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international feminist art journal

Anthologies of feminist art

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The anthologies list below is organised by date:-

2024 Julia R.  Brown, Radmila Stefkova, Tamara R. Williams  ()
Women Photographers and Mexican Modernity Framing the Twentieth Century (Mexico,Routledge)

2024 Luana Saturnino  Tvardovskas and María Laura Rosa  (eds)
O Sexo da Arte: Teorias E Criticas Feministas (International,Intermeios: Entre Generos)

2024 Eleanor  Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal and Sue Scott  ()
Mothers of Invention: The Feminist Roots of Contemporary Art (USA, international,London: Lund Humphries)

2023 Elke  Krasny, Lara Perry  ()
Curating with Care (Austria, UK, international,Routledge) More

2023 Jessica  Zychowicz  (ed)
Freedom Taking Place: War, Women and Culture at the Intersection of Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus (Ukraine, Poland, Belarus,USA: Vernon Press) More

2023 Jacqueline  Francis, Jeanne Gerrity (Eds.)  ()
Is Now the Time for Joyous Rage? (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 4) (USA,Sternberg and CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts )

2023 Ana  Hoffner ex-Prvulovic*  ()
Contemporary / Unconscious: Texts by Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic*, Anne Faucheret, Flavia Matei, Sónia Melo, Sara Reisman, Marlène Rigler (Germany, international,Sternberg)

2022 Diana  Quinby  (ed)
Des femmes dans l'art : hommage à Aline Dallier (1927-2020), historienne d'art, pionnière de la critique d'art féministe en France (France,Paris : Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre)

2022 Elke  Krasny, Lara Perry  ()
Curating as Feminist Organizing (Austria, UK, international,Routledge) More

2022 Basia  Sliwinska  (ed)
Feminist Visual Activism and the Body (UK, international,Routledge) More

2022 Katy  Deepwell  (ed)
50 Feminist Art Manifestos (international,KT press)

2021 Jacqueline  Millner, Gretchen Coombs  (eds)
Care ethics and art (Australia, international,Routledge)

2021 Frima  Fox Hofrichter, Midori Yoshimoto  (eds)
Women, Aging, and Art: A Crosscultural Anthology (UK, USA,Bloomsbury publishing)

2021 Judith  Brodsky  ()
Dismantling the Patriarchy, Bit by Bit: Art, Feminism, and Digital Technology (USA,Bloomsbury publishing)

2021 Antonia  Majaca, Rachel O'Reilly, Jelena Vesic  (eds)
Feminist Takes: Early Works by Zelimir Zilnik (Austria,Sternberg Press)

2020 Darren  Newbury, Lorena Rizzo and Kylie Thomas  (eds)
Women and Photography in Africa: Creative Practices and Feminist Challenges (Africa, UK, Ghana, South Africa,Routledge)

2019 Heike  Munder  ()
Producing Futures - An Exhibition on Post-Cyber-Feminisms (16 Feb-12 May) (Switzerland, International,Zurich: Migros Museums fur Gegenwartskunst)

2019 Oksana  Briukhovetska and Lesia Kulchynska  (eds)
The Right to Truth. Conversations on Art and Feminism (Ukraine, International,Kyiv: Visual Culture Research Center) More

2019 Hilary  Robinson and Maria Elena Buscek  (eds)
A Companion to Feminist Art (UK, USA, International,Wiley Blackwells Companions to Art History series)

2019 Virginie  Jourdain  (ed)
Ressources Humaine: Féminismes & travail de l’art / Human Resources: Feminisms and the work/labour of art (France,49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine)

2018 Cornelia  Sollfrank  (ed)
Die schönen Kriegerinnen: Technofeministische Praxis im 21. Jahrhundert (German only) PDF, Epub Available Here English version: The Beautiful Warriors. Technofeminist Practice in the 21st Century (UK, Minor Compositions, 2019) (Austria, International,Austria: transversal texts)

2018 Jacqueline  Millner and Catriona Moore  (eds)
Feminist Perspectives on Art: Contemporary Outtakes (Australia, International,Routledge)

2018 Agata  Jakubowska and Katy Deepwell  (eds)
All-women art spaces in Europe in the long 1970s (UK, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Portu,Liverpool University Press)

2018 Sarah  Werkmeister  (ed)
Feminisms (available to download as PDF) website: (Belgium, International,KASK / School of Arts of University College Ghent: L'Internationale Online )

2018 Lisa Ryan  Musgrave  (ed)
Feminist Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: The Power of Critical Visions and Creative Engagement (USA, UK, International,New York: Springer)

2017 Amanda  Ravetz, Alice Kettle, Helen Felcey  (eds)
Collaboration Through Craft (UK, USA,Bloomsbury)

2017 Richard  Grusin  (ed)
Anthropocene Feminism (USA, International,University of Minnesota Press)

2017 Rosemarie  Buikema, and Iris van der Tuin  (eds)
Doing gender in media, art and culture (1st ed. 2009) (UK, The Netherlands,Routledge)

2017 Elin  Diamond, Denise Varney, Candice Amich  (eds)
Performance, Feminism and Affect in Neoliberal Times (International, Australia, Japan, USA,Palgrave MacMillan)

2017 Lara  Perry and Victoria Horne  (eds)
Feminism and Art History Now: Radical Critiques of Theory and Practice (UK,IB Tauris)

2017 Félix  Boggio Ewanjé-Epée, Stella Magliani-Belkacem, Morgane Merteuil, Frédéric Monferrand  (ed)
Pour un féminisme de la totalité (The Netherlands,Paris : Amsterdam)

2017 Karine  Berges, Florence Binard, Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec  (eds)
Feminismes du XXIe Siecle: une troisieme vague? (France,France: Universitaires de Rennes)

2017 Penny  Florence and Nicola Foster  (eds)
Differential Aesthetics: art practices, philosophy and feminist understandings (1st ed. Aldershot: Aldgate, 2000) (UK,Routledge)

2016 Monica  Mayer  ()
Si Tiene Dudas...Pregunte: Una Exposicion Retrocolectiva / When in Doubt...Ask: A Retrocollective Exhibit (Mexico,Mexico: MUAC / UNAM Museo Universitario Arte Contemporaneo)

2016 Amelia  Jones and Erin Silver  (eds)
Otherwise : imagining queer feminist art histories (UK, USA,Manchester: Manchester University Press)

2016 Katherine  Behar  (ed)
Object-Oriented Feminism (USA, International,University of Minnesota Press)

2016 Jessica  Sjöholm Skrubbe  (ed)
Curating Differently: Feminisms, Exhibitions and Curatorial Spaces (Sweden, International,Cambridge Scholars Publishing)

2015 Nadya  Burton  (ed)
Natal Signs: Cultural Representations of Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting (Canada, USA,Ontario: Demeter Press)

2015 Hilary  Robinson  (ed)
Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014, 2nd Edition (UK, International,Wiley)

2015 Annette  Burfoot  ()
Visual Culture and Gender (,Routledge)

2015 Maria  Walsh, Mo Throp  (eds)
Twenty Years of MAKE Magazine: Back to the Future of Women's Art (UK,IB Tauris)

2015 X  Marks the Spot, Joan Anim-Addo, Althea Greenan  (eds)
Human Endeavour: a creative finding aid for the Women of Colour Index (UK,London: Goldsmiths College, Women's Art Library)

2015 La  Centrale  (eds.)
Impact Feministe sur l'art actuel/Feminist Impact on Contemporary Art (contributions by Nicole Burisch, Barbara Clausen, Jen Leigh Fisher, Anne Golden, k.g. Guttman, Anne-Marie Proulx, Thérèse St-Gelais, Eliana Stratica-Mihail, Tamar Tembeck and Elvan Zabunyan) (Canada,Montreal: La Centrale)

2015 Ilmira  Bolotri and Marina Vinnik  ()
Art Feminism: Actual Language (Russia,Rosa Luxemberg Foundation)

2015 Christine  Gledhill and Julia Knight  (eds)
Doing Women's Film History (USA, International,University of Illinois Press)

2014 Catherine  de Zegher  ()
Women's Work is Never Done: an anthology (Belgium, International,Belgium: AsaMER Publishers)

2014 Katja  Kobolt and Lana Zdravkovic  (eds)
Performative Gestures, Political Moves (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Inte,Zagreb: Red Athena University Press, Centre for Women's Studies and City of Women) More

2014 Bettina  Knaup and Beatrice Ellen Stammer  (eds)
Re.Act.Feminism: A performing archive (International, Germany,London: Live Art Development Agency and Nuremberg: Verlag fuer Moderne Kunst)

2014 Binna  Choi, Maiko Tanaka  (eds)
The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook (Spain, International,Amsterdam: Valiz)

2014 Maria  Ioannou and Maria Kyriakidou  (eds)
Female beauty in art : history, feminism, women artists (UK,Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars)

2013 Vivian  Ziherl  (ed)
LIP Anthology: An Australian Feminist Art Journal, 1976-1984 (Australia, International,Australia: Macmillan Art Publ. and Kunstverein Milan)

2013 Marsha  Meskimmon and Dorothy Rowe  (eds)
Women, the Arts and Globalization: Eccentric Experience (UK, International,Manchester University Press)

2013 Elke  Krasny + Frauenmuseum Meran  (eds)
Women's: museum : curatorial politics in feminism, education, history, and art = Frauen:Museum : Politiken des Kuratorischen in Feminismus, Bildung, Geschichte und Kunst (Germany, Austria, International,Wien: Locker)

2013 Diana  Almeida  (eds)
Women and the Arts Dialogues in Female Creativity (Portugal, international, USA,Blackwells)

2013 Angela  Dimitrakaki and Lara Perry  (eds)
Politics in a Glass Case (UK,Liverpool University Press)

2013 Isabelle  Thuy Pelaud, Lan Duong, Mariam B. Lam and Kathy L. Nguyen  (eds)
Troubling Borders: An Anthology of Art and Literature by Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora (USA, Vietnam, Asia,USA: University of Washington Press)

2013 Katrin  Kivimaa  (ed)
Working with Feminism: Curating and Exhibitions in Eastern Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Macedonia, Poland, International,Talin: ACTA Universitatis Tallinnensis)

2013 Miriam  Solá y Elena Urko  (eds)
Transfeminismos: epistemes, fricciones y flujos (Spanish) (Spain,Spain: Txalaparta, S.L.)

2013 Domingo  Pujante González  (ed)
Ob-scena: l'obscène au féminin au tournant du XXIe siècle (France,Paris : Éd. l'Improviste)

2012 Rachel Epp  Buller  (ed)
Reconciling Art and Mothering (UK, USA, Singapore, Poland,UK; Ashgate Publishing)

2012 Leila  Pourtavaf  (ed)
Féminismes Électriques (Canada, USA,Montreal: La Centrale and Les Éditions du rémue-ménage) More

2012 Catherine  Morris and Vincent Bonin  (eds)
Materializing Six Years: Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art (USA,Boston: MIT Press)

2012 Elke  Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke   (eds)
Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship (Austria,Reihe Critical Media Studies) More

2012 FAK  Feministisches Arbeits-Kollektiv   ()
Body of Work (Germany,FAK)

2011 Nancy  Princenthal  (ed)
The deconstructive impulse : women artists reconfigure the signs of power, 1973-1991 (USA, International,New York : Munich ; New York : Neuberger Museum of Art , DelMonico Books/Prestel)

2011 Valie  Export  ()
Valie Export: Time and Countertime (Austria,Cologne: Walther Koenig) More

2011 Rudolfine  Lackner  (ed)
100 Jahre VBKO/ VBKO Festschrift / 100 Years of the Austrian Association of Women Artists (Austria,Austria: Vienna: VBKO)

2011 Frédérique  Bergholtz  (ed)
If I can´t dance I don´t want to be a part of the revolution: Conversation Pieces (Germany, The Netherlands, International,Berlin: Revolver) More

2011 Lisa  Pearson  (ed)
It is Almost That: A Collection of Image+Text Work by Women Artists and Writers (USA, UK,Siglio)

2011 Sondra  Hale and Terry Wolverton  (eds)
From Site to Vision: The Woman's Building in Contemporary Culture (USA,Los Angeles: Ben Maltz Gallery, Otis College of Art and Design)

2011 Lourdes  Mendez and Xabier Arakistain  (eds)
Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates IV (Spain, International,Centro Cultural Monthermoso)

2010 Malin Hedlin  Hayden and Jessica Sjoholm Skrubbe  (eds)
Feminisms is Still our Name: Seven Essays on Historiography and Curatorial practices (Sweden, International,UK: Cambridge Scolars Publishing)

2010 Fabienne  Dumont   (ed)
La rebellion du deuxieme sexe - L'histoire de l'art au crible des theories feministes anglo-americaines (1970-2000) (USA, UK, France,Dijon: Les presses du reel)

2010 Eimear  O'Connor  (ed)
Irish women artists, 1800-2009: familiar but unknown (Ireland,Dublin: Four Courts (TRIARC research studies in Irish art, n°3))

2010 Deborah  Willis  ()
Black Venus 2010: They Called Her "Hottentot" (USA,Temple University Press)

2010 Angela  Steif  (ed)
Power Up: Female Pop Art (Germany, USA, UK,DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag GmbH & Co KG)

2010 Lourdes  Mendez and Xabier Arakistain  (eds)
Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates III (Spain, International,Centro Cultural Monthermoso)

2010 Cornelia  Butler and Alexandra Schwartz  (eds)
Modern Women: Women Artists at the Museum of Modern Art (International,New York: MoMA) More

2010  h.arta  (eds)
FEMINISME. Recapituland concepte si afirmand noi pozitii/ FEMINISMS. Reviewing concepts and affirming new positions (Romania,Timisoara: h.arta) More

2010 Amanda  Lock Swarr and Richa Nagar  (eds)
Critical transnational feminist praxis (USA, International,Albany : State University of New York Press)

2010 Bojana  Pejic  (ed)
The Gender Check Reader (Austria, International,Vienna: MUMOK and Erste Foundation) More

2009 Lourdes  Mendez and Xabier Arakistain  (ed)
Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates II (Spain, International,Spain: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Montehermoso)

2009 Muriel  Andrin (et al)  (eds)
Femmes et critique(s): lettres, arts, cinéma (France,Namur : Presses universitaires de Namur)

2008 Lourdes  Mendez and Xabier Arakistain  (ed)
Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates I (Spain, International,Spain: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Montehermoso)

2008 Marina  Gržinić and Rosa Reitsamer  (eds)
New Feminism: Worlds of Feminism, Queer and Networking Conditions. (International,Löcker Verlag, Vienna )

2008 Rudolfine  Lackner  (ed)
Names are Shaping up nicely! Gendered nomenclature: in Art, Language and Philosophy (Austria,Vienna: VBKO) More

2008 Beatrice  Josse and Helene Guenin  ()
2 ou 3 Choses Que Je ignore d'elles: pour un manifeste POST (?)- FEMINISTE (France,Frac Lorraine, (Text in English and French)) More

2008 Araceli  Barbosa Sanchez  ()
Arte Feminista en los ochenta en Mexico: una perspectiva de genero (Mexico,Mexico: Casa Juan Pablos Centro Cultural, Universidad Autonoma de Estado de Morelos)

2008 Yvonne  Rainer, Carrie Lambert, Catherine Lord, Catherine Queloz (editor)  (ed)
Une femme qui...Ecrits, entretiens, essais critiques (French edition) (USA, Switzerland,JRP Ringier)

2008  Producciones de Arte y Pensamiento, S.L.  (eds)
EXIT Book #9. Feminismo y Arte de género (Spain, International,Arte y Pensamiento, S.L.)

2007 Martha  Rosler and Jesus Carrillo Castillo  (eds)
Imagenes publicas.La funcion politica de la imagen (Spain,Dialnet, University of Rioja)

2007 Lorena  Zamora Betancourt  ()
El imaginario femenino en el arte: Monica Mayer, Rowena Morales y Carla Rippey (Mexico,Mexico: Conesjo Nacional para la cultura y les artes)

2007 Karen  Cordero Reiman and Inda Saenz  (ed)
Critica feminista en la teoria e historia del arte (Mexico,Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericano)

2007 Eleanor  Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal and Sue Scott  ()
After the Revolution: Women Who Transformed Contemporary Art (USA,Munich, Berlin, London and New York: Prestel)

2007 Margarita  Aizpuru and S. Moreno Parrado  ()
La Feminidad Craquelada: meros comportamientos y reestructuraciones genericas (Spain,Spain: Diputacio de Malaga)

2007 Karen  Frostig and Kathy A. Halainka  (eds)
Blaze: Discourse on Art, Women and Feminism (USA,US: Cambridge Scholar) More

2007 Agnese  Fidecaro and Stephanie Lachat  (eds)
Profession : créatrice: la place des femmes dans le champ artistique (Switzerland,Switzerland: Lausanne : Éd. Antipodes/ Universite de Geneve)

2007 Rhea  Anastas, Michael Brenson  (eds)
Witness to Her Art: Art and Writings by Adrian Piper, Mona Hatoum, Cady Noland, Jenny Holzer, Kara Walker, Daniela Rossell and Eau de Cologne (USA, UK, Germany,Bard College)

2007 Elinor  Gadon, Wendy Tarlow Kaplan, Roobina Karode  ()
Tiger by the Tail! Women Artists of India Transforming Culture (India, USA,Massachusetts: Women's Studies Research Center - Brandeis University; New Delhi: Indian Council for Cultural Relations )

2007 Brigitte  Rollet and Delphine Naudier  (eds)
Genre et légitimité culturelle: quelle reconnaissance pour les femmes ? (France,Paris : L'Harmattan)

2007 Victoria  Vesna  (ed)
Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information Overflow (USA,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)

2007  VietNamNetBridge  ()
Women Paint and Painting on Women (Vietnam,Hanoi: Vietnam Fine Arts Museum)

2006 Noel  Burch and Helene Marquie  (eds)
Emancipation sexuelle ou contrainte des corps ? (France,Paris : L'Harmattan)

2006 Suzanne  Van Hagen  ()
Art'Fab;l'art, la femme, l'Europe (France, International,Paris: Terrail\(exhibition, Saint Tropez))

2006 Carol  Armstrong and Catherine de Zegher  (eds)
Women Artists at the Millennium (USA,Cambridge: MIT Press) More

2006 Annmarie  Chandler and Norie Neumarkt   (eds)
At a Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet (USA International,Boston: MIT Press) More

2006 Sarah  Nuttal  (ed)
Beautiful/Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics (USA,Durham, North Carolina & London: Duke University Press) More

2005 Norma  Broude and Mary Garrard  (eds)
Reclaiming Female Agency: Feminist Art After Postmodernism (USA,University of California Press) More

2005 Rochit I  Tamedo and Rosario Cruz Lucero, Imelda Cajipe-Endaya  (eds)
Who Owns Women's Bodies? (2001-2004) (Philippines,Philippines: Quezon City: Creative Collective Center. Inc.)

2005 Mila  Bredikhina and Katy Deepwell  (eds)
Gender, Theory and Contemporary Art Anthology, 1970-2000 (English title of Russian text) (Russia, International,Moscow: Rosspen)

2005 Alexander  Alberro  (ed)
Andrea Fraser, Museum Highlights: The Writings of Andrea Fraser (USA,Boston: MIT) More

2004 Rosemary  Betterton  (ed)
Unframed: Practices and Politics of Women's Contemporary Painting (UK,London: IB Tauris) More

2004 Johanna  Householder and Tanya Mars  (eds)
Caught in the Act: an Anthology of Performance Art by Canadian Women (Canada,Toronto:YYZ Books) More

2004 Gill  Perry  (ed)
Difference and Excess in Contemporary Art: The Visibility of Women's Practice (UK,Oxford: Blackwell Publishing) More

2004 Verena  Kuni and Claudia Reiche  (eds)
Cyberfeminism: Next Protocols (USA, International,New York: Autonomedia) More

2004  Women Down the Pub: N.Debois Buhl, L.Strombeck, A.Sonjasdotter  ()
Udsigt - Feministiske Strategier i Dansk Billedkunst / View - Feminist Strategies in Danish Visual Art (Denmark,Denmark: Informations Vorla)

2004 Nguyen  Haiyen (intro)  ()
Vietnamese Women Artists (Vietnam,Cultur-Information Publishing House)

2004 Paul  Chike Dike and Patricia Oyelola  (eds)
Nigerian Women in Visual Art: History, Aesthetics and Interpretation (Nigeria,Lagos: National Gallery of Art)

2003 Izabela  Kowalczyk and Edyta Zierkiewicz  (eds)
W poszukiwaniu malej dziewczynki (Poland,[Wroclaw] : Stowarzyszenie Kobiet )

2003  Århus Universitet  ()
Køn & identitet (Denmark, International,Institut for Æstetiske Fag, Afdeling for Kunsthistorie, Århus Universitet)

2002 Branislava  Andelkovic  (ed)
Uvod u Feministicke Teorije Slike (Serbia,Belgrade: Centar za Savremenu Umetnost)

2002 Maria  Fernandez and Faith Wilding, Michelle M. Wright  (eds)
Domain Errors! Cyberfeminist practices (USA, International,New York: Autonomedia) More

2002 Mary  Flanagan and Austin Booth  (eds)
Reload: Rethinking Women + Cyberculture (USA,MIT press)

2001 Hilary  Robinson  (ed)
Feminism - Art - Theory: An Anthology, 1968-2000 (UK, International,Oxford: Blackwells) More

2001 Imelda  Cajipe-Endaya  (eds)
Who Owns Women's Bodies? (Philippines,Philippines: Quezon City: Creative Collective Center. Inc.)

2001 Danielle  Cliche and Ritva Mitchell, Andreas Joh. Weisand  (eds)
Pyramid or Pillars: Unveiling the Status of Women in Arts and Media Professions in Europe (Germany, International,Germany: ARCult Media/ERICarts/ZfKf)

2001 Annette  Brinkmann and Andreas Joh Weisand  ()
Frauen im Kultur- und Medienbetrieb III: Fakten zu Berufssituation und Qualifizierung / Women in the Arts and Media: Qualification and Professional Outlook (Germany,Zentrums Fur Kulturforschung)

2001 Jacqueline  Bobo  ()
Black feminist cultural criticism (USA,Malden, Mass. ; Oxford : Blackwell)

2001 Aruna  D'Souza  (ed)
Self and History: A Tribute to Linda Nochlin (USA,London: Thames and Hudson) More

2000 Alicia Craig  Faxon and Liana De Girolami Cheney, Kathleen Russo  (eds)
Self-Portraits by Women Painters (USA, UK,London: Ashgate) More

2000 Emanuela  de Cecco and Gianni Romano  (eds)
Contemporanee: Percorsi, lavoir e poetiche della artiste dagli anni Ottanta a Oggi (Italy, International,Milan: Editori Associati) More

2000 Susan  Bee and Mira Schor  (eds)
M/e/a/n/i/n/g : an anthology of artists' writings, theory, and criticism (USA,Durham, NC : Duke University Press)

2000  Cutting Edge Women's Research Group  (eds)
Desire by Design: Body, Territories and New Technologies (UK,London, IB Tauris) More

2000 Fiona  Carson and Claire Pajaczkowska  ()
Feminist Visual Culture (UK,Edinburgh Univ Press) More

2000 Anna  Alchuk  (ed)
Women and Visual Marks (English title of Russian book) (Russia,Moscow: Idea) More

2000 Beatrice  Roschanzamir  (ed)
Künstlerinnen in Europa : spartenübergreifend - grenzenlos ; Dokumentation ; [zum Symposion "Künstlerinnen in Europa - Spartenübergreifend - Grenzenlos", Berlin 1999] (Germany,GEDOK)

2000 Louise  May  (ed)
The feminist reconstruction of space (Essays from a symposium entitled Arch '96 held at the St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, Sept. 27-29, 1999) (Canada,St. Norbert, Man. : St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre)

2000 Ingrid  Straube  (ed)
Kreativ, dekorativ : Reflexionen uber Kunst und Aesthetik (Germany,Köln : Verein Beitr. zur Feministischen Theorie und Praxis )

2000 Deanna  Hearst and Nat Muller   (eds)
Ctrl+shift art - ctrl+shift gender: Convergences of Gender, New Media and Art (The Netherlands,Netherlands; Amsterdam, Axis Bureau voor de Kunsten V/M) More

2000 Peggy Z.  Brand  (ed)
Beauty Matters (USA,USA: Indiana University Press) More

1999 Thelma B.  Kinatar and Sylvia Mendez Ventura  (eds)
Self-Portraits: Twelve Filipina Artists Speak (The Phillippines,Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press)

1999 Deirdre E.  Heddon  ()
In search of the subject : locating the shifting politics of women's performance art (UK,University of Glasgow)

1999 Coco  Fusco  (ed)
Corpus Delecti: Performance Art in the Americas (USA,Routledge) More

1999 Jorn  Merkert and Felicitas Rink  (eds)
Zauberei und Zähneklappern : Texte und Reden zu Künstlerinnen 1973 - 1999 (Germany,Berlin : Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen, 1867 )

1998 Katy  Deepwell  (ed)
Women Artists and Modernism (UK,Manchester University Press/St Martins) More

1998 Katy  Deepwell  (ed)
Nuevo Critica Feminista de Arte (Spain, UK, USA,Ediciones Cathedra,Universitat de Valencia/Instituto de la Mujer)

1998 Kunstverein WAS (Women's Art Support)  Eva Ursprung  (eds)
Women beyond borders, Austria (Austria,Wien : Triton )

1998 Ella  Shohat  (ed)
Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age (USA,Cambridge, Mass: MIT)

1998 Alison  Beale and Annette Van Den Bosch  (eds)
Ghosts in the Machine: Women and Cultural Policy in Canada and Australia (Canada, Australia,Toronto: Garamond Press)

1998 Heidi  Richter and Adelheid Sievert-Staudte  (ed)
Eine Tulpe ist eine Tulpe ist eine Tulpe : Frauen, Kunst und neue Medien (Germany,Königstein/Taunus : Helmer )

1998 Annette  Van Den Bosch and Alison Beale  (eds)
Ghosts in the Machine: Women and Cultural Policy in Canada and Australia (Canada,Toronto: Garamond Press) More

1998 Cornelia  Sollfrank  (ed)
First Cyberfeminist International Reader (Germany, International,Hamburg: Old Boys Network) More

1998 Katy  Deepwell  (ed)
Nuevo Critica Feminista de Arte (UK, USA,Ediciones Cathedra,Universitat de Valencia/Instituto de la Mujer)

1997 Ilse   Nagelschmidt  (ed)
Frauenleben - Frauenliteratur - Frauenkultur in der DDR der 70er und 80er Jahre (Germany,Leipzig : Leipziger Univ.-Verl. )

1996 Betty Ann  Brown  (ed)
Expanding Circles: Women, Art & Community (USA,New York: Midmarch Arts Press) More

1996 Georgia  Collins and Renee Sandell  (eds)
Gender issues in art education : content, contexts, and strategies (USA,Reston, Va. : National Art Education Association)

1996 Maya  Angelou, Theresa Robinson et al  (ed)
Bearing Witness: Contemporary Works by African American Women Artists (USA, Africa,New York, Rizzoli)

1996 Beate  Söntgen   (ed)
Rahmenwechsel : Kunstgeschichte als feministische Kulturwissenschaft Beate Söntgen (Germany,Berlin : Akad.-Verl. )

1996  Agnes Etherington Centre, Kingston  ()
Femscript : transcript of the proceedings of the Symposium on Feminist Art Practice, 1995 (Canada,Symposium on Feminist Art Practice, Kingston, Ont. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario, Organization of Kingston Women Artists)

1996 Griselda  Pollock  (ed)
Generations and Geographies (UK,London: Routledge) More

1996 Tove Beate  Pedersen and Elin Svenneby  (eds)
Kunsthistorie, kvinners kunst, kunstkritikk (Norway, Sweden, Denmark,Norges forskningsråd, Sekretariatet for kvinneforskning)

1995 Beverley  Skeggs  (ed)
Feminist Cultural Theory: Process & Production (UK,Manchester: Manchester University Press)

1995 Peggy Z.  Brand and Carolyn Korsmeyer  (eds)
Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics (USA,Pennsylvanian: Penn State Press)

1995 Leslie  King-Hammond  (ed)
Gumbo Ya Ya: Anthology of Contemporary African-American Women Artists (USA, Africa,New York: Midmarch Press)

1995 Diane  Apostolos-Cappadonna and Lucinda Ebersole  (eds)
Women Creativity and the Arts: Critical & Autbiographical Perspectives (USA,New York: Continuum)

1995 Whitney  Chadwick  (ed)
Confessions of the Guerilla Girls: How a Bunch of Masked Avengers Fight Sexism and Racism in the Art World with Facts, Humor and Fake Fur (USA,London: Harper Collins)

1995 Katy  Deepwell  (ed)
New Feminist Art Criticism: Critical Strategies (UK,St Martins/ Manchester University Press) More

1995  Verein Frauenstadtrundgang Basel  (ed)
Blickwechsel (Switzerland,Basel : Verl. Frauenstadtrundgang )

1995 Penny  Florence and Dee Reynolds  ()
Feminist Subjects: Multi-Media (UK,Manchester University Press / St Martins)

1995 Carolyn  Korsmeyer and Peggy Z. Brand  (eds)
Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics (USA,Pennsylvanian: Penn State Press)

1994 Joanna  Frueh and C. Langer, A.Raven  ()
Feminist Criticism: Art, Identity, Action (USA,Icon/Harper Collins)

1994 Norma  Broude and Mary Garrard  ()
The Power of Feminist Art : Emergence,Impact and Triumph of the American Feminist Art Movement (USA,New York: Harry N. Abrams) More

1994 Jane  Brettle and Sally Rice  ()
Public Bodies/Private States: New Views on Photography, Representation and Gender (UK,St Martins/ Manchester University Press)

1994 Jane R.  Glaser and Artemis A.Zentou  (eds)
Gender Perspectives: Essays on Women in Museums (USA,Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press)

1994 E.  Bornay  (ed)
La Cabellera Fememina (Spain,Madrid: Libreria Mujeres)

1993 Lynda  Hart and Peggy Phelan  (eds)
Acting out : feminist performances (USA,Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press)

1993 Mieke  Bal and Anneke Smelik, Rosemarie Buikema  (eds)
Vrouwenstudies in de Cultuurwetenschappen (Germany, The Netherlands,Germany, Muiderberg: Coninho)

1993 Hilde  Hein and Carolyn Korsmeyer  (eds)
Aesthetics in Feminist Perspective (USA,Indiana University Press/Hypatia Inc.)

1993  Forschung Marburg  ()
FrauenKunstGeschichte - Forschung Marburg Feministische Bibliographie zur Frauenforschung in der Kunstgeschichte (Germany,Germany: Pfaffenweiler)

1993    ()
Feministische Interventionen (Germany,Marburg : Jonas-Verl. für Kunst und Literatur )

1992 Judy  Seigel  ()
Mutiny and the Mainstream: Talk that Changed Art,1975-1990 (USA,New York:Midmarsh Arts Press)

1992 Norma  Broude and Mary Garrard  ()
The Expanding Discourse: Feminism and Art History (USA,New York: Icon Harper Collins) More

1992 Susan  Bowers and Ronad DoHerer  (eds)
Sexuality, the Female Gaze and the Arts: Women, the Arts & Society (USA,Selinsgrove, Susquehanna University Press)

1991 Joanna  Frueh and C. Langer, A.Raven  (eds)
Feminist Art Criticism: An Anthology (USA,Icon Edition)

1991 Lucy  Lim  ()
Six Contemporary Chinese Women Artists (USA, China,San Francisco: Chinese Culture Center)

1990 Margarethe  Jochimsen  (ed)
Dokumentation des Symposiums Feministische Erneuerung von Wissenschaft und Kunst : [vom 16. bis 18. Februar 1989 im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Das Verhaltnis der Geschlechter" im Bonner Kunstverein] / Arbeitsgemeinschaft Interdisziplinäre Frauenforschung und -studien] (Germany,Pfaffenweiler : Centaurus-Verl.-Ges. )

1989 Betty Ann  Brown and Arlene Raven, Kenna Love, Alessandra Comini  ()
Exposures : women & their art (USA,Pasadena, Calif.: NewSage Press)

1989 Ines  Lindner and Sigrid Schade,Silke Wenk,Gabriele Werner  ()
Blick Wechsel: Konstructuionen von Mannlichkeit und Weiblichkeit un Kunst und Kunstgeschichte : 4.Kunsthistorikerinnin-Tagung in Berlin (Germany,Berlin: Dietrich Remier Verlag)

1988 Gillian  Elinor and S. Richardson, S. Scott, A. Thomas and K. Walker  (eds)
Women and Craft (UK,London: Women's Press)

1988 Ditta  Behrens  (eds)
Frauenkunst oder Kunst von Frauen, Kunstlerinnen in den 70er Jahren: Der Grosse Unterschied. Die Neue Frauenbewegung der Siebziger Jahre (Germany,Berlin: Elefanten Press)

1987 Rosemary  Betterton  (ed)
Looking On: Femininity in the Visual Arts and Media (UK,Pandora/RKP)

1987 I.  Barta and and Z. Breu, D. Hammer-Tugendhat, U. Jenni, I. Neirhaus, J. Schobel  (eds)
Frauen: Bilder: Manner: Mythen: Kunsthistoriche Beitrage: Kunsthistorikerinnin-Tagung in Wein (Germany,Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag)

1987 Hilary  Robinson  (ed)
Visibly Female (UK, USA,Camden Press)

1987 Leslie  Saunders  (ed)
Glancing Fires:An Investigation into Women's Creativity (UK,London: Women's Press)

1987 Cecilia  Prado Villarmarzo and Werther O.Bodden Hernandez  (ed)
La Produccion Feminina en las Artes Plasticas Latinoamericans,1980-1987 (Puerto Rico,Pio Piedra: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, Sistema de Bibliotecas,Coleccion de las Artes)

1987 R.  Parker and G. Pollock  ()
Framing Feminism: The Women's Art Movement, 1970-1985 (UK,Pandora/RKP)

1985  People's Art Association  ()
From Half to Whole (Korea,Korea: People's Art Association)

1985 Gisela  Ecker  (ed)
Feminist Aesthetics (Germany,London: Women's Press)

1984 Diane L.  Fowlkes and Charlotte S. McClure  (eds)
Feminist visions : towards a transformation of the liberal arts curriculum (Papers from "A fabric of our own making" : southern scholars on women, held Mar. 4-7, 1981, at Georgia State University, Atlanta) (USA,University of Alabama Press)

1983 Jenny  Boult and Tess Brady  (eds)
After the rage : South Australian women's art and writing (Australia,Clarence Park South Australia : Tutu Press)

1982 Julia  Church and Alison Ader  (eds)
True Bird Grit: A Book About Canberra Women in the Arts, 1982-1983 (Australia,Canberra, Australia: Acme Ink)

1981 Christiane  Schmerl and Veronika Radulovic, Thekia Sondermeier, Regina van Laak-Berenger  ()
Frauenfeindliche Werbung: Sexusmus als heimlicher Lehrplan (Germany,Berlin: Elefanten Press)

1980 Peter  Gorsen and Gislind Nabakowski, Sander Helke  ()
Frauen in der Kunst (Germany,(2 Vols.) Frankfurt,Suhrkamp)

1980 Elaine  Hedges and Ingrid Wendt  (eds)
In Her Own Image: Women Working in the Arts (USA,New York: Feminist Press)

1979 Judy  Loeb  (ed)
Feminist Collage: Educating Women in the Visual Arts (USA,USA: Columbia University:Teachers College Press)

1975  Feminist Art Program  ()
Art: A Woman's Sensibility (USA,Valencia: California Institute of the Arts)