Notes: Monographs and individual artists' exhibition catalogues are not included in this list, except where they are explicitly feminist and provide a key role model for feminist art practice. You can look at exhibitions and anthologies separately by moving to those pages.
For authors' last names use capital letter first. For those beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK. "International" (use Capital "I") is the category used for projects where artists from more than 3 countries are involved. Books and exhibitions under "International" are in addition to those listed as individual countries. New sections have been added for geographical regions/ continents: Asia, Africa, Pacific, Middle East, South America, Scandanavia. These categories are in addition to individual countries listed. So, for searches in Africa, look also in Nigeria and Egypt.
The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. This search is for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported. Artists' last names can also be searched in the title section, if they are in a book or exhibition title.
All n.paradoxa articles are listed separately. To search these, Click here
This results of this search will give all books, exhibition catalogues, magazines and special issues, blogs, websites and women's art organisations for a country, including places of exhibition and publication and is compiled from n.paradoxa's database.
The results list is organised with links to organisations/websites first, then journals, then books and exhibition catalogues by date (with most recent first):
2023 Claudia Calirman Dissident Practices: Brazilian Women Artists, 1960s-2020s (Duke University Press)
2023 MODOS: Revista de História da Arte (Brazil) May, vol. 7 no. 2. Tramas de resistência, linhas de afetos e subversões femininas - Portugese and English texts.
2022 Adriana Pedrosa, Isabella Rjeille, Mariana Leme eds Women's Histories, Feminist Histories (Museum of Art, Sao Paulo)
2019 Isabella Rjeille Historias feministas: artistas depois 2000 (23 August-17 November) (Sao Paulo: MASP) More
2017 Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Andrea Giunta with Marcela Guerrero former curatorial fellow, in collaboration with Connie Butler ed Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985 (Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA)(Sep 15-Dec 31, 2017) (Los Angeles: Hammer Museum, LA ; Brooklyn Museum, NY; Pinacoteca de São Paulo) More
2017 Paulo Herkenhoff ed Invencoes da Mulher Moderna: Para Aliem de Anita e Tarsila / Modern Women and their Inventions: Beyond Anita and Tarsila (Sao Paulo: Instituto Tomie Ohtake)
2016 Roberta Barros elogio ao toque: ou como falar de arte feminista a brasilera (Rio de Janeiro: Relacionarte )
2015 Lucia Avancini et al. SOY MUJER, SOY LATINOAMERICANA (26 March, presentation of virtual exhibition of 97 women artists)on (website now down). (Rio de Janeiro: Espaco Cultural Cedim Heloneida Studart / CEDIM - Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Mulher)
2004 Femina Fest (Rio de Janeiro) () A festival which celebrates the work of Latin American Female filmmakers with three days of newly-made films and the work of up and coming producers and directors. The festival usually takes place in early July. (2004-2017)
2003 Silvie Coellier Lygia Clark (L'enveloppe) La fin de la modernite et le desir du contact (Paris: L'Harmattan) More
1996 National Museum of Women in the Arts Virgin Territory: Women, Gender and History in Contemporary Brazilian Art (Washington, DC: National Museum of Women in the Arts)
1993 Aracy Amaral and Paulo Herkenhoff UltraModern: The Art of Contemporary Brazil (Washington DC: National Museum of Women in the Arts)