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international feminist art journal

Links to resource websites
on/about women artists,
including database and research projects

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See All This #20, Pretty Brilliant initiative (The Netherlands)
Set up by Nicole Ex, Catherine de Zegher. Resulted in 2020/2021, special issue of See All This #20.

A.M.M.A.A.: The Archive for Mapping Mother Artists in Asia (Asia, International, India)
Set up in 2016 by Dr Ruchika Wason Singh, College of Art, New Delhi.

All My Independent Women (Portugal)
a blog which began as an exhibition in 2005 and continues as an exhibition project/archive and information resource.

And Others:The Gendered Politics of Art Collectives (UK, international)
Lina Džuverović, research project at Birkbeck College, London.

Arkansas Committee: National Museum of Women in the Arts: Artist Registry (USA)
A registry of US artists

Arte & Feminismo at UFRGS (Brazil)

ArtFem.TV (Austria)
a TV channel of artist's video/movie materials on art and feminism, created by Evelin Stermitz in 2008. (USA)
an American-based gallery and list for feminist art history, 2001-2006 (website deleted)

AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions (France)
website/organisation to research 20th C women artists founded by Camille Morineau in 2014

Biblioteca de Mujeres Artistas (Spain)
a blog on books on women artists

Elles@Centre Pompidou blog (France, International)
(active 2009-2011)

European Women's Video Art (EWVA) (International, UK)
documentation and research project on women's video art in the early 1970s at Duncan Jordanstone, part of the ReWind research project.

FemInfoTeka (Russia)
'Feminfoteka' is a self-organised grassroots queer-feminist library and a space for feminist discussions in St Petersburg.

Feminist_Art_Base at Elizabeth Sackler Centre for Feminist Art, Brooklyn Museum, New York (USA, International)
Beginning with the artists in Global Feminisms, the database has expanded considerably in recent years especially on several generations of artists in New York.

Fixing the World: Feminist Art and Jewish Identity (Israel)
- a series of videos as a short course, Femart Assets, on Utube, in Hebrew with English sub-titles

Her Noise (UK)
Her Noise Archive is a resource of collected materials investigating music and sound histories in relation to gender bringing together a wide network of women artists who use sound as a medium.

Her Trajectory (USA, Hong Kong)
An arts-based research project by Zeng Hong, who lives in Hong Kong, initiated as Yale-China fellow in USA.

Herstory (Canada)
documentation project of the Canadian Women's Calendar, 1974-1995

IOWA Women Artists Oral History Project (USA)
An oral history project of 79 women artists interviewed in 1998-1999

Judy Chicago's Through the Flower official website (USA)

La femme et le film (later Video Femmes) (Canada)
film and video distribution, Quebec,Canada, 1975. Documentary history of group by Nicole Giguère et Lynda Roy (1984)

Mary H. Dana Women Artists Series Exhibits (USA)
from the Mabel Smith Douglass Library, Douglass College Rutgers-the State University of NJ,USA

Museo de Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas (Mexico)

National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, Artist's Profiles (formerly Clara database, now focused on their collection) (USA, International)

Re.Act.Feminism: A Performing Archive (2008-2009), (2011-2013) (International)
2nd edition of an exhibition project and archive exploring feminist and gendercritical performance art from the 1960s to the early 1980s with a focus on re-enactment.

Online art gallery whose projects have grown out of the research projects: REWIND| British Artists’ Video in the 70s & 80s, REWINDItalia and EWVA European Women’s Video Art.

Re-Belles (France)
a blog on women artists and culture

Retracing the Feminist Art Program (USA, Austria)
a site exploring the history of women artists involved in the Feminist Art program in the early 1970s

Secondary Archive: platform for women artists from Central and Eastern Europe (Maria Stoklosa) (Poland)
Women Artists from Albania, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine. A project by Kataryzna Kozyra Foundation. shown at Manifesta 14, Prishtina, Kosovo, 2022.

Strategies for contemporary feminism: Exquisite Acts and Everyday Rebellions (USA)
conference papers from California Institute for Arts in Valencia, 2007

Testimonies: In a Female Voice (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Testimonies: In a Female Voice was put together as a result of a team project of students of the Theory of New Media and Design at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, led by Zuzana Štefková and focuses on Czech and Slovak women artists.

Timeline Project: Women Artists and History (Japan)

Varo Registry formerly, the Women Artists Online Registry (USA)

Viva - Red feminista de arte y pensamiento contemporáneo. Started at Monterhomoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz in 2008. Moved to AZKUNA Centre, Bilbao (2012-2018). Relaunched as 'La mirada feminista: Perspectivas feministas en las producciones artísticas y las teorías del arte' (ARTIUM, Vitoria-Gastiez, 2019): 2020 Edition of La Mirada Feminista14-15 Nov 2020. (Spain, International)

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon on Feminism and Art (International, USA)

Women Art and Revolution (USA)
Website for Lynn Hershman Leeson's film Women, Art and Revolution

Women Art Revolution (!WAR) collection: Voices of a Movement (USA)
Transcripts and video footage by Lynn Hershman Leeson, used in Women, Art and Revolution

Women Artists page of Women's Resource Project, North Carolina (USA)

Women in War (France, International)
an offshoot project as a small online gallery of a collaboration of feminist academics on women in war.

Women Make Movies (USA)
A non-profit feminist distributor of more than 400 films and videotapes

Women's Audio Archive (Marysia Lewandowska) (UK)
a collection of audio tapes of talks and interviews compiled by the artist from 1983 onwards...

World's Women On-line (USA)
a project by Muriel Magenta

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