Derby, UK
Melanie Erica Emerson (2011)
Mirrored and masked : the work of Elke Krystufek and Mathilde ter Heijne
MA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
LiA Sanders (2011)
Fake It ‘Til You Make It: Feminist Possibilities for Constructed Identity in the Digital Age
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Tara-Lynne Pixley (2011)
Neo-Burlesque and the New Feminism
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Courtnie N. Wolfgang (2011)
Performed Disciplines/ Collaborative Disciplines: Becoming Interdisciplinary in Higher Education
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Sarah Guadalupe Cassidy (2011)
Addressing identity/redressing the museum.
MA, University of Louisville, USA
Virginia D Millard (2011)
MA, West Virginia University, USA
Elise R Morrison (2011)
Discipline and Desire: Surveillance, Feminism, Performance.
PhD, Brown University, USA
Celiany Rivera (2011)
Raras al mando/queer women command: Alternative Spanish-speaking Caribbean femininities on the global stage.
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Marissa Saneholtz (2011)
Corrupt Fairytales : An Exploration of Implied Gender Roles Through Functional and Wearable Art.
MA, East Carolina University, USA
Molly Louise Sharp (2011)
Gender, feminism, and heroism in Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men comics.
MA, University of Texas, USA
Rachel E Evans (2011)
There She Is.
MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, USA
Kate Felzien (2011)
In Context.
MFA, Georgia Southern University, USA
Lauren Elise Cesiro (2011)
The Complexity of Domestic Interiors: Laurie Simmons's Depiction of Women's Identity in the Home .
MA, Stony Brook University, USA
Christina Marie Johnson (2011)
Unveiled Pandemonium.
MFA, Louisiana State University, USA
Michelle L Hudson (2011)
Beyond Self: Strategic Essentialism in Ana Mendieta's La Maja de Yerba"."
MA, Georgia State University, USA
Leigh K. Peacock (2011)
Repetitive Acts Now.
MFA, Georgia State University, USA
Holis Hannan (2011)
MFA, University of New Orleans, USA
Lorie Ann Hoffman (2011)
Appropriate disruptions .
MA, Montana State University, USA
Débora Balzan Fleck (2011)
A imagem do feminino : interfaces com vênus : uma leitura sociológica sobre gênero na arte
PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Rosa Maria Blanca (2011)
Arte a partir de uma perspectiva queer arte desde lo queer
PhD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Chile
Lesley E. Shipley (2011)
Specific Objects: Lee Bontecou’s Steel and Canvas Reliefs, 1959-1964
PhD, Bryn Mawr College, USA
Sigrun Åsebø (2011)
Femininitetens rom og kvinnekroppens grenser: å lese kunstens historie med A. K. Dolven og Mari Slaatelid; The Space of Femininity and the Limit of the Female Body: Reading Art History with A. K. Dolven and Mari Slaatelid
PhD, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Leah Fontaine (2011)
Spirit Menders :the Expression of Trauma in Art Practices by Manitoba Aboriginal Women Artists.
MA, University of Manitoba, Canada
Harrigan McMahon Bowman (2011)
The artist in the university: Interview case studies of how four art professors make sense of the meaning in their work as educators and how they navigate the dual relationship between artist and educator
Thesis (Ed.D), Columbia University, USA
Heidi McKay Casto (2011)
Reflections on motherhood
MFA, University of Iowa, USA
Danielle Coghlan (2011)
Unsettling sensations: Trauma in the lives and works of four Canadian artists
MA, York University, Canada
Aram Siu Wai Collier (2011)
Cake and Dumplings
MFA, York University, Canada
Jill K. Fannon (2011)
MFA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Megan E Gulland (2011)
As I Recall
MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Teresa Marsili (2011)
Gender and its Effects on Subject Matter Preference in a High School Ceramics Class
MA, Arizona State University, USA
Anne N Murphy (2011)
A narrative of her own: Appropriating aesthetics for postcolonial feminism
MA, Georgetown University, USA
Laura K. Murray (2011)
Defying beauty: An exhibit of real stories and real women
MA, State University of New York, Empire State College, USA
Gina Marie Reddin Proske (2011)
Constructing Alice
MFA, George Washington University, USA
Elizabeth Leigh Schendel (2011)
Heritage, identity, and the visual narrative
MA , Corcoran College of Art and Design, USA
Melissa Kathleen Turner (2011)
Reflection" and Other Stories"
MA , Clemson University, USA
Debra A. Ullmann (2011)
Can't sing, can't dance, can't draw: How leisure constraints and negotiations impact midlife women's participation in the creative arts
Thesis (M.S.), San Jose State University, USA
Anastasia Jo Whited (2011)
Memory: Beauty, fragmentation and image
MFA, Iowa State University, USA
Gweneth A. Dunleavy (2011)
Pattern play : pieced works on paper.
MA, University of Louisville, USA
Nane Ariadne Jordan (2011)
Inspiriting the academy: weaving stories and practices of living women's spirituality
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
Andrée-Anne Pellerin (2011)
La dimension phénoménale du corps dans la performance des années 1970 à 1980
MA, UQAM, Canada
José Ignacio Benito Climent (2011)
Orlan como paradigma de la estética del sacrificio / Orlan within the aesthetic paradigm of sacrifice
PhD, Universitat de València, Spain
Amanda Espezel (2011)
Working from the Body : subjectivity and the Artistic Process
MFA, Lethbridge, Canada
Audrey Laurin (2011)
La production de discours autour de l'oeuvre et de l'artiste Tracey Emin
MA, UQAM, Canada
Mylene Joly (2011)
Le rapport à soi, la relation à l'autre : les pratiques artistiques de Nan Goldin et de Pina Bausch, entre identité et devenir.
MA, UQAM, Canada
Heather Davis (2011)
Art That Loves People: Relational Subjectivity in Community-based Art
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Majorie Dufort-Cuccioletta (2011)
Les affiches politiques américaines durant la guerre du Vietnam : le Art Worker's Coalition et l'affiche Q. and babies? A. and babies
MA, UQAM, Canada
Silvia Amelia Nogueira de Souza (2011)
Mulheres, arte e domesticidade: entre a arte feminista e o Dicionário do Lar / Women, Art and Domesticity
PhD, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
Marlies Staples (2011)
Sites of Resistance/Sights of Utopia: A Look At New Queer Art Through Collective Eyes (LTTR and Ridykeulous)
BA Senior project, Bard College, USA
Tanya Demjanenko (2011)
Identity In/Formation: A Visual Autoethnographic Exploration Through The Voices And Images Of Six Immigrant Women Graduate Students
MA, University of Windsor, USA
Alicja Wawryniuk (2011)
Vom Kinosaal in die Galerie : Formen der Verwandlung der Kinoästhetik in die Kunstästhetik in den Installationen von Shirin Neshat
PhD, Hamburg Universität, Germany
Miriam Siegle (2011)
Das Spannungsverhältnis von Kunstfreiheit und Persönlichkeitsrecht : zur Problematik der Darstellung realer Personen in Kunstwerken / The tension between artistic freedom and rights: on the issue of the representation of real people in works of art
PhD, Frankfurt am Main Universität , Germany
Tatiana Bazzichelli (2011)
Networked disruption - rethinking oppositions in art, hacktivism and the business of social networking
Phd, Aarhus University, Denmark
Roxanna Josephine Moiya Hackett (2011)
The shifting status of women artists since the 1970s : the role of feminism and the case of feminist artist Mary Kelly
MA, University of Manchester, UK
Jessica Baggaley (2011)
Collaged connections : an exploration of 'Heresies: a feminist publication on art and politics' since 1960
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Charlotte Sanna (2011)
Pretty vacant : Narcissism and feminist activism in Sanja Ivekovic's work of the 1970s
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Clarissa Kennedy Jacob (2011)
A festival of one's own : sisterhood, consciousness-raising and feminist intervention at the First Festival of Women's Films, 1972
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Louisa Lee (2011)
Mimicking hysteria/marking stereotypes : (re)presenting femininity in the work of Hannah Wilke and Sanja Ivekovic
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Pamela Akinyi Wadende (2011)
Chwuech Manimba: Indigenous Creative Education Among Women of the Luo Community of Western Kenya
MA, Texas State University, USA
Jade Wildy (2011)
Shades of green: changes in the paradigm of environmental art since the 1960s.
MA, University of Adelaide, Australia
Marie-Sophie Brendinger (2011)
Die Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Rosana Paulino (2011)
Imagens de sombras ; Images of Shadows
PhD, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Anna Lammers (2011)
Der medizinische Blick : medizinische Bilder des Körpers in zeitgenössischer Kunst am Beispiel von Mona Hatoums Corps étranger (1994) und Marilène Olivers `Family Portrait (2002)
PhD, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Inês Rôlo Martins (2011)
Mulheres entre o som e o silêncio: imagens e representações das artistas de metal na LOUD!
MA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Stephanie Hopf (2011)
The performed self
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Elaine Regina dos Santos (2011)
Celeida Tostes: o barro como elemento integrativo na Arte Conteporânea
MA, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Lindsey Alexandra Short (2011)
Shattering the silence: the exclusion of women from the archive
Mphil, University of Glasgow, UK
Erica Sklenars (2011)
Hissy fits and a cream pie to the face : comedy and contemporary feminism in art
MA, Massey University, New Zealand
Sarah Ann O'Mahoney (2011)
In search of a language textile and text in contemporary women's art
MA, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
Kanitra Shenae Fletcher (2011)
Damage control : black women's visual resistance in Brazil and beyond
MA, University of Texas – Austin, USA
Holly Neubert (2011)
Hand Perception in Late Twentieth Century Women's Experimental Poetics
PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Teresa Lynn Moralez (2011)
Fresh expression: a guide to cultural reclamation
MFA, University of Iowa, USA
Joy Angela Anderson (2011)
Mejor vida/better life and day-to-day exchanges: Networks of social exchange in contemporary arts practice
MA, Public Art Studies, University of Southern California, USA
Robert Lyle Hernandez (2011)
Archival body/archival space: Queer remains of the Chicano Art Movement, Losa Angeles, 1969-2009
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Nancy B Goldov (2011)
The Effects of Individualized Brief Medical Dance/Movement Therapy on Body Image in Women With Breast Cancer
PsyD, Argosy University, Seattle, USA
Anne Gustafson (2011)
Women and the archetype of the phallus; engagement with the sculpture of Louise Bourgeois
PhD, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA
Sarah Hutchinson Woolwine (2011)
The Feminine Self as a Critique of Spirit: A Cultural Phenomenology.
PhD, Southern Illinois University, USA
Natalie Suzanne Loveless (2011)
Acts of Pedagogy: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Art and Ethics
PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Jennie Woodard (2011)
Beauty and Double Duty: Elizabeth Hawes and the Politics of Fashion and Women's Work
PhD, University of Maine, USA
Rebecca Bourgault (2011)
Retrospections and interpretations: The narrative of ageing artists on the complexities of their creative practices through time
EdD, Columbia University, Teachers College, USA
Maria F Minickiello (2011)
Women Environmental Artists: Unearthing Connections and Context
D. Arts Leadership, Franklin Pierce University, USA
Laura Bissell (2011)
The female body, technology and performance : performing a feminist praxis
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
Heather Hanna (2011)
Women framing hair : serial strategies in contemporary art
PhD, Open University, UK
Paula Georgina Farrance (2011)
Transgenerational dialogues with Jo Spence about class and gender in the mother-daughter sphere : drawing as the site of transformation from feminist generation to genealogy
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Patricia Gaal-Holmes (2011)
Decade of diversity : a history of 1970s British experimental film
PhD, University of Portsmouth, UK
Paula Ellen Ann Blair (2011)
Old borders, new technologies : visual culture and social change in contemporary Northern Ireland
PhD, Queen's University, Belfast, UK
Talita Trizoli (2011)
Trajetórias de Regina Vater: Por uma crítica feminista da arte brasileira / Trajectories of Regina Vater. For a feminist critique of Brazilian art
MA, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sarah Dar (2010)
Muslim women, religious identity, commitment and expression in Britain
PhD, University of Warwick, UK
Leonore Easton (2010)
Livegraphy performance art, language, and the multiplicity of sense
PhD, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Felicity Valerie Ford (2010)
The Domestic Soundscape and beyond : presenting everyday sounds to audiences
PhD, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Stephanie Kappel (2010)
Gender, Subjectivity and Feminist Art: The Work of Tracey Emin, Sam Taylor-Wood and Gillian Wearing
PhD, Westminster University, UK
Yvonne Jones (2010)
Peeling the body : how can art practice utilize the experience of medical events to consider the implications for the living human being of notions of the posthuman? : how can this process affect an understanding of the positions of the subject/medical ob
PhD, University of Southampton, UK
Juliet MacDonald (2010)
Drawing around the body : the manual and visual practice of drawing and the embodiment of knowledge
PhD, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Sarah Bonner (2010)
Fairy tales and feminism in contemporary visual art and popular culture
PhD, University of Manchester, UK
Shannon Cochrane (2010)
Corporeal (isms): Race, Gender, and Corpulence Performativity in Visual and Narrative Cultures
PhD, University of Ohio, USA
Inga Girskienė (2010)
Butaforinės moterys / SHAM WOMEN
BA, Šiaulių universitetas, Lithuania
Carla Borin Vieira (2010)
MA, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
Sigitas Daščioras (2010)
Skaitmeninės tapybos darbų ciklas "Žvilgsnis į priekį, žingsnis atgal" / Digital paintings series "Sight forward, step back"
MA, Šiaulių universitetas, Lithuania
Meggan Frauenstein (2010)
[in vain] : performing her for herself
MA, Massey University, Australia
Raquel Chapin Stephenson (2010)
The creative experience of women: Art making and old age
PhD, New York University, USA
Kathleen Angelique Dwyer (2010)
Performing nation in the twenty first century: female bodies and voices of greater Mexico
PhD, University of Iowa, USA
Maggie Smith-Bruehlman (2010)
Four women artists using art as a political statement
ED.D. , Wyoming University, USA
Annika Öhrner (2010)
Barbro Östlihn och New York : konstens rum och möjligheter
PhD, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Emily Fox (2010)
Fabricating Womanhood
MFA, Brigham Young University - Provo, USA
Willow G. Mullins (2010)
Philanthropic tourism and artistic authenticity: Cultural empathy and the western consumption of Kyrgyz art
PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Lin Yen Tsai (2010)
Le silence du désir : l'espace corporel dans l'art féminin
PhD, Paris 8, France
Sarah Turner (2010)
Voice on the Skin
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Deborah Ann Bright (2010)
Exploring female art-making through reflective practice: A multi-dimensional cultural, spiritual and embodied experience
PhD, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Karen Elizabeth Buckenham (2010)
Creator God most beautiful : a contextual, feminist theological and aesthetic look at women's creativity, spirituality and theology in South Africa
PhD, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Kelly Ann Rafferty (2010)
Performing ARTs: Technologies of Participation and Reproduction from Body Art to Bio Art
PhD, University of California, USA
Kimberly A. Socha (2010)
Dumb Animals, Crazy Broads, and Ugly Truths: Rooting for the Avant-Garde (Coco Fusco ; Katherine Dunn ; Mina Loy ; Valerie Solanas)
PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Petra Springer (2010)
Tabu Menstruation
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Judith Stöckl (2010)
Dayanita Singh in der Tradition der indischen Fotografie
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Marie Kelly Nye (2010)
Creme de Peche
MA, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Tsuchiya Ikuko (2010)
Therapeutic touch : the use of photo-based methodology as a healing practice within the context of healthcare
M.Phil, Northampton University, UK
Antonia Ingelfinger (2010)
Ekel als künstlerische Strategie im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Cindy Sherman's 'Disgust Pictures' ; Disgust as an artistic strategy at the end of the Twentieth Century
PhD, University of Frieburg, Germany
Ebonipearl Emele J. Jones (2010)
Exposing the 'Quiet Trauma': The Illness Narratives of Jo Spence
MA, State University of New York, USA
Louna Lehto (2010)
Interpreting a Bed : a glance at the reception of Tracey Emin`s My Bed (1998) and the challenges of self-representation
MA, University of Oslo, Norway
Jessica Kritzer (2010)
A little gathering (Yayoi Kusama, Bridget Riley...)
MA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Rebecca A. Vreeland (2010)
LTTR : the artists' publication as a medium for radical genderqueer politics
MA, California State University, Northridge, USA
M. N. H. Geraedts (2010)
Kunst? Of toch pornografie? Een verdediging van seksueel transgressieve kunst: (Carolee Schneemann, Andrea Fraser, Marina Abramovic)
MA, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Kathrin Forster (2010)
Die Welt in 100 Jahren
Hochschulschrift (Diplomarbeit), University of Vienna / Universität Wien, Austria
Carla Susana Aparício Dias (2010)
Questões de género em educação artística:a(s) narrativa(s) de vida como contributo(s) para os estudos sobre mulheres : Maria Almira Medina, as várias faces de uma artista educadora
MA, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Denise Michelle Cornish (2010)
Mourning women, headless monsters, and passive goddesses: examining the inclusion of females in university art curriculum
M.Educ, California State University, Sacramento, USA
Clara Carpanini (2010)
Percorsi di gender performance: fotografia tra arte e moda dagli anni Novanta ad oggi
PhD, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Codi Lea Josephson (2010)
Mama said sew: stitched samplers, contemporary art and domestic craft
MA, University of Iowa, USA
Hillevi Arvidsson (2010)
Fetisch, mode, performativitet
MA, Södertörns Högskola, Sweden
Elvira Vannini (2010)
Caotico. Mutazioni nell'arte del mostrare dagli anni Sessanta ad oggi
PhD, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Fiona Haggerty (2010)
Video visualising subjectivity : the feminine body in representation
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Emily Wakeling (2010)
“Girls are dancin’”: sho-jo culture and feminism in contemporary Japanese art
MA, University of Queensland, Australia
Robin Kathleen Williams (2010)
Against the "subject" of video, circa 1976 : Joan Jonas's Good night good morning and an archive of "narcissism"
MA, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Jessica K. Jones-Berney (2010)
“Giving back the gaze”: exploring complex and multifarious self-representations in the work of Myra Greene and Renée Cox
Mres, University of Nottingham, UK
Angelika Bartl (2010)
Andere Subjekte : dokumentarische Medienkunst und die Politik der Rezeption
PhD, Oldenburg, Germany
Karolina Kunkler (2010)
Aus den Dunkelkammern der Moderne : Destruktivität und Geschlecht in der Bildenden Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / From the darkroom of modernity: Destructiveness and gender in the Visual Arts of the 19th and 20th century
PhD, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
Laurie A. Eldridge (2010)
Ruthe Blalock Jones: Native American Woman Artist and Educator
PhD, Indiana University, USA
Laura Endacott (2010)
The Mother Image
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Wanxin Zhang (2010)
MA, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Julie Gratton (2010)
Louise Bourgeois dans le réseau de ses interprétations
MA, Université de Montréal, Canada
Chanda Bjork (2010)
Vulvan, förlossningen och mötet med modergudinnan : Om Monica Sjöös målning God giving birth
MA, Södertörn Univ. College, Sweden
Patricia Ho (2010)
Identity, displacement and embodiment in women's independent cinema : Julie Dash, Rea Tajiri et Trinh T. Minh-ha
PhD, UQAM, Canada
Margaret Mayhew (2010)
Modelling Subjectivities: Life Drawing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Art Education
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia
Annette Wagner (2010)
Unearthing my mother: Women artists healing culture through sacred art
MA, Sofia University (formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology), USA
Jill L. Carter (2010)
Repairing the Web: Spiderwoman's Children Staging the New Human Being
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
Andres Peralta (2010)
Eating from the tree of knowledge: The impact of visual culture on the perception and construction of ethnic, sexual, and gender identity
PhD, University of North Texas, USA
Christine Angela Ferrera (2010)
New Funny Art Women Good
MFA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Susan Scott Hester (2010)
My Voice on Cloth: Story quilters of the South Carolina Lowcountry
MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Ashley Weeks Cart (2010)
(M)other work: Feminist maternal performance art
MA, University of Southern California, USA
Melanie J Spears (2010)
An assertive Black feminist gaze: The art of Emma Amos
MA, Howard University, USA
Vivian Chan Simao (2010)
Women Artists' Books :in a Bind, a contemporary response to Nu Shu.
MA, York University, Canada
Sophie Olsvold Greve (2010)
Ta vare på meg: en analyse av Sophie Calles verk Take Care of Yourself; Take Care of Yourself: An analysis of Sophie Calles’ work Take Care of Yourself
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Louna Lehto (2010)
Interpreting a Bed: a glance at the reception of Tracey Emin’s My Bed (1998) and the challenges of self-representation
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Dana Carlisle Kletchka (2010)
Nice Girls, Left-Wing Ladies, and Merry Bands: A New Generation of Art Museum Educators in the 1970s
PhD, Penn State University, USA
Lesley Gamble (2010)
Her Charming Hand Essentialism, Artistic Touch and Feminist Art from the 1960s and 70s
PhD, University of Florida, USA
Wladimir Wagner RODRIGUES (2010)
As mulheres de Klaxon: o universo feminino a partir dos modernistas
MA, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Mei W Hoyt (2010)
Interstanding Surfaces: Embodiment, Media and Interdisciplinary Study of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
PhD, Texas A&M University, USA
Sara E Mastbaum (2010)
“Systems Within Systems, Microcosms Within Microcosms”: The Sculpture of Lee Bontecou after 1980.
MA, University of Cincinnati, USA
Lorinda Stevens (2010)
A Postmodern Curriculum in Secondary Visual Art Education: Beet Juice, Lace, and Tomahawks .
MA, California State University, Chico, USA
Rachel Middleman (2010)
A new eros: sexuality in women's art before the feminist art movement.
PhD, University of Southern California, USA
Kourtney Keller (2010)
Lumensecity: Objects Illuminated in Time.
MFA, University of New Orleans, USA
Rachel Amy Raimist (2010)
“Grinding the walls to dust”: feminist media praxis.
PhD, University of Minnesota, USA
Anne Riggs (2010)
The creative space : art and wellbeing in the shadow of trauma, grief and loss
PhD, Victoria University, Australia
Sian Torrington (2010)
Making space : speleology : an exegesis presented with exhibition
MA, Massey University, Australia
Molly Erin Sullivan (2010)
The multivalent platforms of alternative art publications as agents of authentic cultural change
M. Public art studies, University of Southern California, USA
Stefanie Snider (2010)
Envisioning bodily difference: refiguring fat and lesbian subjects in contemporary art and visual culture, 1968-2009
PhD, University of Southern California, USA
Donna Gustafson (2010)
At home in the 60s: images of the home in American art, 1960-1975
PhD, Rutgers University, USA
Anitra Gorris-Hunter (2010)
Wired and dangerous : maternal bodies in cyber(cultural)space
MA, University of Tasmania, Australia
Ana C. Léon Mejía (2010)
Una aproximación analítica al feminismo del género
PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB Barcelona, Spain
Peggy Wang (2010)
Responding to the world: Contemporary Chinese art exhibitions and criticism in the 1990s
PhD, University of Chicago, USA
Elizabeth Danielle Wilson (2010)
I Want a Man Who: Desires, Wishes, Ideals, and Expectations in Women’s Online Personal Ads.
MFA, Ohio State University, USA
Alex Martinis Roe (2010)
Collective difference: re-presentation as feminist practice
PhD, Monash University, Australia
Annabelle M. Solomon (2010)
A creative imaginary for personal and cultural change explored through a feminist spirituality and women's textile art
PhD, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Marie Picard (2010)
Entre corps plastique et violence de l'esthétique : la féminité artistique des années 1970 à nos jours
PhD, Paris 8, France
Judy Anderson (2010)
A Place Opens: An Exploration of Touch
PhD, Griffith University, Australia
Ruth Zaragoza Sanchis (2010)
Estética cotidiana : análisis en el arte contemporáneo, 1970-2000
PhD, Universidad Politécnica de València, Spain
Line Henriksen (2010)
These are strange times and strange things are happening : om gengangeren som feministisk figuration
MA, Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling, Denmark
Kajsa Widegren (2010)
Ett annat flickrum : b kön, ålder och sexualitet i Maria Lindbergs, Anna Maria Ekstrands och Helene Billgrens flickbilder
PhD, Gothenburg University / Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden
Sanne Kofod Olsen (2001)
Kønnet som tegn: Konstitueringen af kvindelig kunstnersubjektivitet i amerikansk feministisk kunst i 1960'erne og 1970'erne
MA, Københavns Universitet, Denmark
Gladys Villegas (2001)
La imagen femenina en artistas mexicanas contemporaneas: una perspectiva no androcentrica
PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Mexico
See also by same author, La imagen femenina en artistas mexicanas contemporaneas (Mexico: Universidad Veracruzana, 2006)
Isabel Mª Jiménez Arenas (2001)
La expresión plástica de Louise Bourgeois. Estrategias feministas para una praxis terapeutica
PhD, Universitat de València, Spain
Josephine Chaplain (2001)
Gendered visions postcolonial Indian art
MA, University of Hong Kong , China / Hong Kong
Karen Cronje (2001)
The female body as spectacle in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Western art
MA, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Ryya Aviva Sanders (2001)
Methodological embodiments : psychical corporeal performances of subjective specific auto(erotic)-representations
PhD, University of Plymouth, UK
Georgia Preece (2001)
Women, painting and critical practice in Britain 1984-1992
PhD, University of East Anglia, UK
Natalya Lusty (2001)
Surrealism, feminism and psychoanalysis: the crisis of representation in the work of Leonora Carrington, Claude Cahun and Cindy Sherman
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia
See also by same author, Surrealism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (Routledge, 2007)
Karen Jo Schifman (2001)
Longing for Maman: autobiographical images in the oeuvre of Louise Bourgeois
MA, California State University, Northridge, USA
MG Scott (2001)
Surface and tactility : new approaches to picturing the female body.
MA, University of Tasmania, Australia
Deborah Wood (2001)
Frida's moustache : making faces in women's self-portraiture, an exegesis
MA, Victoria University, Australia
Valarie G Lyle (2001)
Figurative Sculpture in Paper Clay.
MFA, East Tennessee State University, USA
Kathleen Simpson Hubbard (2001)
A bridge across cultures: Through art to understanding
PhD, Union Institute, USA
Catherine Andrea Matysiak (2001)
'Women in view': The evolution of local women's arts organisations in Canada
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Gail Williams (2001)
Making art for the spirit: The intersections of feminist, sacred, and creative practice
MA, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA
Catherine Welcome Zipf (2001)
Professional pursuits: Career opportunities for women in the American Arts and Crafts Movement
PhD, University of Virginia, USA
Drunell L Levinson (2001)
A descriptive study of art at the margins: The work of Jennifer Kotter, Ray Materson and Bonnie Peterson
PhD, New York University, USA
Terry Marie Therese Provost (2001)
Profiles of the Black Venus: tracing the Black female body in Western art and culture, from Baartman to Campbell
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Meera Sethi (2001)
Critical art practices : the visual art of Jamelie Hassan, Sarindar Dhaliwal, and Jin-me Yoon
MA, York University, Canada
Ute Eickelkamp (2001)
Pitjantjatjara women's art at Ernabella : genesis and transformations
PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany
Hayley Newman (2001)
Locating performance : textual identity and the performative.
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Belinda Bowring (2001)
Flaunting femininity : the re-emergence of 'essentialism' in the work of contemporary female artists?
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Anja Isabel Schneider (2001)
Tracing earthworks : Janine Antoni in the legacy of feminist art
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Gwendolyn Marilyn Adams (2001)
Invisible scars : the feminist rhetoric of Valie Export
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada
Andreas Lohmann (2001)
The pleasure of the ambiguous gaze: visual texts in postmodernity
PhD, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Jamilah. Ahmed (2001)
Quitting the substance for a shadow : an exploration of embodiment and female subjectivities
PhD, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, UK
See also by same author, Cultural bodies : ethnography and theory (Blackwell, 2004)
Andrea Duncan (2001)
The risk of authenticity : Jung's transcendent function in examples of women's visual and literary practice
PhD, University of East London, UK
Sadie. Murdoch (1999)
Drag acts : the politics of form and the structure of impersonation.
PhD, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Deirdre E. Heddon (1999)
In search of the subject : locating the shifting politics of women's performance art
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
See also by same author, Autobiography and performance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)
Ruth Boyask (1999)
Constructing the knowing-woman-artist-teacher.
MA, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Kate Byrne (1999)
Bourgeois and Irigaray: an incompatible dialogue?
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Oriana Corbett (1999)
The deconstruction of language and advertising imagery in the work of Barbara Kruger
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Noelle Barry (1999)
The work of Hannah Wilke
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Margo Kenny (1999)
Photographic images of women in a postfeminist generation
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Petrina Schortt (1999)
Exploring excess in the work of Ann Hamilton
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Lori-Ann Beaudoin (1999)
A cultural illness : women, identity and eating problems in Faith Ringgold's 'Change' series
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Vera Apfelthaler (1999)
Die Performance des Körpers - der Körper der Performance / The performance of the body - the body of the performance
PhD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Munich, Germany
Jeanne Marie Schoenwandt (1999)
Toward a feminist 'third space' : photographic 'sites' of cultural transformation
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Susan Sinkinson (1999)
The self as other: accessing issues of difference in Trinh T. Minh-Ha's 'Reassemblage'
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Manrong Wu (1999)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Identity of the Masquerade Works of Contemporary Taiwanese Female Artists
MA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Alison Crossman (1999)
Framing the quilt: historical and contemporary quilts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Julie Lavigne (1999)
L’érotisme au féminin: étude de cas dans l’oeuvre de Geneviève Cadieux, Jeanne Dunning, Judie Bamber, Jana Sterbak et Helen Chadwick
MA, UQAM, Canada
Manon Paiement (1999)
Les femmes artistes et les collections d’oeuvres d’art des entreprises québécoises
MA, UQAM, Canada
Manon Gosselin (1999)
Supplément à l’oeuvre de Sherrie Levine 'After Alexander Rodchenko'
MA, UQAM, Canada
Elise Weightman (1999)
The mirror has many faces : an exploration of women's aesthetics in contemporary mainstream Australia
MA, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Anita Kirchen (1999)
Finding their voice: Identifying signifiers of women's agency and empowerment in the work of Haitian women artists
MA, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Bonnie Beth McCandless (1999)
The personal nature and cultural construction of aesthetic response: A cross-cultural case study of four women
PhD, New York University, USA
Carolyn Dunham McDonald (1999)
An ethnographic document analysis of Tennessee high school adopted art history textbooks for diversity balance
PhD, Florida State University, USA
Donna Hazelwood (1999)
An historical case study of changes in the Oakland City College: Art and art education programs with emphasis on contributions of women faculty members
PhD, Indiana University, USA
Carrie Tokarczyk Scoville (1999)
Women and motorcycles: feminism, propaganda and pornography.
MFA, Ohio State University, USA
Andrea Zell (1999)
Valie Export : Inszenierung von Schmerz- Selbstverletzung in den fruhen Aktionen
PhD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Anne Marie Nakagawa (1999)
Culture, consumption and desire: Or the perversion of pink, plastic shoes
MA, University of Calgary, Canada
Edith Neumann (1999)
Kunstlerinnen in Wurttemberg : zur Geschichte des Wurttembergischen Malerinnen-Vereins und des Bundes Bildender Kunstlerinnen Wurttembergs
PhD, Stuttgart Universität , Germany
Catherine Harper (1999)
MA, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, UK
Gillian Hugman Perkins (1999)
Issues in the construction of identity of some contemporary women artists
PhD, University of Leicester, UK
Birgit Dorner (1999)
Pluralismen-Differenzen : Positionen kunstpaedagogischer Frauenforschung in Deutschland und in den USA seit dem Ende der 60er Jahre
PhD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Munich, Germany
Elaine d'Esterre (1999)
Feminist poetics: Symbolism in an emblematic journey reflecting self and vision
MA, Deakin University, Australia
Rosemary McLaren (1999)
Rethinking the body-spaces for change : a qualitative analysis of textual and visual representations of menopause
PhD, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
See also by same author, Menopause, art and the body : contemporary tales from the daughters of hysteria (Australia: Post Pressed, Flaxton, Qld, 2001)
Faten Chouba Skhiri (1999)
L'art comme emballage : oscillation entre invagination et evagination
PhD, Paris 1, France
Edith Nahum Adamsbaum (1999)
L'art brut et les femmes / Art Brut and Women Artists
PhD, Paris 1, France
Siv Hofsvang (1999)
”The advantages of being a woman artist”: Guerrilla Girls i et feministisk og kunsthistorisk perspektiv; ”The advantages of being a woman artist”: Gurilla Girls in a feminist and art historical perspective
MA, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
Sigrun Åsebø (1999)
Kjønn i det borgerlige samfunn: om forståelsen av kjønnsforskjell i Griselda Pollock og Roszika Parkers Old mistresses: women, art and ideology og Griselda Pollocks Vision and difference: femininity, feminism and the histories of art
MA, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Sonia Missagia MATOS (1998)
Artefatos de Genero na arte de barro
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Penelope Josephine Collet (1998)
Picturing artists : feminist poststructuralist study of nine women
PhD, La Trobe University, Bendigo, Australia
Kim Christina Tong (1998)
The sur(real) sublime : Bourgeois, Hesse and contemporary sculptural practice
PhD, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Christine Louise Conley (1998)
Love among the runes : allegory, gender and the symbolics of loss in the work of three twentieth century women (Mary Kelly, Eva Hesse...)
PhD, University of Essex, UK
Emma Jane Grahame (1998)
Making something for myself : women, quilts, culture and feminism.
MA, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Hilary Robinson (1998)
Becoming beauty : the implications of the writings of Luce Irigay for feminist art practices
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
See also by same author, Reading Art, Reading Irigaray (London: I.B.Tauris, 2006)
Julia Herzberg (1998)
Ana Mendieta : the Iowa years : a critical study, 1969 through 1977
PhD, City University of New York, USA
Elizabeth Ann Jerde (1998)
The Nigerian art of survival: Nike Centre re-commodifies art and culture
PhD, University of Iowa, USA
Lori Ann Horvitz (1998)
Room Temperature: A meditation on feminism, photography, and nomadism
PhD, State University of New York at Albany, USA
Rose Marie Rowan Prins (1998)
Crossing boundaries, a woman's art: Artists and visionaries who challenge dichotomies
PhD, Union Institute, USA
Carol Jean Womack (1998)
Fragment, Perception, Reality
MFA, Austin State University, USA
Julie Reichert (1998)
A gathering of scars: Breast cancer, body, creativity
PhD, University of New Mexico, USA
Wendy Campbell (1998)
The politics of art education in the public schools
PhD, Lesley College, USA
Catherine McNickle Chastain (1998)
The `Eilshemius Pendulum': Louis Eilshemius, Marcel Duchamp, and the New York art world
PhD, Emory University, USA
Marcia Lagerwey-Commeret (1998)
Radiant text(ure)s: the creative and intellectual spaces in the lives and art of three women
PhD, Clark University, USA
Carol Vandiver Lark (1998)
Women, masks and power: meetings at the intersections of art therapy and fine arts
PhD, Union Institute, USA
Nancy Nelson (1998)
Women textile artists in Ireland: an exploration of experience, expression, and the everyday
PhD, University of Minnesota, USA
Sonia Missagia Matos (1998)
Artefatos de Genero na arte de barro
PhD, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Ana Teresa Jardim Reynaud (1998)
Brazilian Video Works: Diversity and Identity in a Global Context.
MA, University of Sussex, UK
Cynthia Sanchez (1998)
`Blessed is the fruit of they womb': the politics of the representation and reproduction of the mythical mother in New Mexico cultural traditions
PhD, New York University, USA
Peg Speirs (1998)
Collapsing distinctions: feminist art education as research, art and pedagogy
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Suzanne Bailey (1998)
Gender politics in the work of Marisol in the 1960s
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Jennifer Thatcher (1998)
Menace a trois : the art of Leonor Fini, Niki de Saint-Phalle and Annette Messager in the context of 1970s French feminism
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Janet Gail Abbott (1998)
Synthesis of the Personal and the Political in the Works of May Stevens
MA, University of North Texas, USA
Marjan Eggermont (1998)
Notes on the body : a written accompaniment to the thesis exhibition
MA, University of Calgary, Canada
C.M. Pol (1998)
Discourse on the frame. The making and unmaking of Indonesian women artists
PhD, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Claire Pajaczkowska (1998)
Before language: the rage at the mother
PhD, Middlesex University, UK
Anne S. W. L. Dunnett (1998)
Art and identity : a social psychological study of stereotypical beliefs about women artists and women's art and the discursive identities of arts professionals and promoters of women's art
PhD, University of St Andrews, UK
Karen Elizabeth Ciclitira (1998)
What does pornography mean to women?
PhD, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Ami Martin (1997)
Multiples of one hundred
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Celia Stahr (1997)
The social relations of `Abstract Expressionism': an alternative history
PhD, University of Iowa, USA
Tanya Lenan Titchkosky (1997)
The primacy of between-ness: a hermeneutics of marginality and art
PhD, York University, Canada
Harriet Walker (1997)
A feminist study of African American art in New Orleans: considerations of aesthetics, art history and art criticism
PhD, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, USA
Jayne Wark (1997)
The radical gesture: feminism and performance art in the 1970s
PhD, University of Toronto , Canada
Joanne McNeal (1997)
Western Arctic women artists' perspectives on education and art
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
Teresa Ann Bradbury (1997)
Textured imprints : images, social change, and cultural memory
MA, University of Toronto , Canada
Maura Lesley Broadhurst (1997)
Strategic spaces : towards a genealogy of women artists' groups in Canada
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Lu Xiuyuan (1997)
The contested terrain: alternative art practices in postmodern New York art worlds
PhD, Princeton University, USA
Amy Ingrid Schlegel (1997)
Codex Spero: feminist art and activist practices in New York since the late 1960s
PhD, Columbia University, USA
Ann-Janeck Lapin (1997)
Monique Voyer: artiste, pédagogue et animatrice en arts visuels
MA, UQAM, Canada
Maria Lundin (1997)
Spiral/translation/skin : an aesthetic history of the incomplete video image
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Hsing-Ni Lin (1997)
(Chinese/Eng. title) A Study of Artist Lai, Jun Jun’s works : From Feminist Perspective
MA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Jayne Wark (1997)
The radical gesture: feminism and performance art in the 1970s
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
See also by same author, Radical Gestures (Canada: McGill Queens University Press, 2006)
Michelle Rosenberg (1997)
Rupturing the skin of memory: bearing witness to the 1989 massacre of women in Montreal
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
Alison Catherine Pryer (1997)
Tales of power : the healing narratives of Judy Chicago and Jo Spence
M.Ed, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Samuel McBride (1997)
Performing Laurie Anderson: the construction of a persona
PhD, University of California, Riverside, USA
Danielle Blackmore Lemmon (1997)
Responses to Michael Fried's theories of theatricality in the visual arts: from modern to postmodern criticism
PhD, New York University, USA
Libby Lumpkin (1997)
Little histories: five essays on five designs
PhD, University of New Mexico, USA
Mignon Nixon (1997)
Louise Bourgeois and the logic of the part-object, 1947-1982
PhD, City University of New York, USA
Lara Lackey (1997)
Pedagogies of leisure: considering community recreation centres as contexts for art education and art experience
PhD, University of British Columbia , Canada
Melissa Friedling (1997)
Recovering bodies: rhetoric, feminisms, and addiction
PhD, University of Iowa, USA
John A Kaufman (1997)
Lucy Lippard: becoming feminist
PhD, City University of New York, USA
Lisa E Farrington (1997)
Faith Ringgold: the early works and the evolution of the Thangka paintings
PhD, City University of New York, USA
Rosalyn Deutsche (1997)
Evictions: contemporary art, urbanism, and spatial politics
PhD, City University of New York, USA
Anne Burkhart (1997)
A feminist studio art critique: a classroom study
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Donna Marie Binkiewicz (1997)
Painting, politics and Cold War culture: United States arts policy and the formation of the National Endowment for the Arts, 1960-1975
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Marilyn Irene Grabinsky (1997)
Constructed Knowledge
MA, University of Calgary, Canada
Bronwen Cunningham (1997)
A creative cooking course for the woman artist: Sexual violence and the politics of representation in the visual arts
MA, York University, Canada
Renee Baert (1997)
Poetics of the body in feminist art : three modalities
PhD, McGill University, Canada
Jacqueline A. Badman (1997)
A qualitative study of a college visual arts course: A multicultural perspective
PhD, University of North Dakota, USA
Abby Weinberg (1997)
Identity politics in Canadian artwriting : C Magazine and Parachute, 1983-1996
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Gwen Phillips (1997)
The pedagogical significance of the life and work of artist Helen Grey-Smith
MA, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Andrew Lawrence Moffatt (1997)
Application of feminist principles to art education: a philosophical analysis.
MA, Ohio State University, USA
Nanette Wylde (1997)
A brief history... interactive multimedia art installation: discussion of process, media, content, and response
MFA, Ohio State University, USA
Suellen Symons (1997)
MA, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Cheryl Lynn Williams (1997)
Mapping the art historical landscape: Genres of art history appearing in art history literature and the journal, 'Art Education'
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Celine Amundsen (1997)
“Kvinnekunst” og anerkjennelse: norske kvinnelige kunstneres arbeider vist ved The National Museum of Women in the Arts i At Century's End, en utstilling finansiert av Utenriksdepartementet
MA, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger (1996)
Matrix et metramorphosis : esthetique et psychanalyse de seuils, frontieres, multiplicite et fragments
PhD, Paris 8, France
Pamela Robertson (1996)
Guilty pleasures : feminist camp from Mae West to Madonna
PhD, University of Chicago, USA
Shay Ryan (1996)
Pots of red jam : a performance-as-research project with older women.
MA, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Sharni Lloyd (1996)
Exploratory surgery of the female psyche.
MA, Deakin University, Australia
Margaret Albers (1996)
Art as literacy: the dynamic interplay of pedagogy and gendered meaning making in sixth-grade art classes
PhD, Indiana University, USA
Jennifer Fisher (1996)
Aesthetic contingencies: relational enactments in display culture
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Margaret Davis Jacobs (1996)
Uplifting cultures: encounters between white women and Pueblo Indians, 1890-1935
PhD, University of California, Davis, USA
Dana Jeffrey (1996)
Outside the box: intersections of personal creativity and social change
PhD, Fielding Institute, USA
Joan Hope (1996)
The feminist gaze: feminism, postmodernism, and women's bodies
PhD, Indiana University, USA
Chang Pao-Hsing (1996)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Interpreting Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Through Art Works
MA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Shu Ya Tsai (1996)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Transgression of Female Body: Female Body in the Photographic Images Made by Taiwanese Female Artists
MA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Anna Kaay (1996)
Pornography, feminism and seditious sex talk
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Kenn Gardner Honeychurch (1996)
Inside out/outside in: sexual diversity : a comparative case study of two post-secondary visual art students
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
Alice Ming Wai Jim (1996)
Black women artists in Canada: a documentation and analysis of the 1989 exhibition "Black wimmin--when and where we enter"
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Anne-Marie Garceau (1996)
Perception des éléments naturels dans une oeuvre d’Ann Hamilton: tropos
MA, UQAM, Canada
Rebecca Schneider (1996)
The explicit body in feminist performance, 1963-1993
PhD, New York University, USA
Sally Smyser Shelburne (1996)
Jackie Ferrara: a sense of place in life and art
PhD, University of Maryland College, USA
Georgina Miriam Cooley (1996)
Who is this self I'm supposed to be expressing?: narrative inquiry into the art of learning and twelve women visual arts students
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Elizabeth Pappas (1996)
Contemporary performance art composition: post-modernism, feminism, and voice
PhD, University of California, San Diego, USA
Annmarie Pinarski (1996)
Parodic imaginations: women/writing/history
PhD, Bowling Green State University, USA
Anne Swartz (1996)
Psychosexual strategies of enclosure and entanglement: re-reading Bourgeois and Hesse
PhD, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Ivone Margulies (1996)
Nothing happens : Chantal Akerman's hyperrealist everyday
PhD, New York University, USA
Ann-Marie Brannigan (1996)
Feminist art in Ireland: an examination of the factors influencing the development of feminist art in Ireland
B.Des, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Janice Anderson (1995)
Closed systems : Alexandra Luke, Hortense Gordon and the Canadian art history canon.
MA, Concordia University, Canada
Maura Austen (1995)
Louise Bourgeois: feminist dimensions
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Telma Elita Juliano Valente (1995)
Olhar feminino : uma decada de produção videografica feminista no Brasil -1983/1993 / A decade of feminist video production in Brazil, 1983-1993
PhD, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Alison Lee Bracker (1995)
A critical history of the international art journal Artforum
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Hsiang-chun Chen (1995)
Beyond commemoration : the 2-28 incident, the aesthetics of trauma and sexual difference
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Catherine Nash (1995)
Landscape, body and nation : cultural geographies of Irish identities.
PhD, University of Nottingham, UK
See also by same author, Of Irish descent : origin stories, genealogy, and the politics of belonging (Syracuse University Press, 2008)
Kendal Murray (1995)
The use of abstract and figurative images to evoke emotive qualities characteristic of women's sexuality (Mary Kelly, Janine Antoni)
MA, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Michelle Hardy (1995)
A phenomenological approach to women, craft, and knowledge: the embodied embroiderer in India
MA, University of Alberta, Canada
Marcy Goldberg (1995)
Aesthetics and actuality: documentary film and the everyday
MFA, York University, Canada
Gordon Roe (1995)
An Ethnography of artists' models
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Cindy Stelmackowich (1995)
Generating a new interdisciplinary feminist framework for contemporary Canadian women's art : the critical practices of Renee Baert and Joan Borsa
MA, Carleton University, Canada
Pamela McCarron (1995)
The metaethics of feminist artwriting
Ed.D. , University of Massachusetts, USA
Maria Ochoa (1995)
Creative collectives: a study of Chicana artistic expressiveness
PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Cheryl Kolak Dudek (1995)
The pictorial narrative in contemporary art
D.A. , New York University, USA
Susan Dunn (1995)
Opposed aesthetics: Mina Loy, modernism, and the avant-garde
PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Barbara Haum (1995)
The hidden dowry: women and the artist's book
D.A. , New York University, USA
Elizabeth Ament (1995)
Implications of feminist aesthetics for art education
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Marjorie May Anderson (1995)
Beyond gender: the affirmative feminism of four female artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada
Marie-Anne Mancio (1995)
Maps for wayward performers: feminist readings and contemporary live art practice in Britain.
PhD, University of Sussex, UK
Deej Fabyc (1995)
Where are You Sucker?: Hypervigilance and Enmity
MFA, University of New South Wales, Australia
Melanie Herzog (1995)
'My Art Speaks for Both My Peoples': Elizabeth Catlett in Mexico
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
See also by same author, Elizabeth Catlett: An American Artist in Mexico (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2000)
Myriam-Odile Blin (1994)
Portraits D'Artistes, Une Sociologie de L'Intimite de L'Art
PhD, Paris 5, France
US Park (1994)
(English title of Korean text) Understanding of feminism appeared in contemporary art
MA, Pusan National University, Korea
Jane Prophet (1994)
Taste, teaching and the Utah teapot : creative, gender, aesthetic and pedagogical issues surrounding the use of electronic media in art and design education : with particular reference to hypertext applications
PhD, University of Warwick, UK
See also by same author, DECOY (Prophet, Jane, 2001)
EA Jeppe (1994)
Gals, guys and gender construction : what's in it for art therapy.
MA, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Constance Garrow Diamond (1994)
Contemporary painting: qualities of dissonance
D.A. , New York University, USA
Caere Louise Dunn (1994)
I. The mothers' tools; II. `The mothers' tools': a book of metasensory arts examined in the context of women's spirituality
PhD, Union Institute, USA
Martha Ann Lavey (1994)
Representing the body: an archetypal approach to the performance art of Rachel Rosenthal, Laurie Anderson, and Karen Finley
PhD, Northwestern University, USA
Sheila Ann Gilmartin (1994)
Feminist spectatorship as an analytical tool in critical analysis
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jayne Kravetz Guberman (1994)
Transformations of a traditional folk art: the revival of Jewish papercutting
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Linda Ostrander (1994)
Images of women: looking forward, looking back
PhD, Union Institute, USA
Kay Kallos (1994)
A woman's revolution: the relationship between design and the avant-garde in the work of Hannah Höch, 1912-1922
Ph.D, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Josephine Mills (1994)
Theoretical play in a field of desire: a road map for negotiating a space of lesbian/feminist subjectivity, complete with ; key to explain signposts; glossary of local terms and phrases; recommendations for the best places to dine; annotated directions
MA, University of Ottawa, Canada
Tao-Yung Sun (1994)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Gender Identity and Art Creations:Louise Bourgeois, after 1970
MA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Astrid Ilhe (1994)
Angela Hampel's Penthesilia : an answer to state culture?
MA, Courtauld Institute, London, UK
Louise Ann Parsons (1994)
An analysis of 'The Gold Diggers' (1983) by Sally Potter : feminist film, Julia Kristeva and revolutionary poetics.
PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Elizabeth. Mahoney (1994)
Writing so to speak : the feminist dystopia.
PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
Ute Roschenthaler (1993)
Die Kunst der Frauen : zur Komplementarität von Nacktheit und Maskierung bei den Ejagham im Südwesten Kameruns / The art of women: to the complementarity of nudity and masking in the Ejagham in southwestern of Cameroon
PhD, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Titia Jeanette Top (1993)
Art and Gender. Creative Achievement in the Visual Arts
PhD, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
See also by same author, Art and Gender. Creative Achievement in the Visual Arts (Hofstee WKB, 1993, )
Davina R. Jacobson-Leong (1993)
Destabilizing cultural assumptions : language and images in the art of Jenny Holzer
PhD, University of Oregon, USA
Man-Hua Chen (1993)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Moving Between Absence and Presence: The Body Writing of Taiwanese Women's Art in the Post-Martial Law Era
MA, Tainan College of the Arts , Taiwan
Jui-Chi Liu (1993)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Judy Chicago's 'The Dinner Party' (1974-79)
MA, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Lie-Mei Wu (1993)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Female Body Image in Work of Contemporary Western Women Photographers
MA, Taipei Teachers College, Taiwan
Franco Missia (1993)
Painting the nude by male artists in Western art
Ed.D. , Columbia University Teachers College, USA
Jessica Bradley (1993)
Postmodern bodies and feminist art practice
MA, McGill University, Canada
Viki Wylder (1993)
Judy Chicago's `Dinner Party' and `Birth Project' as religious symbol and visual theology
PhD, Florida State University, USA
Sylvie Tourangeau (1993)
L'art de la performance - l'art du changement
MA, UQAM, Canada
Yvonne Gaudelius (1993)
Art-iculating women's voices: an exploration of women's subjectivity in contemporary women's visual art, feminist pedagogy and French feminist theory
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Judith Kaye Jones (1993)
Windows to the soul: feminine spiritual symbolism and religious iconography in the art of Georgia O'Keeffe and Louise Nevelson
Th.D. , Graduate Theological Union, USA
Debra Koppman (1993)
Mutant forms: a contemporary artistic response to mythic female deities
D.A. , New York University, USA
Katherine Hattam (1993)
The studio, the breast, the phallus, and me
MFA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Esther Sonnet (1993)
The politics of representation : modernism, feminism, postmodernism
PhD, University of Nottingham, UK
Mary Arp (1993)
Global housekeepers.
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Patricia Elaine Chandler (1993)
The Aesthetics of healing: Joining feminism, autobiography, and landscape.
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Cherry Tennant (1992)
On being a woman artist: glimpses into the lives of four women working in Victoria between 1930 - 1950
MA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Christine Louise Conley (1992)
Daughters in exile : negotiating the spaces of the avant-garde; Christiane Pflug and Joyce Wieland
MA, Carleton University, Canada
David Patterson McCarthy (1992)
Compromised positions: situations for the nude in American painting, 1955-1980
PhD, University of Delaware, USA
Jo Ortel (1992)
Re-creation, self-creation: a feminist analysis of the early art and life of Niki de Saint Phalle
PhD, Stanford University, USA
Shannon Bell (1992)
Reading, writing and rewriting the prostitute body
PhD, York University, Canada
Sandra Stein Ehsan (1992)
Cluttering the canon: a feminist framework for illustrating the embeddedness of phallocentric bias in traditional concepts of artistic excellence
PhD, University of Oregon, USA
Leslie Stewart Curtis (1992)
From Salome and John the Baptist to Orpheus: the severed head and female imagery in the work of Odilon Redon
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
David Christos Cateforis (1992)
Willem de Kooning's `Women' of the 1950s: a critical history of their reception and interpretation
PhD, Stanford University, USA
Margot Leigh Butler (1992)
Their feet fell cleanly on either side, and she, between them?
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Deniz Halil Tekiner (1992)
Spirituality in contemporary art: struggles for critical vitality
PhD, New School for Social Research, USA
April Mary Bowen (1992)
Women's Peace Banners of the 1980s. An exploration of the relationship between women, peace and feminism through the art of banner making
MA, Aberyswyth University, UK
Sue Melnychuk (1992)
Confirming claims and investigating identities : Frida Kahlo and American feminism in the late 1970s
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ditta Behrens (1991)
Frauen-Kunstausstellungen im deutschsprachigen Raum : eine Untersuchung zur Rezeption bildender Kunst von Frauen zwischen 1973 und 1984
PhD, University of Hamburg - Universität Hamburg, Germany
Flora Kit-yee Yu (1991)
Postmodernism and photography
MA, University of Hong Kong , China / Hong Kong
Michelle Calvert (1991)
The body as topos: the discursive mapping of the feminine subject in selected works of Canadian art and literature
PhD, Carleton University, Canada
Wendy Schissel (1991)
The keepers of memory: Canadian mythopoeic poets and magic realist painters
PhD, University of Calgary, Canada
Michelle Millard (1991)
An analysis of the critical discourse on the work of Eva Hesse
MA, McGill University, Canada
Amelia Jones (1991)
The fashion(ing) of Duchamp: authorship, gender, post-modernism
PhD, University of California, USA
Janice Helland (1991)
The `new woman' in fin-de-siècle art: Frances and Margaret McDonald (sic)
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada
Joseph John Inguanti (1991)
Postmodern photography in America: advertising and politics
PhD, Yale University, USA
Lorna Green (1991)
The Position and Attitudes of Contemporary Women Sculptors in Britain, 1987-1989'
MPhil, Leeds University, UK
Margarete Barbara Lamb-Faffelberger (1991)
Elfriede Jelinek und Valie Export: Rezeption der feministischen Avantgarde Oesterreichs im deutschsprachigen Feuilleton (German text)
MA, Rice University, USA
J. Rosewarne (1990)
A critique of recent writing on women's art.
MA, Bundoora Vic, La Trobe University, Australia
Ruth Vanessa Dineen (1990)
Women, Art and Ideology: a review of the position of women artists in Western Europe since the Renaissance.
M.Sc.Econ, Cardiff University, UK
Beth Seaton (1990)
Delegation and depiction: the textual authorities of photographic criticism
PhD, Concordia University, Canada
Lise Gagnon (1990)
Regards sur l'identité, le féminisme et la photographie
MA, UQAM, Canada
Martha Brennan (1990)
The work of Judy Chicago and Lucy R. Lippard in terms of the emergence of a feminist critique
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Sandy Flitterman-Lewis (1990)
To desire differently : feminism and the French cinema (Germaine Dulac, Marie Epstein, Agnes Varda)
PhD, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dympna McEneaney (1990)
The return of painting and its implications for the feminist movement
BA, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Salean Angelika Maiwald (1990)
Der fehlende Akt in der Kunst von Frauen : psychoanalytische Betrachtungen eines Tabus / The missing Act in art by women: psychoanalytic considerations of taboos
PhD, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Mabiala Mantuba-Ngoma (1989)
Frauen, Kunsthandwerk und Kultur bei den Yombe in Zaire / Women, arts and crafts, and culture at the Yombe in Zaire
PhD, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Yvonne Spielmann (1989)
Eine Pfutze in bezug aufs Mehr : Avantgarde
PhD, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Barbara Bottger (1989)
Das Recht auf Gleichheit und Differenz : Elisabeth Selbert und der Kampf der Frauen um Art
PhD, Münster Universität, Germany
Merilyn Fairskye (1989)
Drive - I’ve got something to show you!
MA, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia
Neasa Hardiman (1989)
Intervention: an inquiry into current trends in the feminist art movement
B.Des, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
Barbara Weir Huber (1989)
Feminism, Manitoba Artists for Women's Art and art education a woman-centred examination of the learning experience in the mentor program of M.A.W.A
PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada
Catherine Crowston (1989)
Making art/making theory: on the relationship between theory and art in the work of Mary Scott
MA, York University, Canada
Allison Thompson (1989)
A worthy place in the art of our country: the Women's Art Association of Canada, 1887-1987
MA, Carleton University, Canada
Elizabeth Jessie Garber (1989)
Feminist polyphony: a conceptual understanding of feminist art criticism in the 1980s
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Carol Bigwood (1989)
The holding sway : towards a feminist ontology through philosophy and art
PhD, York University, Canada
Karen Margrethe Nielsen (1989)
FRAGMENTET SOM PARADIGME I LIV OG KUNST. : Fotografi, Feminisme og postmodernisme
MPhil, Aarhus University, Denmark
Jo-Ann J Dellaposta (1989)
Homonymous projections.
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Ann Kathleen Banning (1988)
Exceeding the frame : implications of excess in two films by Joyce Wieland
MFA, York University, Canada
Regina Beth Winter (1988)
An integrative model for a discipline based feminist history of art
MA, University of Arizona, USA
Anne Bennett (1986)
Imposition and disposition : paintings M.F.A. submission (on Witches / Witch-hunts)
MFA, University of Tasmania, Australia
Jeanie Kay Forte (1986)
Women in performance art : feminism and postmodernism (Rachel Rosenthal, Meredith Monk, Laurie Anderson)
PhD, University of Washington, USA
Doris Niemeyer (1985)
Die intime Frau : d. Frauentagebuch - e. Überlebens- u. Widerstandsform
PhD, Philipps-Universität Marburg / University of Marburg, Germany
Christine Cheyne (1985)
The Politics of Art-making: A Socialist-feminist Critique
MA, Massey University, Australia
Water Chang (1983)
(Chinese/Eng. title) Contemporary Women's Movement and Feminist Practices in Taiwan
PhD, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
P W Bradley (1983)
PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Lauren Rabinovitz (1982)
Points of resistance : women, power & politics in the New York Avant-garde cinema, 1943-71
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, USA
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Linda Smolenski (1982)
The Aura of Femininity in Art.
MA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Christa Murken-Altrogge (1982)
Maria Lassnig : ihr Leben und ihr malerisches Werk, ihre kunstgeschichtliche Stellung in der Malerei des 20. Jahrhunderts
PhD, Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany
Jorunn Veiteberg (1982)
Kunst og kvinnekamp: ein analyse av og refleksjoner omkring tre utstillingar i Bergen 1975-1980; Art and women’s right: an analysis of and reflections around three exhibitions in Bergen 1975-1980
MA, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
G R Davis (1981)
PhD, Michigan State Universty, USA
S Price (1981)
PhD, Johns Hopkins University, USA
J Kerr (1980)
Art and community a sociological study of contemporary feminist art
PhD, University of California, Irvine, USA
Renate Berger (1980)
Malerinnen auf dem Weg ins 20. Jahrhundert : Kunstgeschichte als Sozialgeschichte
PhD, Hamburg Universität, Germany
Aline Dallier-Popper (1980)
Activités et réalisations de femmes dans l'art contemporain
PhD, Paris 8, France
C G Freid (1979)
Sorel Cohen (1979)
Feminist art in the '70s
MFA, Concordia University, Canada
N C Wilton (1978)
ED.D. , Boston University, USA
R K Sandell (1978)
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
R Cordray (1978)
ED.D. , Columbia University Teachers College, USA
G C Collins (1978)
PhD, Ohio State University, USA
M G Eden (1977)
PhD, Syracuse University , USA
M Lombardi (1977)
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
M M McCall (1975)
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
L S Whitesel (1974)
PhD, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Helle Behrndt, Susanne Brandt, Heddi Mortensen, Kirsten Rasmussen (1974)
Kvindelige billedkunstneres stilling i Danmark i dag
MA, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi / Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark
Ann Kalmbach (1974)
The position of women artists within the aesthetic
MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Barbara Ann Reuter (1974)
The career development of the professional female artist compared to that of the male
Ed. D, Columbia University, Teachers College, USA