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n.paradoxa Booklist

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Notes: Monographs and individual artists' exhibition catalogues are not included in this list, except where they are explicitly feminist and provide a key role model for feminist art practice. You can look at exhibitions and anthologies separately by moving to those pages. For authors' last names use capital letter first. For those beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK. "International" (use Capital "I") is the category used for projects where artists from more than 3 countries are involved. Books and exhibitions under "International" are in addition to those listed as individual countries. New sections have been added for geographical regions/ continents: Asia, Africa, Pacific, Middle East, South America, Scandanavia. These categories are in addition to individual countries listed. So, for searches in Africa, look also in Nigeria and Egypt.
The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. This search is for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported. Artists' last names can also be searched in the title section, if they are in a book or exhibition title.

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This results of this search will give all books, exhibition catalogues, magazines and special issues, blogs, websites and women's art organisations for a country, including places of exhibition and publication and is compiled from n.paradoxa's database.

The results list is organised with links to organisations/websites first, then journals, then books and exhibition catalogues by date (with most recent first):

2018 Agata Jakubowska and Katy Deepwell eds  All-women art spaces in Europe in the long 1970s  (Liverpool University Press)   

2015 Birgitte  Ejdrup Kristensen and Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen eds  KVINDER FREM! Et møde mellem to generationers stemmer i kunsten( 13 May – 6 September 2015) / Women Forward! - A meeting between two generations of voices in art  (Denmark: Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde)   

2015 Birgitte Anderberg   What's Happening? Danish Avant-Garde and Feminism 1965-1975 (26 March-2 August)  (Copenhagen: Statens Museum fur Kunst)   

2013 Karen Hindsbo   'The Beginning is Always Today': Scandinavian feminist art from the last 20 years (opens 21 Sept 2013)  (Norway: SKMU Saarlandets Kunstmuseum )   

2013 Næstved Rønnebæksholm   Et rum med udsigt : - en fejring af kvindelige kunstnere i Danmark gennem 200 år / A room with a view: 200 years of Danish women artists  (Næstved : Rønnebæksholm)   

2010 Lene Adler Petersen   Kvindetegnet  (Copenhagen: Gyldendal)    More

2009     Women down the Pub - Kvinder på Værtshus  ()  The website documents the work of this group of women artists/writers, 2002-2009,collaborating on issues of gender politics, representation, and language. 

2008 Lene Burkard ed  Julie Roberts - in retro  (Odense: Kunsthallen Brandts)    More

2007 Marianne  Jørgensen and Sine Bang Nielsen eds  Kønsspektakler = Gender furore (Marianne Jørgensen and Sine Bang Nielsen)  (Kvindemuseet)   

2004  Women Down the Pub: N.Debois Buhl, L.Strombeck, A.Sonjasdotter   Udsigt - Feministiske Strategier i Dansk Billedkunst / View - Feminist Strategies in Danish Visual Art  (Denmark: Informations Vorla)   

2003 Kirsten  Justesen   Melting Time #11  (Denmark: Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa and Kastrupgardsamlingen, Kastrup, (Text in Danish and English))    More

2003  Århus Universitet   Køn & identitet  (Institut for Æstetiske Fag, Afdeling for Kunsthistorie, Århus Universitet)   

2000     Ojeblikket  ((Denmark))  (Spring) Vol 10. No 42 

1999 Kirsten  Justesen   Re Kollektion/Re Collection  (Denmark: Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 17 April-13 June)    More

1998 Susan  Hinnum and Marlene Landgreen, Sanne Kofod Olsen   Boomerang  (Exhibition of 67 Danish women with web space Inserts Nikolaj-Copenhagen Contemporary Art Space)   

1998  Kunsthallen Brands Klaedefabrik, Odense   Farvens Krop (The Body of Colour) Nina Roos & Paula Modersohn-Becker  (Denmark: Odense, Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik)    More

1996 Kirsten Justesen and Valie Export   Kroppen Som Membran / Body as Membrane  (Denmark: Odense, Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik)   

1996 Lene Burkhardt   Dialogue with the Other  (Denmark: Odense, Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik)   

1996 Tove Beate  Pedersen and Elin Svenneby eds  Kunsthistorie, kvinners kunst, kunstkritikk  (Norges forskningsråd, Sekretariatet for kvinneforskning)   

1989 Alice  Andersen   Konnets Aesthetiik : bidrag til en 'betydelse' af kvindeligheden  (Denmark: Aarhus Universitets Forlag)   

1983 Leena  Ahtola-Moorhouse and Salme Sajas-Korte, Soili Sinisalo   Sieben Finnische Malerinnen = Malerinder fra Finland  (Copenhagen, Statens Museum fur Kunst)   

1983 Salme  Sajas-Korte and Leena Ahtola-Moorhouse, Soili Sinisalo   Sieben Finnische Malerinnen = Malerinder fra Finland  (Denmark: Copenhagen, Statens Museum fur Kunst)   

1983 Soili  Sinisalo and Salme Sajas-Korte, Leena Ahtola-Moorhouse   Sieben Finnische Malerinnen = Malerinder fra Finland  (Denmark: Copenhagen, Statens Museum fur Kunst)   

1980  Århus Modtryk   Kvinder ytrer sig om omgivelserne kommentarer til udstillingen Pa vej som viser arbejder af kvindelige arkitekter,planleggere og kunstnere  (Aarhus: Modtryk)   

1980 Kirsten  Work Rasmussen   Bibliografie 1976 over Danske Kvindelige Kunstnere  (Copenhagen,Kunstakademiets Bibliotek)   

1980 Hanne  Jonssen ed  Danske Kvindelige Kunstnere fra 19 og 20 arhundrede repraesenteret pa Statens Museum for Kunst  (Copenhaven: Statens Museum fur Kunst)   

1980 Anne Holmborn and Eje Hogestatt   Nordiska Kvinnor / Nordic Women  (Sweden : Malmo: Malmo Konsthall)   

1977  Lilith    Billedet som Kampmiddel : Kvindebilleder Mellem 1968 og 1977  (Denmark: Informations Forlag,Lilith)   

1975 Resjning and Store    Kvindeudstillingen XX på Charlottenborg  (Copenhagen: Charlottenborg)   

     KKS, ”Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund” / Danish Women Artists Association  ()  (Copenhagen, founded 1916) Celebrating 100 years of activity supporting women artists in Denmark in 2016 

     Feminine Moments  ()  Feminine Moments - Queer Feminist Art Worldwide  

     International Museum of Muslim Women: Muslima: Muslim Women's Art & Voices  ()  An offshoot of the Global Fund for Women aiming to profile Muslim women's voices in art and culture 

     Kvindemuseet: Women's Museum in Denmark  ()  Women's Museum, based in Arhus, is dedicated to women's history. It also houses the archive of the 1980 UN women's exhibition held in Copenhagen. 

     Kvindemuseet i Danmark/ Women's Museum in Denmark  ()  The Museum houses the KiK (Kunst I Kultur) archives comprising documentation from the Women's Festival in Copenhagen in 1980 and owns works from the Danish Women Artists Association 

     KVINFO, Centre for Information om Kvinde og Konsforskning (Danish Center for Information on Women and Gender)  ()