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n.paradoxa Booklist

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Notes: Monographs and individual artists' exhibition catalogues are not included in this list, except where they are explicitly feminist and provide a key role model for feminist art practice. You can look at exhibitions and anthologies separately by moving to those pages. For authors' last names use capital letter first. For those beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK. "International" (use Capital "I") is the category used for projects where artists from more than 3 countries are involved. Books and exhibitions under "International" are in addition to those listed as individual countries. New sections have been added for geographical regions/ continents: Asia, Africa, Pacific, Middle East, South America, Scandanavia. These categories are in addition to individual countries listed. So, for searches in Africa, look also in Nigeria and Egypt.
The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. This search is for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported. Artists' last names can also be searched in the title section, if they are in a book or exhibition title.

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This results of this search will give all books, exhibition catalogues, magazines and special issues, blogs, websites and women's art organisations for a country, including places of exhibition and publication and is compiled from n.paradoxa's database.

The results list is organised with links to organisations/websites first, then journals, then books and exhibition catalogues by date (with most recent first):

2024     Other Women Masters: 12 women reflect on museum's show "Women Masters" (2023-2024)  (Madrid: Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum )   

2024 Patricia  Mayayo and Giulia Lamoni   The Power with which We Leap Together: Women Artists in Spain and Portugal between Dictatorship and Democracy (30 May-29 Sept)  (Valencia: IVAM Centre Julio González)   

2022 Elina  Norandi   Cent Dues Artistes  (Barcelona: Univers Llibres)   

2022 Victoria  Combalía   Amazonas con pincel 2  (Spain: SD)   

2021 Rocío  de la Villa   Crítica de arte desde una perspectiva de género  (Colección Textos Mínimos, Universidad de Málaga)   

2021 Abuy  Nfubea   Afrofeminismo.: 50 años de lucha y activismo de mujeres negras en España (1968-2018)  (Ménades Editorial )   

2020 Semíramis  González, Marta Pérez Ibáñez y Carolina Rodovalho eds  Desigualdad de género en el sistema del arte en España  (Menades Editorial)   

2020 Assumpta  Bassas Vila   In the Name of the Mother, In the name of the Earth (24.01.2020 – 25.04.2020)  (Catalunya: ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies)   

2019 Nataša  Petrešin-Bachelez and Giovanna Zapperi eds  Defiant Muses: Delphine Seyrig and Feminist Video Collectives in France, 1970s-1980s (LaM Lille Metropole, Villeneuve-d'Ascq (France): 5 July – 22 September, 2019 and Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid: 25 September, 2019 – 23 March, 2020)  (Museum Reina Sofia)   

2019 Azkuna  Zentroa   Perspectivas Feministas en las Producciones Artísticas y las Teorías del Arte (2013-2018)  (CASTELLANO)   

2018 Andrea  Abalia, Txaro Arrazola, Raquel Asensi et al   Arte, Investigación y Feminismos (available as downloadable PDF, Spainish text)  (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU)   

2018 Agata Jakubowska and Katy Deepwell eds  All-women art spaces in Europe in the long 1970s  (Liverpool University Press)   

2018 Margarita Aizpuru   FEMINISARTE IV  (Centro Cultural de España, Montevideo)   

2016 Maite  Garbayo Maeztu and Conchi Unanue Cuesta    Feminismos León. De la buhardilla del CCAN a la insumisión transfeminista (25 June 2016 - 27 November 2016)  (Spain: MUSAC)   

2016     Fem Tour Truck  ()   

2015     RE-ACTION, Genealogy and countercanon (Alonso y Marful)  (Alonso y Marful)   

2015 Alonso y Marful eds  RE-ACTION: GENEALOGÍA Y CONTRACANON / GENEALOGIA I CONTRACÀNON  (Institut d’ Estudís Baleàrics)   

2014 Binna Choi, Maiko Tanaka eds  The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook  (Amsterdam: Valiz)  from the Grand Domestic Revolution project at Casco - Office for Art, Design and Theory in Utrecht. 

2014     Dossiers feministes, Issue 18  () 2014  

2013 Miriam  Solá y Elena Urko eds  Transfeminismos: epistemes, fricciones y flujos (Spanish)  (Spain: Txalaparta, S.L.)   

2013 Juan Aliaga and Maria Laura Rosa   Recuperar la Memoria: Experiencias feministas desde el Arte, Argentina y Espana, Ana Navarette and Mujeres Publicas (2 Aug-21 Sept), Centro Cultural de Espana, Buenos Aires  (CCEBE, Sede Parana)   

2012, 2013 Patricia Mayayo and Juan Vicente Aliaga   Genealogías feministas en el arte espanol: 1960-2010/ Feminist Genealogies in Spanish Art: 1960-2010  ((MUSAC) Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon)   

2012-     M-arte Y Cultura Visual (Mujeres Artes Visuales (MAV) publication - online and PDFs)  (MAV)   

2012     Arte y políticas de identidad, Issue 6  () 2012  

2011 Lourdes Mendez and Xabier Arakistain eds  Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates IV  (Centro Cultural Monthermoso)   

2010 Lourdes Mendez and Xabier Arakistain eds  Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates III  (Centro Cultural Monthermoso)   

2010 Olga Barrios Herrero   La Mujer en las artes visuales y escenicas: Transgresion, pluralidad y compromiso social  (Fundamentos)   

2010 Susana Carro Fernandez   Mujeres de Ojos Rojos: Del arte feminista al arte femenino  (Trea)   

2010 Rosana Blanco Cano   Cuerpos disidentes del México imaginado: cultura, género, etnia y nación más allá del proyecto posrevolucionario  (Madrid : Iberoamericana)   

2010 Susana Carro Fernández   Mujeres de ojos rojos : del arte feminista al arte femenino  (Gijón : Trea, D.L.)   

2009     mujerDOC III INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL  ()  The festival includes documentary films made by women internationally on the subject of gender. It takes place over nine days in early March annually.  

2009 Lourdes Mendez and Xabier Arakistain ed  Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates II  (Spain: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Montehermoso)   

2008 Lourdes Mendez and Xabier Arakistain ed  Artistic Production and the Feminist Theory of Art: New Debates I  (Spain: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Montehermoso)   

2008 Maria Theresa Alario  Tregueros   Arte y Feminismo  (Editorial Nerea)   

2008  Producciones de Arte y Pensamiento, S.L. eds  EXIT Book #9. Feminismo y Arte de género  (Arte y Pensamiento, S.L.)   

2007 Juan Vicente Aliaga   Gender Battle/A Battala dos Xeneros  (Spain: Santiago de Compostela)   

2007 Martha Rosler and Jesus Carrillo Castillo eds  Imagenes publicas.La funcion politica de la imagen  (Dialnet, University of Rioja)   

2007 Xavier Arakistan ed  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: 45 Years of Art and Feminism  (Bilbao: Musee de Belles Artes de Bilbao)   

2007  Colectivo Ma Colère   Mi cuerpo es un campo de batalla : [análisis y testimonios]  (València : Ediciones La Burbuja)   

2007 Lourdes  Mendez   Antropologia Feminista  (Madrid: LETRAS Universitarias: Editorial Sintesis)   

2007 Margarita Aizpuru and S. Moreno Parrado   La Feminidad Craquelada: meros comportamientos y reestructuraciones genericas  (Spain: Diputacio de Malaga)   

2006     Mujeres en Direccion/ Women Directing International Film Festival (Cuenca)  ()  The main objective of 'Women Directing' is to show and promote films of artistic quality directed by women which contribute to the knowledge of worldwide cinema. The Festival consists of the following sections: OFFICIAL SECTION: competitive section for fiction feature lengths; SHORT STORIES: competitive section for short films with a running time up to 20 minutes; HUMAN VALUES: competitive section for documentaries; SIDEBARS: devoted to films for adolescents, for children and to the presentation of a filmmaker, a genre, a nation's cinema and workshops. The festival takes place annually in November, over five days. Old website: 

2005 Ana  Martinez-Collado   Tendenici@s: Perspectivas feministas en el arte actual  (Ad Hoc Serie Ensayos 6. Spain, Murcia: CendeaC)   

2004 Juan Vicente Aliaga   Arte y cuestiones de género: una travesía del siglo XX  (Editorial Nerea)   

2003 Patricia Mayayo   Historias de Mujeres, historias del Arte  (Madrid: Catedra)   

2002  La Fabrica   PHE02: Femininos: PhotoEspana, 2002, V Edicion del FestivlaInternacional de Fotografi  (Madrid: La Fabrica)   

2000 Serrano de Haro   Mujeres en el Arte  (Barcelona: Plaza and Janes)   

2000 Cabello /Carceller (Helena Cabello/Ana Carceller). eds  Zona F. Una exploracion sobre los espacios habitados por los discursos feministas en el arte contemporaneo,[F Zone. An Exploration On Spaces Inhabited by Feminist Discourses in Contemporary Art]. (Trilingual edition: Spanish/English/Valencian). 3 February - 9 April  (Castellan: Consorci de Museos Comunitat Valenciana. )   

2000 Marian L.F. Cao   Creacion artistica y mujeres recuperar la memoria  (Madrid: Narcea)   

1998  Arteleku   Solo para tus ojos: el factor feminista en relacion a las artes visuales=Zure begietarako barkarrik feminismo faktorea arte bisualak direla eta  (San Sebastian: Arteleku)   

1998 Katy  Deepwell ed  Nuevo Critica Feminista de Arte  (Ediciones Cathedra,Universitat de Valencia/Instituto de la Mujer)   

1997 David Perez [Intro.]; Adelentado, Olga; Camunas, Blanca; Cebrian, Teresa; Chafer, Teresa; Domenech, Maribel; et al.   Femenino Plural: Doce Artistas Valencianas / Femenino Plural: arte de mujeres al borde del tercer milenio  (Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana and Universitad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, 1997)   

1996 Teresa Sauret   Historia de Arte y Mujeres  (Universidad de Malaga)   

1995 Bea Porqueres   Den Segles de Creativitat femenina: una-altra historia de l'art  (Barcelona: Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona: Instituto de Ciencas de la Educcaion)   

1994     Erreakzioareaccion  ((Bilbao)) 2000  

1994 E.  Bornay ed  La Cabellera Fememina  (Madrid: Libreria Mujeres)   

1994 B.  Porqueres   Reconstruir Una Tradicion : Las artistas en el Mundo Occidental  (Madrid: Libreria Mujeres)   

1993 Raquel Osborne   La construcción sexual de la realidad : un debate en la sociología contemporánea de la mujer  (Madrid : Cátedra)   

1993     Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones/ International Women's Film Festival, Barcelona  ()  Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones / The International Women's Film Festival of Barcelona, began in June 1993, has as its objective the promotion of cinema directed by women. The 2016 24th film festival programme was from February-November. 

1990  Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart   Artistas Espanolas en Europa  (Germany Stuttgart: Haus der Wirtschaft)   

     Biblioteca de Mujeres Artistas  ()  a blog on books on women artists 

     Mujeres de artes visuales: Women in the Visual Arts  ()   

     Ocells al Cap (Birds in the Head in Catalan)  ()  Ocells al Cap (Birds in the Head in Catalan) is a group of international women performance artists who develop intuitive and telepathic forms of communication in group works. They are based in Catalonia (Spain). Began 2014. 

     FEM, Gresolart  ()  Established in Madremanya, annual Festival for women's performance art, since 2004 

     Viva - Red feminista de arte y pensamiento contemporáneo. Started at Monterhomoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz in 2008. Moved to AZKUNA Centre, Bilbao (2012-2018). Relaunched as 'La mirada feminista: Perspectivas feministas en las producciones artísticas y las teorías del arte' (ARTIUM, Vitoria-Gastiez, 2019): 2020 Edition of La Mirada Feminista14-15 Nov 2020.  (Bilbao: Azkuna Zentroa)   

     Arte y Genero  ()  A research group on art and gender at Universidad de Malaga, organising courses, lectures, an online journal and conferences. 

     EmPoderArte  ()  50 women artists in Spain, association organising exhibitions 

     Provoc_rte  ()  Latin American women artists 

     cyberfem: feminism on the electronic landscape  ()  Site has now closed but information is available from the link. Archive of the exhibition (2006-2007)organised by Ana Maria Collado in Spain